This is our passion (lemon) prt.2:rehearsal
A/n: sorry wattpads being an ass and wont publish the rest of this lemon so i had to republish it.
Your pov:
~~~Saturday morning~~~~
I got up and looked at my phone.
7:55 am
Friday, Apr 15
Today i have rehearsals with mark........yay!!
I get up and take a shower and put on my black tights and spaghetti strap tshirt. Along with some heels. I let my long (h/c) down. I drunk some orange juice and got two red bulls out of the fridge for mark and i then texted mark.
You:hey mark ready for rehearsal?
Mark:yea just come by my house. 5765 elemental drv. (Dont try looking for that address its fake and made up.)
You:ok im comin over.
Mark:kk see ya
End of texting
I grabbed my things and headed to his place.
Marks pov:
Oh shit shes gonna be over any minute and im not even out of bed yet.
I quickly get up and throw on some deodorant and threw on some gym clothes.
And i had to figure out some sort of dancing space....wait a minute the living room is gid enough i just need to move the sofas. Ok now thats worked out.
I sprayed on some Cologne and wait Matt and Ryan are here dammit.
I rush downstairs to see matt and ryan on the couch watching tv.
"Hey guys." I says.
"Hey." They said in unison.
"Its a lovely day outside is it not? its a good day to go out to the gym and rock climb." I said trying to rush them out.
"Mark todays saturday i thought we agreed to only go Monday through friday." Matt said.
"Well plans can about you guys go out and go rock climbing and get some fresh air.?"
"Mark why are you trying to rid of us?" Ryan asked.
"Guys my dance partner (y/n) is coming over and we need a lot of dance space and no distractions."
"Ooooh ok mark." Ryan said teasingly. He got up and grabbed matts arm and they headed for the door. Right before ryan left he whispered something i didnt here i just rushed him out.
I moved the furniture around. And then went into the bathroom to practice what to say to her.
"Hey there." I said in a sexy voice.
"No....sup girl?" I said in a chilled voice.
"Most definitely not" i heard the door bell ring shes here
Ryans pov:
"Condoms on the couch if you need it"i whispered to him but he only rushed us out.
"So where do we go?" Matt asked
"Hmm movies?"
Your pov:
I arrived at the house and rung the door bell.
"Remember (y/n) dont be an idiot and be chill." I said to myself.
Suddenly he opened the door and smiled.
"hey" i said,
"hey come in."
"thanks." i went inside and looked around "nice place you got here."
"thanks im sharing it with some roomates of mine."
"mhm." i hummed "sooo is this our dancing space?"
"huh oh yea i just made enough room for us to move you think thisll be enough?"
"im no dance expert but when i was younger i stayed in a cottage over winter break and my sister danced in our room and our room was extremely small so i say....its more than enough."
"umm ok soo do you wanna do stretches or.."
"yea lets do that im 20 i dont need to be pulling anything!!" i joked.
he giggled"sorry if im awkward this is really new to me."
"its fine i understand."
He smiled and we stretched while stretching i looked over at the couch on it laid a very small aluminum packet...that couldnt be?
After we got finished stretching i got up.
"Uh mark is that a condom on your couch?"
He looked over with widened eyes and ran towards the condom and quickly stuffed it into his pockets.
"Uh sorry that was my friends he probably had it in his pocket and it slipped sooo sorry you had to see it."
I giggled "mark its not my first time seeing a condom its ok."
"Its not that.its just that i didnt want you t get the wrong idea....lets just practice."
"Yea lets do that talking about sex with a stranger is weird."
He blushed.
"Alright so do you have a radio or?" I asked.
"Oh ihave the song on my phone and my beats pill."
"Ok good."
He gets his beat pill and phone and plays the song.
And we began dancing. Then at the part where mark was on top of me and our lips nearly touched mark looked me in the eyes and we came together like a magnet and we kissed. Then he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance i was resistant to his request and he grabbed my ass. Making me yelp he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist.he picked me up and put me against a wall and kissed my neck.searching for my sweetspot but took him a while to find it once he did i moaned. He then lead me upstairs opened a room door and closed it with his foot then laid me on a bed.he began kissing my sweets spot.i moaned. He began to pull my clothes off once mine were off he pulled the condom out of his pocket and took off his clothes. He bit my sweet spot making me moan.then he slipped his finger into my honeypot.i moaned louder. He thrashed his finger in and out of it.adding in another finger as he went making arch my back.
He nibbled on my ear," youre so wet." He whispered in a deep voice.
I felt a knot in my stomach.
"Gahd mark im!ahhh!!"
He pulled his fingers and and licked my 'honey' off of his fingers
'Oh damn.'
