Why i hate love triangles.(imagine.)
Warning:spoilers for the hunger games movies.
Backstory:jack was in town. You and mark being roomates thought hey lets go out to a movie and have jack tag along
Your pov:
Today jack was in town so mark and i decided to take him to see hunger games mockingjay prt.2. The three of us friends hanging out. I ru in marks room and jump on his bed.
"Wake up sleepy head!!" I yell. He groans.
I then decide to climb on top of him. I bounce up and down.
"Wake up!wake up!wake ah!!" Mark flipped over and got on top of me, and began tickling me.
Mark pov:
I was sleeping when (y/n) burst into the room.
She jumped on my bed."wake up sleepy head!!!."
I groaned.
(Y/n) got on top of me and began jumping up and down. Making my eyes burst open as i feel something from my lower zone rise dammit. I flip us over and climb on top of her and tickle her.
"Mark stahp!!!" She said while laughing.
I laugh at how cute she is.
'She is just so adorable i hope to make her mine one day.'
"Not until you apologize for interrupting the great Markiplier's sleep!!"
"Hahaha NEVER!!"
if tickling her sides dont work i know her sensitive spot..her stomach.
I tickle her stomach she squirms around more and laughs louder.
"Please stahp!!"
"Hahah JACK!!"
'Dammit whyd she have to call him?!'
Just like lightning he burst into the room.
"Do not fret fair maiden i will save you from the evil darkiplier!!" Jack said in a heroic voice. He simply poked my back i pretended to be in pain.
"Ahh no you have foiled my plans of torture!!" I said falling on the bed.
Your pov:
"You have killed the evil darkiplier thank you soo much Jacksepticeye how ever may i repay you?!" I said acting like a damsel.
"You shall make breakfast!!" Jack yelled he scooped me up in his arms and took me to the kitchen. I laughed.
Marks pov:
Jack scooped her up in his arms and ran. I dealt with my 'problem' and ran after them.when i when i went into the kitchen i seen (y/n) on the counter and jack in standing in front of her. She was leaning in for a kiss.
"Hello im waiting for breakfast to be made!!" I yelled. (Y/n) quickly pulled away quickly and hopped off the counter. Jack gave me narrow eyes and a pissed off expression. I smiled. Jack and i have been like this for a while. He wants her but so do i. And i feel like shed be happier with me than she would be with him.
"Who wants pancakes!!" She yelled.
"Ooooooh me!!!!!!!" I yelled.
"I do!!" Jack said.
Hes lucky i even let him stay with us. The only reason i did it. Is because (y/n) told me to. I will do anything for her. To make her happy.
Your pov:
I almost kissed jack that wouldve been bad. Even though his subs ship us. I dont think itd be right. Alot of people ship me with mark and jack. But they are just my good friends
I went into the cabinets and grabbed a frying pan and a bowl. I went through the refrigerator and grabbed the pancake mix. I made the batter.
"So am i the only person psyched to be seeing hunger games mockingjay prt.2 or what?!" I said trying to make conversation.i dont like awkward silence.
"Yea So (y/n) who do you like more gale or peeta?" Mark asked,
"Mmmmm thats a good question peeta is very sweet and kind hes such a puppy dog hes soo cute. But he is just too sweet and naive. And gale hes strong and protective he can be sweet. I honestly dont know who i love more. But i do know if i were in katniss' position id pick gale."
Marks pov:
"I think gale is an excellent choice after all katniss and gale have known each other longer" i said looking at jack.
He narrowed his eyes.
"Yea but didnt peeta give katniss a piece of bread when she was hungry?" Jack asked.
"Yea he did but the bread was burnt and it was raining and he practically threw the bread at her it landed in mud." (Y/n) answered.
"Oh." Jack said.
"Yea he wasnt much help but gale gave her a real piece of bread fresh and clean." I added on to the argument.
"Ok is there something i should know about?" (Y/n) asked looking at me and jack.
"No jack and i just had an argument on who katniss should pick i say gale he thinks peeta"
Meaning we are fighting over who (y/n) loves most me or him.
"Well im on team gale!!" She yelled. Raising her hand while jumping up and down like a child. I laughed
'Shes so adorable.'
Jack's pov:
If i werent so pale id be red in the face right now.
He comes in and just ruins a perfect moment.
Your pov:
I finally finished te pancakes. I think its funny how mark and jack are having a debate over who katniss wants its actually cute.
"Alright guys pancakes are done!!" I put three giant pancakes on two plates.i made myself two small ones.
"Yay!!" They both sat at the table and ate.
We sat and planned the day.
After eating we all got ready.
I went in my room and went on twitter. And there was the usual stuff.
(Y/n)iplier fanart as well as (y/n)septiceye fanart, with some other random stuff. Some of it was funny or relatable.
Someone knocked on my door.
"Come in!!" I yelled.
And in came mark.
I sat up on my bed.
"Hey,you busy?" He asked.
"No whats up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to do a collab with me."
"Sure what is it?"
"Oh the housemates tag basically seeing how well you know your housemate."
"Ok sweet lets go!!" We went into marks room and sat on his bed.
He turns on his tripod and stuff and begins recording.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today i have my housemate (y/n) or (yt/n)"
I waved" sup everyone its me (yt/n)
"and today we will be doing the housemate tag where we will be seeing how well we know each other!!" Mark said.
"Lets get started." I said clapping. Mark asked me questions about him. I got them all right.
Then i asked him questions about me soo far he got them all right.
"Ok two more questions."
