This video will be sexier than #sexymark (lemon)
Backstory: everyone always talks about the #sexymark video. It basically made the internet explode. Even years after the video fan girls and boys still good mad over you decide why not try and make a video sexier than that?so you do.
Your pov:
Today was the day of the shoot for the #sexier(y/n). I got my friend ariana grande. Yes we are friends.believe it or not.this is how it happened.
I was walking to the coffee shop not paying attention and bumped into someone.i looked up to apologize.
"Oh ,im soooo sorry."
"Its fine,"i heard a depressed voice say.
"Thanks for forgiving me but miss grande you looked depressed." I said.
"Youre an arianator?!" She asked confused
"Yes i love your music."
"Oh well sorry you shouldnt see me like this."
"Youre human im not expecting you to be perfect all the time!"
"Wow ive never had someone care for me like this in a long time."
"Well i do enough about me whats wrong with you."
"Its a long story."
I looked up and we were in front of the coffee shop.
'Perfect' i thought.
"I came to get coffee sweety i got time come on."
"I shouldn't the paparazzi might find me."
"Well if they do i got you dont worry."
Ariana smiled we went into the coffee shop and i got a coffee she didn't want anything.we sat outside at a table and she explained how she was going through alot between constantly being followed and stocked while also dealing with a break up with big sean.she cried a bit.
"Oh sweetie im sorry to hear that."
"Its ok im glad i actually was able to talk to somebody normally and makes me feel alot better thank you for listen to me and my dumb ass issues." Ariana said wiping her tears.
"No problem,look my boyfriend just text me were supposed to be doing a video together. It was nice talking to you Ariana heres my number if you ever need anybody to spill out to im your gal we can go shopping at the mall go to the nail salon. Dont worry about paying for me though i can totally pay for myself." I said giving her my number.
"Ok sweet thank you soo much whats your name?"
"(Y/n)." I replied smiling.
She hugged me. "Thank you soo much (y/n) i really needed to talk everything out."
"Your welcome,i better go hes getting anxious." I smiling. Then i walked home.
luckily my timing was right by time i decided to do the #sexier(y/n) ariana came out with her new song dangerous woman. So im gonna use her song for the video. She is being a big help she let me borrow her outfits from the video and she does my make-up so basically shes sponsoring me minus the fact shell be doing this for free. But she will be getting credit.Anyways im totally psyched. Im sitting on the couch going through my twitter feed tweeting with ari while also going through fanart.some are adorable some are romantic some are sexy..i felt mark sit on the couch.
"Hey baby doll ya doing?" Mark asked.
"Tweeting with ari." I replied.
"Girly stuff you wouldnt care."
"Is it a public tweet."
"Some of it is some of it isnt if you are sooo anxious to see what were saying just go to twitter ya doof,"
"Fine i will." Mark said he pulled out his phone and he joined the convo.
@Markiplier: @ArianaGrandeOfficial and @(yt/n) sup.
@(yt/n):mark im right beside you.
@Markiplier: @(yt/n) i knuu what are you too tweeting about?
@ArianaGrandeOfficial: meeting up thats all you need to know @Markiplier.
Mark groaned i laughed and we put our phones away
"What are you two hiding."
"Nothing we're doing a surprise collab skit on her channel and we dont wanna give it away."
I looked down at the time i have to go to the set.
"Weve been working on it lately thats why ive been gone so much Speaking of which I have to go like right now.shes not available anytime soon shes gonna go on tour for her new album soon."
"Can i come with you id love to see the skit."
"Noo this is our only bonding time sorry babe maybe next time." I replied getting up.
"Ok,whens the video coming out?"
"Most likely today or tomorrow."
"Cant wait to see it then."
"Cant wait for you to see well gotta go." I kiss him and leave. I drive to the set and meet ari up front.
"Hey you ready for the final take?" Ari asked.
"Yep lets do this!" I said hopping up and down she laughed and dragged me to the dressing room. I put on my sexy dress or whatever this is all i know is that its super short like lingerie but its not lingerie.then i put a robe over it so i dont mess it up while putting on my makeup.while ari was doing my makeup we were talking and joking.
"So does he know?" Ariana asked.
"Nope i wanna shock him."
"And oh boy is he in for a surprise." She joked.
"And so are our fans."
"Yea but when marks sees the video make sure youre not in the same room because his pants are gonna burst!" She said jokingly.
"Oh shutup!"
"Well hey what yall do is nun of my business but im just saying if you wanna walk then dont be in the same room as him when he watches the video." She said adding the final touches on my make up.
