You belong with me.... (imagine)
Back story:you are a senior in high school and you are bestest friends with mark you also have a crush on him. But the only thing thats keeping you from telling his snoby bitchy girlfriend....Kylie. she has him wrapped around her finger like a string.though he always says hes ok and everything's perfectly fine you can always see right through that can tell that snoby cheerleading bitch has him weighed down.
Inspired by You belong with me By: Taylor Swift.
A/n:anything in italics is your inner thoughts,
Your pov:
I arrived at school with my friend Jill usually mark would take me to school since he lived right next door but his girlfriend kylie has him get up early to pick her up. Thoughs she doesnt even get up as early as he does. Jill and i walked into the school i looke around for mark he should be here.soon i seen him i smiled widely at him and waved. He waved back with a half smile. Then i looked over to kylie who was right beside him giving me an evil glare while. She then smirked and began making out with him. I looked away. It pained me to see him kiss that little bitch.we got to our lockers
"Hey (y/n) you ok?" Jill asked
"Umm yea." I lied.
"Its mark isnt it?"
"Yea." I replied looking down on the floor.
"Maybe you should tell him how you feel."
"I-i cant." I said shyly
She sighed "lets hurry up and put our things away before class starts." Jill said changing the subject.
We put our things away and grabbed our books and head first period. We sat next to each other in the second row. Mark soon came in and sat in his seat which was three seats away from mine. Soon kylie came in with her little group of bitches. And sat two seats behind mark.
~~~~later in the school day~~~~~
During class kylie kept throwing paper at me while mark wasnt looking . When i looked back she mouthed the words 'loser' to me putting and 'L' to her forehead while her groupies giggled. Mark was paying attention to the teacher so of course he didnt see it. I wouldn't dare say a thing about it though its not like hed ever believe me.....
While walking to lunch kylie pushed me down my head hit the hurt she continued walking while her and her litte bitches laughed. I was picking up my stuff wondering why does she have to pick on me all the time i did nothing to her.soon mark came ruining my train of thought.
"(Y/n) are you ok?" Mark said giving me a hand with my books.
'No your bitch of a girlfriend just pushed me and my head hit a locker!!' "Im fine." I lied.
"What happened?" He asked helping me up.
'Ask the school slut maybe she'll know.' "Oh just me being clumsy ol me trippin over my own two feet." I joked.
"Oh well be careful, hey you ok ?you seem a little upset" mark said concerned.
'I love you...but you love her...she doesnt love you back and ill never understand that.' "Everythings great, you wanna come by my house later and play some video games?"
" i would love to (y/n) but i have take kylie and her friends to the mall today maybe some other time sorry."
'Ouch right in the heart!!' "Thats fine i completely understand." I lied smiling.
'I pray my smile is convincing so he wont follow me when i go to the bathroom to cry my heart out.'
"I knew you would you sure you ok?"
'No' "yea school is just y'know frustrating." I lied
"Ok you can talk to me about anything you know that right?"
'I cant tell you i love you.' "I know." I smile
"Hey have you seen kylie i was going to meet her after class but she left too quickly."
"She went to the cafeteria."
"Thanks see you later." He said running towards the cafeteria.
"No problem bye." I ran to the bathroom and locked myself into a stall.
'Youre so stupid you shouldve told him.'
I faceplamed myself and pulled out my small diary/drawing book.
And wrote down a small journal entry,
Dear diary,
I wish i can just tell mark how i feel tell him i love him and i care about him more than that bitch ever would...but i cant i get all nervous and shakey when im around him.ugh ill never understand why love works this way.ill write more later
Sincerely your writer,
I got out and headed to the cafeteria to me jill while on the way i saw Kylie kissing Mark's best friend Lance. Kylie confronted me.
"Look here loser tell Mark about what you saw and i swear i will tell him you have a crush on him dont say a thing got that?!?!" She said in a demanding tone.
I nodded frantically in fear i wouldnt want him to find out EVER.
"good" she pushed me against the locker. And walked to lunch. I walked over to the table to jill.
"Hey (y/n) where were you?"
"Your arm looks bruised what happened?!"
"........ill tell you later."
~~~after school~~~~
I was walking home from school when jill caught up with me
"Why is your arm bruised (y/n)?" Jill asked.
"Kylie pushed me twice today into a locker."
"The first time she did it with no real reason behind it the second time was because..."
Because what?!?!"
"I-i-icaughtherkissinglance!!!" I said fast.
"She was kissing lance."
"More like making out but I still caught her."
"You need to tell mark."
