Loving an officer comes with a price...(imagine) AU #1
Backstory: you live in Cincinnati mark is a cop in you hate it youre afraid one hell be hurt be he says he does it for you. So you dont argue
Your pov:
I was laying in bed going to sleep. I usually try to wait for Mark to get home. But lord knows he'll be getting home really late.considering he's an officer of the law and when duty calls there is no call too late.well thats what he says. I say when duty calls at 10:00 at night when spending quality time with your girlfriend duty has to wait just like she does. But hey whatever. I was about to dose off when i heard the front door close. My eyes popped open.
"(y/n)!" A heard mark call out. I got up and ran into his arms.
"im glad youre safe" i said. "Babe i told you i wont get hurt and if i do-"
0" youll be wounded with pride babe i know you tell me this everytime but youre only human youre no superhuman youre a regular human being like me you can be wounded just like i can and itll hurt like hell. I dont want to see you in pain."
Mark couldn't reply so he just smiled and kissed me.
"Im gonna take a shower wanna shower with me?" Mark asked.
"Aww babe i would but i took a shower earlier and im tired."
Mark pouted childishly. "Ok."
Mark took his shower and came to bed he laid beside me we wre both wide awake by now.
"So mark how was work today?" I asked
"It was good."
"Any exciting moments?"
"I was work a bank heist and got shot at but the bullet missed me by and inch it scraped my vest."
"What?!you were shot at are you alright?!" I asked concerned.
"Yea im fine. Babe."
"God did you catch the robbers?"
"No but the civilians got out safely thats all that matters. I got one of them though i shot him in the leg."
"Jesus mark this is what im talking about youre going to get hurt if you dont stop making these bold heroic moves!!!!!yes you are a hero. But youre not invincible what if that bullet didn't miss where would it have gone?"
"It wouldve gone to my chest but it didn't thats all that matters. I can protect myself pretty well if thats your concern (y/n) im not a baby." Mark said irritated
"I know youre not a baby mark im just really scared for you." I mildly yelled.
"I can handle myself just fine theres nothing to be scared of."
"Except you getting shot and targeted. Those guys got away you shot their partner in the leg who knows what happened to him. They probably know youre face they can target you shoot you and sleep at night!"
"Stop overreacting (y/n) im not hurt!"
"But what if one day you do get hurt huh?you get shot how do you think that makes ne feel?!"
"Gosh stop the fucking what ifs can you not say for once im glad it didn't happen and move on with life?!"
"You know what youre right im glad it didn't happen....and you can move your ass off the bed to sleep on the couch!!" I threw a pillow at him and looked away.
"You know what fine!i get better rest on the couch than i do sleeping here with you anyway."
" whatever helps you sleep tonight honey.. you know what i bet the house would be a lot better without me here too you can have the whole house to yourself im leaving!" I yelled i got up and put on some jeans ans i grabbed a shirt off the floor and put it on.i grabbed a small bag and threw in some clothes in along with my brush and all your necessary hygienic products,
"Youre right the house would be filled with way more silence and a lot less of your fucking nagging and negativity!"
"(Y/n)....I didnt mean to say those things I-"
"DONT! just dont say anything i need a break anyway. Have a nice day at work tommorow." I put on some shoes and i left.
I didnt know where to go i dont wanna disturb any of my friends so i stayed at a hotel.when i got into my room i collapsed on the bed and cried. After what felt like an hour (but was really 5 minutes.) I got up and prepared for bed thats when i realized i was wearing marks shirt.which only made me more upset. I threw off his shirt and turned off my phone cause i know mark will call and text me t death and then i fall asleep.
~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I wasnt ready to come home though i knew by this time mark would be at work. I decided to go to a small cafe nearby for breakfast. It was a good walk from the hotel so decided to walk. I was going along peacefully strolling along taking in nature in all its beauty when i heard a loud BANG i suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach i looked down...and my stomach was bleeding i touched the blood to assure myself this was real...it was. Everything went black all i remember was hearing screams.
Marks pov:
I was at the office. Work didn't feel the same knowing you have no one to come home to at the end of the day.i was sitting at my desk thinking about what i could've said differently last night. U felt really guilty for everything. I tried to call (y/n) but everytime i call it went straight to voicemail, i thought maybe shes be staying with her friends so i called them.none of them knew where she was i made one last call to one of her old friend to see if she decided to be cunning and stay with an old buddy instead of a current friend to stay unseen,even she didn't know where (y/n) was. I began to panic something felt wrong so very wrong. I needed to at least know she was safe. So i track down her phone to see if shes made any recent phone calls. None. i wanted to punch a wall right now. No trace of her anywhere i dont like that by now she wouldve tried to contact someone for advice on what she should do. I didnt feel right i had a feeling in my gut like something bad was gonna happen. I sat at my desk leg shaking furiously and biting my fingernails in anticipation and nervousness. Thats when suddenly i got a call.
?: you think its okay to shoot people's loved ones?
?: *menacing laugh* you shot my brother yesterday he died in my arms... you wouldn't understand how that feels...not unless you feel the same pain...
Mark: look if youre one of the witnesses from the crime scene who think this is some joke ill have you know its not and i can have you tracked and arrested for aggravated assualt.
?:haha you can try..by the way how is (y/n) doing?
Mark:...... Who is this?!
?:hangs up.
I slammed the phone down i was dialing her phone number when the phone rang i picked up immediately.
Nurse: are you Mark Edward Fischbach?
Mark:yes why?
Nurse:hello mark this is nurse Trudy from McGill hospital on behalf of (y/n) (l/n) she has just been shot two times in the stomach and you are her only contact. Can you please come for moral support?
Mark: oh god (y/n) yes im on my way!!
I hung up grabbed and grabbed my jacket and rushed to the door.
"Officer Fischbach where are you going?" My boss asked.
"Hospital my girlfriend was shot by the guys from the heist." I replied i didnt hear what else he said i just ran out the door and got in my car. I turned on my flashers and drove as fast as i could.
'Hold on (y/n) im comin baby' i thought.
TO BE CONTINUED...........
A/n:hahahha cliffhangers sorry ill have part two out tomorrow hopefully.
Thanks for the read!!
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