"Hit meh!!" Mark said.
"Ok who is my favorite youtuber?"
"Yep, final question,who is my celebrity crush?"
"Taylor Lautner."
"Yay!!i done did good!!" Mark said cheering childishly.
I laughed.
"Ok thats i for this video thank you soo much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video..buh-bye!!" Mark waved at the camera.
We sat there for a moment cracking jokes and laughing when suddenly i got lost in his eyes and i dont know how it all happened but his lips ended up on mine. It happened so fast.next thing i know im laying on the bed hes on top me and my legs were around his waist.
Marks pov:
We were kissing it was magical kissing turned to making out and then she pulled away abruptly panting.
"Im so sorry!!" She said getting up.
"Its ok." I said smiling. She quickly ran out of the room.
'Dammit did i screw things up?'
Jacks pov:
I was gonna confess my feelings to (y/n) i was walking to her room and
(Y/n) was running down the hallway i grabbed her face and kissed her.she looked at me shocked then she ran into her room muttering something to herself.
What the fuck did i just do?!
Your pov:
Dammit dammit dammit i just screwed up everything i kissed both of my best friends. Well technically jack kissed me and i was in shock but STILL!! gah this is bad this is all soo bad. Why did i kiss mark?!why did i kiss jack?!now i just messed up two friendships at once!why?i stayed in my room recording videos and uploading them until it was time to go to the movies.
~~~3 hours later~~~
I was knocked out on my bed. Then i heard a knock on the door.
"Nnnnnng come in" i muttered.
"(Y/n) get up we gotta get going to the movie theatre!" Mark said.
I got up quickly and put on my heels and got my coin purse.
I came out of my room to see mark and sean waiting near the couch.
"Ok lets take a before the movie selfie!!" I said.
Sean and mark got beside me i took out my camera and took a picture then posted it to twitter.
And we got in the car. I sat in the front with mark while jack sat in the back.
It was an akward silence in the air that not even i could break. Its like they knew that they both kissed me. I got on my phone and decided to vlog.
"Sup everyone its me (yt/n) and tonight Sean,mark and i are going to see HGMPT.2 !!im soo excited are you guys excited?!" I asked pointing the camera a mark.
"Oh my gosh im sho exshited!!" Mark said with a girly lisp.i laughed.
Then i pointed the camera at sean."what about you Mr.Mcloughlin how do you feel?" I asked in a serious news voice.
"Oh my god like im soo excited i get to see gale and peeta like oh my gosh peeta is so hot!!" Sean said in a girl voice while flipping his fake hair.
I laughed at his response.
"Gale is way better!!" Mark said in his same silly voice as before.
Before i knew it they were fake arguing about whos better.i ended the vlog.
After that we all laughed. Soon we arrived at the theatre sean opened the door for me,
"Thank you soo much sir." I said getting out.
"Your welcome!!" He said.
I then gave him a peck on the cheek.
Marks pov:
Sean opened her door.
'So you want to play it that way sean?oh dont worry two can play at this game!'
Jacks pov:
I opened her door.
Haha suck it!!
Your pov:
Soon we walked to the theatre mark rushed ahead and opened the door for me.
How sweet.
I went inside.
"Thanks marki!" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"No problemo." He said.
We went up to the counter and got tickets.
We were all heading towards the movie room where it was showing when i noticed mark wasnt coming with us.
"Marki come on we have to go see da movie!!" I said in a childish voice.
"You guys go ahead im going to go to the bathroom."
"Awwee ok hurry up so you dont miss the movie!" I said.
"Ill be quick!" He said.
Sean and i walked to the theatre and sat in our seats. We saved a seat for mark beside me.while sean sat on the other side of me.
The movie was 10 minutes in i was starting to worry about where mark was and *poof* he was coming down the aisle of the theatre.
With popcorn and all sorts of goodies. He sat beside me.
"Did i miss anything?" He whispered.
"Just a few things." Sean said.
"Here (y/n) i got (favorite theatre snacks)"
"Ooh thank you!!" I said taking them. Mark and i shared popcorn and sean andi shared nachos. Mark and i reached for popcorn at the same time. Our hands touched. I blushed and pulled away.
"You can go ahead and get some." Mark said.
I quickly get 6 pieces of popcorn and pay attention the movie.
Soon all the goodies were gone.
I rested my hands in my lap when sean and mark tried to grab my hand.
They accidentally grabbed each others hand instead.they both pulled away.
'Ha septiplier away!!'
I snorted at my joke trying to retain laughter.
Throughout the movie they just kept trying to hold my hand. Or wrap their arm around my shoulder. This was now bugging me i needed a break.
"Ok um i have to go to the bathroom i will be right back." I said getting u.
Marks pov:
The moment she was out of sight i had a few words for sean.
"Dude stop making things awkward for her!"
"Me?im not making it awkward you are!!" Soon we start bickering. Until someone shushed us. We apologized ad continued watching the movie.sean and i agreed to just let her be and not touch her at all. And let her decide who she wants.
Finally (y/n) came back and sat down.
~~after the movie.~~
Your pov:
Finally the movie was over. We were walking out of the theatre.
"Gosh i cant believe how it ended i totally thought that katniss should've been with gale!! Yknow what i dont know why love triangles are a thing. They suck i will never be in a love triangle ever!" I said.
"Well um (y/n)..i hate to be the bearer of bad news but."
"Youre in a love triangle right now." Sean said.w
'Oh god'
Since you are reading this book you obviously chose mark
The end.
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