"I cant she said shed tell mark about my crush on him i cant risk losing him as a friend over some silly feelings that might go away."
"Yea right youve loved him since middle school that feeling will never go away and you know it."
"You dont know that."
"Just like you dont know if mark like you or not. But still if you dont want to see him hurt tell him."
"Yknow he has a game on friday if i tell him itll crush him he wont be able to play right if his heart is tattered in two. And hell wont be able to look at lance the same way hed probably want to kill him!!"
"Ugh this is all too much for me to think about ill talk to you later." I said going into my driveway. My parents weren't home yet i went inside my house and went straight into my room.
'Why me, why must i have a crush on my best friend why must he have a girlfriend who happens to be cheating on him but i cant tell him why!!!!!!?!!' I thought as i did my homework.
'The silence of the house is klling me allowing these crazy thought to flow through my head i need some music.' I put on the radio.
"Cant you feel the lovin in the air it mustve been the way you kissed me!!"
I shut it off nope sorry taylor I have no time to listen to your stupid but catchy love songs at the moment .i turned on my CD player.It started to play better than revenge By:taylor swift.
Yes im a long time tay tay fan got a problem? (Sorry if youre not.)
It actually almost related to my situation i felt like i really should do something im gonna tell him 'shell pay the price.' I felt a whole lot better about my situation i was gonna tell him..but when?...only at the worst possible time in the most humiliating place......the cafeteria. I couldn't wait to get back at her.
Mark left the shades on his window open so we could talk.his window directly faced my which i found awesome. I seen him walk in on his phone he seemed upset he was arguing with someone over the phone.(play you belong with me now please.'
'Youre on the phone with your girlfriend shes upset shes going off about something that you said but she doesn't get your humor like i do im in the room its a typical Tuesday night im listening to the kinda music she doesnt like shell never know your story like i do.'
He hung up his phone his looked over at me and smiled. He began calling me.
phone convo:
M:hey (y/n)
Y: hey i thought you had to take kylie and her friends to the mall.
M:my car broke down on the way.
Y:you ok?
M:not really i tried to joke with kylie to make light of the situation when we got stuck and she completely flipped i was only jokin.
Y:oh that suck well maybe she was on her period.
I heard mark laughing over the phone and seen him too I smiled .
M: (y/n) you are so wrong for jumping to that conclusion you always told me not to say that ever!
Y:well ya see imma woman i can jump to those conclusions all i want.
I stuck out my tongue at him he chuckled
M:i wouldnt mind coming over to your house for some games right right now if youre not busy.
Y:nope come one over!!
Mark hung up and came over to my house and we played video games until he got tired he left with a smile on his face a real smile i havent seen in a real long time I really didnt want to see that smile fade i knew if i told him tommorow that smile wouldn't last forever maybe ill hold out on telling him on the next day yea i want that smile to last for as long as it can.
Marks pov:
Playing with (y/n) really bought back true happiness like something ihavent felt in a long time im glad shes my friend. Life couldn't get any better im dating the hottest chick in school im team captain of the football team i have lance my best guyfriend on the team with me and I have my bestest friend (y/n) to back me up no matter what happens life is good...
~~the next day~~~
Your pov:
I was reading previous entries of my diary some were seriously funny, 'i crack myself up sometimes' i giggled at the entry i wrote when i was 15 .waiting for the bus to come and take me to school aka hell.i was flipping through entries when i came across one that caught my eye the day i accepted the fact i had feeling for mark i had hearts around his name i even drew a mini picture of us kissing on the bottom of the page i blushed remembering how much time i actually spent working on that little pictures working out every single detail.When suddenly i heard a voice.....
"Hey (y/n)!"
I looked up it was mark..what was he doing at the bus stop doesnt he have a car?
Marks pov:
Since my car broke down i couldn't drive to school which sucks balls!! Which means I have to take the sweaty smelly bus til my cargets fixed ugh! I got dressed and went down to the bus stop on the bench was (y/n) .
" hey (Y/n) !!!" I said excitedly.
"H-hey Mark whatre you doing here dont you have a car?!" She said nervously tucking a journal in her bag.
"Uhhh it broke down yesterday remember?"
"Oh yea but i thought maybe lance wouldve gave you a lift,"
"He borrows his moms car showing up in a Prius is not my style."
She laughed." Really you have a style?since when?!" She joked
"Hey!!i have more style then anybody in that school!!!" I said jokingly.
"Wow ok" she said still laughing.
'Walking the streets with you and youre worn out jeans i cant help thinking this is how aught to be lauging on the park bench thinkin to myself hey isnt this easy andyouve got a smile that can light up this whole town.'