"You might be right." I said laughing.
I took off y robe and went to the set.
~~~~~~~~~~~~after the final take.~~~~~~~~
"Alright now it just needs to be edited." Wren said.
"Great." I said smiling. Wren is the editor.
"The video will be up on your channel tonight at 10 you can get a headstart and tweet te fans."
"Ill do that right now." I said smiling.
I take my phone and tweet.
@(yt/n): be ready for the sexiest thing ive ever done at 10:00 :p
~~~~~later that night.~~~~
The video was posted but mark was already sleep by time i got home. So he didnt get to watch it. I took a shower,ate and apple and went to bed.
~~~~~~~the next day.~~~~~~~~~
Marks pov:
I checked my email and twitter ive been getting the same link to one video people want me to react to it on camera.soo i guess i will.
I get everything set up and hit record.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today im going to reacting to a video that so many of you are requesting me to watch so you know what im about to do it"
I click on the link and up popped the video that had..(y/n)?
"Ok im gonna hit play im gonna do it!!" I say being goofy and i press play.
(Play the video.)
Watching the video turned me on intensely. I felt myself getting harder and harder by the milisecond.what she was wearing.what she was doing.the music behind it.made me sweat and long for her body.
"Oh hot mama!!(y/n) you are so!uh" I was about to say something very sexual until i realized i was recording so i had to change it up."youre sooo dead nobody is supposed to see your body but me!!" I said trying to be funny. Soon the end of the video came.
In the video:
You:"hey guys thank you soo very much for watching my #sexier(y/n) video. Me and my friend Ariana worked really hard speaking of which id like to thank her for all her help thank you sooo much girl."ari comes into the frame quickly hugs you then leave."anyways id like to ask you guys to do something. Share this vid on twitter with the hashtag. #sexierthanmark.overload any and every social media with this video. If this video overloads the internet more than #sexymark i will die my hair pink or please show mark that hes been out sexied cause well (yt/n) is the new sexy!!!!anyways thanks for watching byyyye!!!"
Real life:
"Wait is that a thing #sexierthanmark is this a thing?!" I asked the camera. I decide to go to my twitter and sure enough it was my twitter feed was overloaded with (y/n) and #sexierthanmark
"Ooooh ok well ill tell you what (yt/n)!!!" I said gettig up and yelling jokingly at the camera pointing."i cant beat that" i said sitting down laughing.
"Even i druled so i cant say anything!" I said laughing
"Well thats all we got for this video and as always i will see you in the next video..Buh-bye!!"
I said my outro and walked into the bedroom where (y/n) was.
Your pov:
I was on my phone watching iisuperwomanii shes hilarious!!
Suddenly i seen mark standing in the doorway.staring at me with lustful eyes.
'Oh shit...'
Mark pounced on top of me kissing and biting my neck while taking off my clothes.he took off his boxers and rammed into me.making me moan..he went fast and hard without remorse making me dig my nails into his back.moaning loudly and breathlessly making the bed shake.
~~~~~~6 rounds later(damn mark)~~~~~~~~~
I was so weak and i couldn't feel my legs mark was close again i could feel it.he came into me once again he collapsed onto the side of me panting and sweating.
"I take it you watched the video." I said breathlessly.
"Yes and i cant top you i honestly cant." Mark replied panting.
I smiled.
"How are you feelin?"
"I dont know but i cant feel anything from the waist down." I replied weakly.
"Want me to tell the fans youre not feeling well again?"
Mark got up and put some jeans and a tshirt on and went to our recording room.
Marks pov:
I went into the recording room and went onto (y/n) computer. I got on her account and began to record.
"Hello everybody my name is mark and um (y/n) isnt feeling well so she wont be able to record for a day or two probably not even a week cause shes on bed umm yea i just thought id let you guys n for (y/n) anyways thanks for watching buh-bye. I uploaded it right away and (y/n) and i took a shower.
Your pov:
After taking a shower i decided to go through the comments on the videos on the #sexier(y/n) there were comments like.
'Hot damn!!'
'Alright now im horny.'
'Internet officially broken!!'
I laughed. Then i went to the video mark posted.
There was comments like.
'Aww get better.'
'Its ok take all the time needed to get better.'
And there was one comment that shocked me.
Pewdiepie: shes probably on bed rest cause mark fucked her so hard she couldnt walk.
I laughed and decided to reply:
(Yt/n):Bitch you guessed it wooh. Yous right!!
Then i shut off youtube before it killed my phone
The end.
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