Stress-reliever (lemon) AU
Back story: You are a youtuber and Mark is a highly requested Lawyer in a law firm ever since he won a huge case in L.A. you and mark used to "grind" every night after he got home from work. But since his winning case, he just comes home and locks himself in the office for hours until he's tired enough to go to bed and you miss your nightly love making and usually try to catch his attention by wearing lingerie or sometimes nothing at all. It usually fails but.......things may change for the better after tonight.
Your pov:
I was watching (favorite tv show) and waiting for mark to come home. During the boring commercial break i decided id go and get a snack from the kitchen. I then heard the door knob turning. 'Marks home.' I thought happily i ran over to the door giddily and opened the door to see a overworked,tired,stressed out mark.' My baby,poor thing' i thought. "Hey baby,how was work?" I asked. "Work was work." He said upset. "You look tired babe why dont you take a break from work for a minute sit down and watch tv with me." "I dont have time." "Aww come on you keep-" "piss off woman i said no i dont have time to play around go make videos or something." He said angry. "I know you work a stressful job,i know that you think making videos is easy.ill have you know its not. I put in as much work and effort as you do but i dont come downstairs from our office telling you to piss off when you get home." I said sitting on the couch angrily turning my attention to the tv.
Marks pov:
Shes right, she was just trying to help me relax i ask for the universe to give me woman to treat me right and show me affection when i get home and this is how i treat her. Some husband i am. I sigh heavily. "You're right (y/n) im just so stressed out and tense ever since the Wilson's case ive been getting thousands of cases a day. Its more than i thought i could handle." She looked at me in sorrow.
Your pov:
I looked at Mark you could truly see how stressed he was. He needed sometime away from work. "Its ok mark, come on let me give you a shoulder rub." "I dont know baby i have to look through a few cases tonight." "Come on mark just five minutes with your wifey." I said jokingly. He smiled. " i guess five minutes wouldn't hurt those criminals none." "Thats right get on over here." I waved my hand towards me and he came and sat down in front of me. "So whats on your mind baby?" I said massaging his shoulders. "Its just all these cases people are depending on me to unravel it and put peices together and decide if i want to be there lawyer. when i won the case i knew i was gonna have tons of cases on my hands. I thought i could handle it. But now that i actually got tons of cases on my hands i cant handle it,its to overbearing i cant take it." He said running his hand though his hair. "Well mark, work is stressing especially when youre passionate about it and you want to be your best at it and you are."I kiss his neck " but one thing i know is that my man can take anything. Gosh babe you have so many knots and kinks in your shoulder im going to have give you a massage every night." I said "Thats be nice as much as i like to sit here and relax with you i have a cases to work on thanks for the encouraging words and the massage babe that made me feel a lot better." Mark said. Before mark could run upstairs and lock himself in the office. I had a brilliant idea."hey mark." "Yes love" "you have breaks on the job right?" I asked. "Of course i do why do you ask?" "Well you always seem tense when you get home. how about when you ever feel tense or stress you can call me or have the front desk call me and ill get lunch come and give you a back rub anytime you need it. Like a stress-relieving pass." "Stress-relieving pass huh? Thats a good idea.,thanks babe now ill get to those cases." I smiled knowing deep inside i wanted to do more then eat lunch and give a back massage. I watched tv for a good few minutes before i decided to go to bed. Soon after lying down,mark joined me wrapping his arm around my torso and kisses my cheek and neck.usually id try and do something sexy to get him but planning for tomorrow.
~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I was watching some random new tv show that caught my eye right when it was getting good. my phone went off."Dammit." I said to myself. I checked the phone to see it was marks law firm.
Phone convo:
Desk lady=D
Y: hello?
D: good afternoon are you Mrs.Fischbach?
Y: yes i am,is everything ok with my husband?
D: everything is perfectly fine he just requested me to phone you right away.
Y:oh do you know why?
D: no ma'am he just told me to tell you he needed you to come down to the law firm right now.
Y:oh ok,tell him ill be there as soon as i can.
D:will do.
Y:thank you.
*conversation over*
I knew it was time to put my plan into action. I put on my sexiest suit with a short black skirt and stilettos. I went to olive garden and ordered our favorite meals and headed down to the law firm. After i got there i went to the front desk."Im looking for Mark Fischbach." I said professionally. "Oh are you Mrs.Fischbach?" The desk lady asked. "Yes i am." "Right this way." She said leading me to his office. when we arrived at his door i told her i could handle things from there she left. I opened the door mark was staring out of the window. when he heard the door closed he turned around. "Hey babe" i said giving him a light kiss on the cheek. "Hey,i could really use that stress relieving pass now." He said. I sat on his desk and crossed my legs seductively." Let me give my hard-working man a niiice massage." I said seductively. He doesn't hesitate he sits in a chair in front of me. I begin massaging his shoulders and neck working out every kink and knot i can find."how does that feel baby?" I said whispering seductively. "That feels amazing." "Tell kitten where the stress is gettin to big papa the most?" I said kissing his neck.
Marks pov:
She knows what shes doing she knows what she does to me when she uses that voice. I feel really turned on right now.i wanna take her right then and there but im at work. I can't do that at my work place what if they hear her.....her loud sexy moans as i thrust in out in a swift movement feeling pleasure while giving her the same pleasure as i slowly make her climax. Oh crap what am i doing? I was thinking about it so much.i felt my member growing hard in my pants. I have no other way to solve thus problem.fuck it im going to ravage her. Now.
Your pov:
I began massaging his back up and down.i seen his member grow hard. I took it a step further and got off his desk and rubbed breast against his back.he got up and faced me and began kissing me he moved down and started kissing my neck and found my sweet spot.i moaned softly.i sat back down on his desk. "Oh how i missed my kitten." He said still kissing my neck. I bit my lip softly.he began taking off my jacket and shirt. Leaving me in my bra and skirt.he moved down to my skirt.i had on no panties. "Oh youre being a naughty naughty kitten," he said he got between legs and began licking my walls and saved my clit for last.he earned a moan from me each. he unzipped his pants taking his hard 12 inch member out of his boxers. And slammed into me.making me yelp. "Mmm kitten papa missed you saying his name say my name for me." He growled in my ear. "Mmm-m-mark." "Mmmm yes kitten more." He said speeding up leaving me bouncing. "Ah!mark" i nearly yelled. I moaned over and over."oh kitten you feel so good.i miss your tight little walls around my huge cock" "ah!mark!oh god,baby harder!" I commanded "anything for my kitten ." He went harder and faster making me moan.i dig my head into his shoulder preventing my moans from becoming louder. "Oh kitten im so close." He said breathing heavily"gahd i am clo- baby ah!" Soon we both came and and put my clothes back on while he puts his member away."you should come by the law firm more often." Ha said flirtatiously i wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his hand around my waist ."yes i should and you know there's more where that came from.we can do way more at home." "Youre right we're gonna have so much fun when i get home wear something sexy kitten." He whispered in my ear in his sexy voice."i will papa." I gave him a passionate kiss and as i was leaving he smacked my ass real hard."ow!" I said rubbing my behind. "See ya later kitten." He said winking.i cleared my throat."see you when you arrive home tonight Mr.Fischbach." i left the office when i got home i fist pumped and said."score!!"
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