"Wow thats the best smile ive seen you smile in decades!!"
"What?" I asked confused.
"Its just that..oh never mind sooo hows you and kylie working out?" She asked
"Good,whyd you ask?"
"I noticed that lately you and her have been getting into a lot of petty conflicts."she said concerned,
"Oh its nothing i assure you all couples go through complications right?"
"Yea it just seem to be stressing you out."
"Im fine." I said putting on my best smile.
'You say youre fine i know you better than that ....hey what ya doin with a girl like that?'
"So are you comin to the game on friday?" I asked tryig to make conversation.
'Shes in band idiot of course she will!!' I cursed myself for forgetting.
"Ummm yea actually its required that i be there cause im in band " she said smiling .
"Yea i totally forgot about that." I said mentally face palming. 'How could i fotget the main fact about my bestest friend that shes a music enthusiasts.?!' "Hows that music thing working out for you?" I asked.
"Pretty good playing instruments making songs same thing ive been doing since middle school." She said giggling.
"Cool do you have some songs with you id like to hear one or two of em?" I said happily,
Your pov:
'Oh shit all my songs ive made recently are about him!!'
"Uh no i dont have them with me sadly." I lied i always kept my song book with me just in case i get new ideas.
"Oh that sucks....hey whats was that book you were stuffing in your bag earlier?" He asked curiously.
'Ohshitohshitohshit what can i say?!?'
"Uh its n-nothing just your average everyday book t-that youll find in a average library." I said nervously.
"(Y/n) weve been friends since 7th grade i know when you lie let me see the book." He said sternly trying to grab at my bag i swiftly moved it away.
"N-n-no-no-n-no-no" i said giggling nervously.
"Come on whats in a book thats so bad ?!"
'Only my deepest thought,confessions,and secrets!!!"
Then I heard the bus pull up.
'Woo #savedbythebus'
We should probably get going." I said grabbing my bag.
"Yea we should." We got on the bus and sat in the same sest we joked around until we got to school.
'Cant you see that i the one who understands you been here all along so why can't you see you belong with me'
As soon as mark was with kylie he was a new man he didnt bother to say good bye to me. I let it slide.
~~~~~~Friday the day of the game~~~~~
I still havent told mark but it has to come out sometime ill tell him after the game.
I sat next to jill on the bleachers with my trumpet in hand. We performed our songs while the cheerleader well cheered . I looked down on kylie.
'She wears short skirts I wear tshirts shes cheer captain and im on the bleachers'
She looked back up at me and rolled her eyes.i looked away.
"wooooooooh gooooo mark!!!!" i cheered standing up.completely ignoring kylie and her evil looks she shot my way.
'not like you really love him anyway'
~~~~~~after the game~~~~~~
mark scored 7 touch downs. he was amazing in everything he did.i went over to congratulate him on his outstanding victory i was 1 foot away from him when kylie shoved me out of the way and walked his way and kissed him deeply i wouldnt dare say passionately cause there is not one thing passionate about her. i just left with jill and we had a sleep over with jill at my house.
when i arrived at the house with jill we went upstairs into my room.
"(y/n)? hwy are your shades open?" jill asked.
"oh um mark and i talk this way sometimes." i went to go close the blinds and when i looked ou the window i seen mark making out with kylie on top of him. this image shot a knife through my heart a tear fell down my face.
'that should be me'
i closed the blinds quickly.if its one thing i know its that once kylie is on the bed hes no longer safe he gonna sleep with her. theres no going back now.kylie has him too high.
"(y/n)?is mark home?"
i nodded letting a couple of more tears fall down my face.
"why are you-?" jill peeked through my window into marks room."oh sweetie im sorry you saw that" jill said running over to me she wrapped her arms around me and i let the tears fall like raindrops from a storm my tears hit her shoulder we fell to the ground as i cried. the image played in my head like a video clip on repeat.
'i love him so much but hes in love with the girl who just uses him for his ride and for his school status and reputation. but i love him because under all that muscle is a sweet kind gentle guy who has a heart of gold.'
"(y/n) listen to me wipe away your tears away cause tonight were gonna have fun no mark night we will not mention his name we will talk about taylor lautner and how hot he is even after twilight." she joked. i laughed and i wiped my tears away we got on the bad and watched reruns of twilight debating who taylor would date between the two of us.we snuck downstairs and got a ton of junk food and went backup stairs. and had a ball. i turned my music up all the way and jumped on the bed busting silly dance moves. my phone began to go off i looked at the caller ID 'Markimoo' before i could pick up the phone jill picked up and answered the phone.
phone convo:
Jill: hey mark (y/n) and i too busy having fun to talk right now so whatever you have say can wait till monday.