He put on the condom quickly and centered himself at my entrance and thrusted in. I moaned and arched my back digging my nails into the sheets. He thrusted harder as time went on. Making my toes curl.
"Im close!" He groaned in my ear.
"Me too!" I said breathlessly.
We both came then he pulled out and threw the condom in the waste bin.
I fell asleep.
~~~2 hours later.~~~~~~
I got up feeling sore. I JUST SLEPT WITH MY FRIENDS IDLE!!!!!! Whatever. It was amazing she can kill me later,
I looked over and he was sleep.still i got up and wrapped a cover around me. And decided to just look around the house a little. I opened the door to a bedroom. I went to the other room. Another bedroom. Then i went into. Another room.which was the recording room i could tell cause i seen. A camera. I looked on his desk he had pictures. A picked up a photo of him and three other guys. One with green hair. One with brown and. And one with brown hair and glasses they were making a silly pose. I giggled and put the pot down. I was thirsty. So i decided to go down stairs and there were people down there i rushed right back up stairs and stormed into the bedroom. Mark was awake.
"Hey where were you?" He asked.
"Exploring, i recently discovered that your i think house mates are home."
"Can i take a shower?"
"Oh yea go ahead.!!" He said smiling. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I looked at myself in the mirror.
'You are in love with a famous youtuber!! Plus hes your friends idle she literally idolizes the guy she will probably become a cray fangirl!!'
Suddenly i felt hands slither around my waist i jumped and covered my chest.he began to kiss my neck.
"No need to cover up ive already seen your beautiful body." He whispered kissing my neck.
"Mark stop."
"Mmmm what if i dont want to?"
I tried to speak but nothing came out only weird noises. He chuckled.
"Come on lets take a shower." He said.
"Why not?"
"Because im sore and i have a funy feeling youre probably gonna try to do something funny,"
"Awww fine." He said childishly.
I giggled and left the bathroom.then i took my showa.
Marks pov:
I put on some pants and and shirt to go down stairs. I went down there and sure enough.matt and ryan were there
"Hey guys." I said.
"Hey" they said in unison.
"Whatd you guys do?"
"We went to the movies." Matt said.
"Cool whatd you guys go see?"
"Captain America civil war." Ryan said.
"Sweet was it good."
"Yea, so how was rehearsal?" Ryan asked wiggling his eye brows.
I blushed. "It was good."
"Where is she at did she leave?" Matt asked.
"No,shes in the shower."
"See matt i told you she probably seen us down here and rushed up back upstairs!!"
"What?" I asked confused,
"Its nothing,why is she showering?" Ryan asked.
"Cause its pretty much a work out it makes you sweat." I said blushing.
"Oh." Ryan said in a teasing tone.
Soon (y/n) came downstairs.
"Hey marky!!how about i stay!!the...night.?" She said looking over at matt and ryan.
"Uh guys this is (y/n) my dance partner (y/n) meet matt and ryan."
She waved shyly.
"Hi." She said in an adorable voice.
"Hey." Ryan said.
"Sup." Matt said.
"Well uh mark i guess ill talk to you later." She said playing with her hair.
"Yea." I gave her a hug. "Call me when we get home we can make plans for practice later."i whispered. I kissed her neck and she giggled.i opened the door for her and sleeped her ass as she was leaving she jumped . I closed the door.
Matt and ryan stared at me in shock.
"Dude did you smash?" Ryan asked.
"Ryan thats none of your business!!" I said.
"Come tell us!!" Ryan begged.
"Ok yes, but i really dont like that term."
Ryan clapped he came over and hit my arm.
"Bet ya got her good." He said winking.
I blushed."shut up!!"
My phone went off. Shes calling.
Call dialogue:
Mark:hey (y/n).
You:what um exactly are we now?
Mark:i was...hoping you could girlfriend?
Mark:one day after rehearsals we can go on a date.
You:sounds good!
Mark:great sooooo how about tomorrow?
You:yea tomorrow sounds good.
Mark:great sooo see you tomorrow.
You:*giggle* yea bye marky!
Mark:bye sweets
End of call dialogue.
"Get laid and a date in one day truly are a magic man." Ryan said pattig my shoulder.
"Shut up."
~~~~~3 weeks later.~~~~~~~
Your pov:
We were in dance class. Dancing to chivalry is we danced mark whispered the sing into my ear. Making me giggle and smile.after we got finished dancing we kissed everyone wooed and whistled.ten mark pulled away.
"Im glad my wade dared me to take this class." He said.
"Me too." I agreed giggling.
"Babe i love you." Mark said nervously.
That was the first time he ever said it.
"I-i love you too." We giggled and the teacher played the music for fun mark then took my hand and spun me around.
The end.
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