Mark:thats what i called about can you guys please turn down your music your fun is keeping me up its like 1 in the morning.
Jill:well we werent the only ones having fun tonight so id just shut up if i were you.
Mark:what are yo-
call ended.
"whatd he say?" i asked.
"it doesnt even matter no mark fun night the only boys we are allowed to speak of is celebs like leanardo di caprio speaking of which its about time he won a fucking grammy!!!!!!!"
i laughed. the phone rang again. jill automatically clicked end.
we continued our sleepover until we fell asleep aka 5am.
~~~~~~~~~after an awesome weekend with jill~~~~~~~~
me and jill got on the bus and sat in the back.
"now (y/n) remember there are plenty of fish in the sea mark isnt the only one."
"i know"
"so whatre you gonna do."
"help him see what hes missing."
"thats right and i have the perfect guy hes a guy from ireland foreign exchange student total hottie and he agreed to fake date you."
"oh god really?"
"yes hes a total babe like super hot if mark doesnt realize what hes missing then if i were you id for real date him."
"whats his name?"
"sean william Mclaughlin" (i know i probably spelt it wrong but hey at least i know it right?)
"he sounds hot is he really into videogames?"
"oh yea totally."
~~~~~at school~~~~~~''
i got off the bus i was about to walk in when jill grabbed my arm.
"wait!let me call sean and tell him to come to the door."
"so you can hug him in front of mark."
"are you serious?"
"yes alright so heres your backstory you two met two weeks ago online and you guys are finally meeting Irl."
"did you seriously create a backstory for our fake relationship?!"
"yep,just case questions a raised."
"oh god."
"ok sean is coming.sean has brown hair and a stubble and a grey colored green day shirt. when you see him run into his arms and kiss him hes braced hismelf"
"just do it you gotta sellit make it look real."
"oh god why do i listen to you?"
"because your best friend knows whats best."
"there he is go!"
'i cant believe im actually going through with this.'
i see him and i run towards him he runs toward me with his arms opened wide.
"oh my god sean!!!!!!!!" i hugged him tightly
'i hope im selling it cause this feels soo freaking wrong'
he spends me around and gently puts me down on the ground we stare at each other deep in the eyes and went in for a kiss. he wrapped his arm around my waist bringing me closer.i gently rested my hand on his shoulder. then we let go.
"i cant believe its actually you." he said. his voice...his accent made me melt. oh no im actually falling for him.
i faked a smile. "i cant believe either." he grabbed my hand and we entered the school together.
marks pov:
i seen (y/n) get off the bus with jill i was going to ask her what was with the rudeness friday night after i was finished listening to kylie rant off to me about prom.
"hey ill be back kay kylie?"
i rolled my eyes
'why do i love her?'
i was about to get up when i seen (y/n) run into the foreign exchange students arms and then she kissed him. kissed it was more like a mild make out session.i sat back down. i felt like i wanted to rip that new kid to shreads for kissing her. but why? im her best friend i should be happy for her not
j-jealous? no maybe because im protective of her im like her brother. yea its not jealousy it couldnt be.
"ugh why dont you ever kiss and me like that mark?"kyle asked filing her nails
i shrugged.
"of course you dont know you never know!!!"
your pov:
"did we sell it?i felt like we really did sell it." he asked,
"yeah we really did i believe."
"good cause ive been practicing in the mirror with my pillow." he joked.
i giggled.
"im kidding but this was my first kiss."
"mine too." i said smiling.
we went to our lockers and walked to class and sat next to each other jill sat next to me.
"were we convincing jill?"
"i was more than convinced i was 100% sure you two were together."
i giggled then mark sat in front of me.
'weird he sits three seats from me....what! you have to know everything about your senpai!!!'
"hey babe i have to go to the bathroom ill be back." sean said.
"kk" i replied he kissed my cheek and left the classroom.
~~~~~at lunch~~~~~~~~~~~
i sat at the table with jill and sean sat next to me .
"goddammit i forgot to get some ketchup for my corn dogs im gonna go gets some." sean said.
"oh ok." i said.
sean left.
"ok nows the time for mark to approach you now that seans away im gonna go talk to sean."
"what?" i said dropping my chicken nugget.
"brb" jill said getting up.right after i was alone at the table mark came and sat next to me.
"hey (y/n) uh what with that guy sean?" mark asked
"umm hes my boyfriend why?" i said trying to act like i dont care.
"umm hes new how did you guys meet?"
"we met over a game 2 weeks ago and we just kinda hit it off from their."
"oh soooooooo why didnt you ever tell me about him?"
"cause you never asked if i was single or seeing someone so it obviously didnt bother you."
"oh well umm i-i'm happy for you maybe we can finally go on a double date like we talked about in middle school."
"sorry but sean and i are busy all week,study dates, lunch dates and gamer dates."
"oh well uh im g-glad youve found someone."
"thanks now it looks like kylie is in need of attention over there id cater to her before her horns show." i said smiling at mark. he couldnt respond he just walked over to teh table with kylie.
'it feels good to finally get that out of my system though i feel bad for doing that.' i said looking at mark who looked like a sad puppy.
marks pov:
It hurt to see (y/n) with the new kid i dont why i should be happy for her. shes dreamed or her prince charming coming to sweep her off her feet since middle school .she deserves happiness i should be supportive.
your pov:
i hate to see mark like that so hurt he looked like he wanted cry. i think hes having a big brother moment or something. it was one of these moments mark would have in the beginning of high school where hed get jealous of me hanging out with others.but why now hes been busy hanging with kylie and the jocks. and ive been hanging with jill. ugh idk i dont want to think about it anymore.
sean and jill came back to the table and sat down.
"howd it go?" sean asked
"i dont think we should fake date anymore it feels too wrong."
"i get it we are officially 'over' and are just friends" sean said.
today was just one of those days where i wanted to walk home alone. so i told sean and jill to leave me be.
'why does the world work in this sick twisted way?'
i thought.
my heart belongs to him.
but his heart belongs to someone else.
and that someone else gave there to another.
its complicated so complicated.
i walked home and did my homework i know today we had a game i didnt feel like going.
if i see mark,sean,kylie or lance. i think ill explode in anger and in sadness.
Marks pov:
tonight we had a game i was gonna ask (y/n) if she was going to prom with sean so we can all go together. when i ran out i looked for (y/n) in the bleachers she was no where to be found.
after the game i went to give kylie a hug and kiss but instead she came up to me calmly.
"mark...ive been seeing lance behind your back. i was only with you for your i tried to give you a second chance to prove yourself by sleeping to me but you turned me down last night and no one ever turns me down...its over."
"yes its over mark you suck you just suck."
i was hurt i got in my car an drove home with tears streaming down my face when i got there i was about to park my car and go inside my house and weep. when i got to the edge of my car i stopped dead in my tracks and went to (y/n)'s door i began to rain.
'what am i doing? it slate she probably sleep.'
your pov:
i was listening to my spotify playlist when i heard a knock on the door . i went downstairs and opened it....mark?
"mark what are y-?" i was cut off by a pair of soft wet lips on mine. i began to slowly melt into the kiss.then it hit me this is wrong he has a girlfriend.i pulled away.
"mark you have a girlfriend!!!"
"not anymore" he pulled me back into the kiss.
i pulled away for air "mark come inside it raining." i pulled him inside.
"what happened?"
"kylie told me she was cheating with lance."
"im sorry i-i tried to tell you but i thought youd never believe me."
"you knew?"
"the whole school knew."
"was a that big of a jerk to people?"
"no kylie scared everyone with threats."
"what would kylie have against you?"
"she said if i told you..shed tell you i liked you.." i said looking away.
"y-you liked me?"
"yea for a long time but i felt i wasnt your type."
"you are you are everything i could ask for in a girl.but youre taken...youre with sean........"
"no i never really was he was my fake date to make you jealous."
"it worked." he said smiling
"so you really like me?"
"yes i do (y/n) when kylie broke up with me a part of me was hurt but a huge part of me was happy."
i smiled.
we kissed again his lips were much warmer now. i pulled away.
"mark youre clothes."
"oh yea im wet as drenched mop" mark joked.
"youre luck one day you actually left your pajamas here."
"i did?"
"yep go up stairs in my room an dchange and come back downstairs."
after mark change into some dry clothes we put his wet clothes in the dryer.
we sat down on the couch and watched 'son of batman'
"(y/n) will you be my girlfriend?"
i kissed him.
"does that answer your question?"
"yes, yes it does." he said smiling.
after that we went to school holding hands as a proud couple making kylie jealous. she tried to to hit on mark but he always stayed true and pushed her away. we became prom queen an king.
A/n:thanks fr reading . Huge shout out toobookgirl102004 andTheNerdanionMirror for all the extreme support theyve made jump and scream with joy .
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