Im scott's daughter (imagine extended ending) finale.
"Bruh." is all i could manage to say.
"Hello everybody!" mark says.
The audience cheers and mark sits the chair the only chair left available.........
beside me.
I shifted in my chair uncomfortably.
"So what are we gonna do?" skull asked
"Qna?" i asked.
"Thatll work it always does." mark says.
And soo the qna begins.
"Alright so everyone raise yiur hands please no yelling or hopping out of your seats we wont pick you." mark says.
I pick a girl."Are you and skull dating."
I choke on my water."im sorry thats negative hes already married im not a homewrecker!" i say.
Skull picks a guy."Are there any new fnaf or sister location games we can look forward to?"
"My father is mostly an open guy but when it comes to the games whatever he does inside his office doesnt leave his office and hes very secretive." i say
Everyone in the audience sighs and aww in disappoint.
"Is that all im here for inside scoops to fnaf?!" i ask laughing
"Are we expecting another skull and (yt/n) duo?"
"I mean i dont know we are in the process of making another rap but will (y/n) be in it really depends."
"Skull we might have created a new ship!" i say
"In afraid so!" he said laughing.
"What is the real reason (ship name) sunk?"
"Ooh i knew the minute relationship and ships were brought up this question wouls find its way into the mixing bowl." mark says
"Its pretty much self explanitory what i said in the video was all true." i say."this has mostly been questions for me in fact i now claim this my panel!" i joke
We all laugh.
"What is your deepest fear?"
"My fear is of loosing all of my fans." mark says.
"Same." skull says.
"The fear of falling apart!" i sung
Everyone laughed.
"I have soo many fears the fear of losing myself though i dont ever want to forget where i came from or what ive been through."
"(Y/n) youve roasted every youtuber in your roast a youtuber series except mark"
The audience ooed
"Lets not go there because if i do....theres no going back." i say.
"Plus i dont think she could." mark said.
"I dont want to do because i will roast everybody in the business." my fans join along with me in that sentence.
They know whats up.
"You really think you can roast me?"
"I can i just prefer not to sense i am the better person." i say smiling
"Since when?"
"Since i let you go since you were unhappy and i hurt myself for you"
The audience ooed once more
"Alright you really wanna roast"
"If you insist."
Mark and i stand up in front of each other the audience was instigating big time.
"So youre 2nd biggest channel on youtube? Good for you! Dont forget to add me to the list of people to give shout outs to. Because without me you were clueless. Without me you were useless.
you couldnt even tell where blues left you the clue!
Bow down to me! The king of five nights freddys. The moment you seen me. You froze up you werent ready. Just come out and say it. without me you wouldnt make it.
Im your idol only idol and i lighten up your day." mark said.
I slow clapped and got up on the table
"You wanna try and roast me?by all means thats fine! But mentioning my fathers work is where you cross the line! Without my fathers game you wouldnt be this famous and the only reason you helped cause my father sent you. No shade man. So youre the king of fnaf?well bitch im the queen i beat all five games in one livestream.go run squirrel manor and give up being king. And step off of the thrown. because it belongs to me." i say jumping off the table and the audeince was going nuts i think i won.
"Im done i give up i cant top that shit you are relentless." mark said laughing
"Sorry i get more into it than i should."
I say automatically regret everything i said
"Its ok truce?"
"Truce." i say shaking his hand
"Its official everything that was said was said in good fun and not said to intentionally hurt each other." mark said
"Most of it anyways." i murmured under my breath the audience oooed.
We had many other questions then this one came up
"For old time sake a (ship name duet?" a fan requested.
"I dont know." mark said."only if shes up for it." looking at me with those eyes those irresistible eyes!
"Fine!" i say.
Mark and i got up again.
"Do you remember your parts?" mark asked.
"Mhm!" i say.
The music starts.
Something here seems foul, Something here just reeks of blood and suffering,
Could it be these halls are echoing of death?
We'll see.
In all my dreams I see,
A maze of halls with bloody walls, And countless scrawls reminding me
"IT'S ME!"
Don't play these games, you've lost your fright, I'm armed with more than a light, And I'm surviving five nights!
No phones, no screens, no more, Just you and me, a gun or three, And nothing else between me and this door... You bring the fur, I'll bring the fight.
Hey Foxy, come get a bite,
Cause I'm surviving five nights!
That feeling came back.
That connection.
Everyone cheered.
The audience sung and i recorded.
"Aaaaah ships are a beautiful thing." i say smiling.
"One last question." i say.
"(Y/n) are you seeing anybody right now?" a guy asked.
"No im not and i wont be for a bit." i say smiling soon the panel was over and amy came on stage.
"Hey babe." he said to her.
Its almost funny that i almost turned around and responded.
"Hey!" she said happily.
"(Y/n)?" amy said
I turned around and smiled at her.
"Hey amy nice to see you again." i say shaking her hand.
"Nice seeing you too the panel was funny!" she said.
"Oh thats just me being me and mark being mark.Well um i have to get home and upload thede videos ill see you guys at pax or something." i say smiling.
"Bye." mark said..
"Bye." i walk away and a tear went down my face.
My heartached once more.
2 months later....
It was late at night. A rainy night as well.
I was sitting on my couch skyping my dad.
"So i seen the panel are you ok?" he asked me.
"Im fine."
"You didnt seem like it after the duet."
"So yea kinda hurt especially when i felt that spark i felt when we first sang together it stung because he was with someone but hes happy so yea i dont want to break anything." i admit.
"You two were such a lovely couple and mark was the only guy ive ever approved of "
"You know its true i never liked that mike guy thats why i created mike schmidt in the first game!"
The secret behind all the games is all the characters my dad creates are based off of crushes and exs ive had luckily he will not be doing a mark in the game anytime soon.
"Dad seriously whatever game youre creating dont make a mark or else everyone will get suspicious and think this is some form of revenge."
"What if it is?" he smirked evily
"Scott cawthon." i said seriously.
"(Y/n) Cawthon."
"Exotic butters."
"Youll never let me live that down."
My dad always called different flavored butter exotic butter and hell never live it down in this family.
"Well i got to get to work and you do too skype me later."
"I will love you."
"Love you too dad!" i say.
He ended the skpye call and there was a knock on the door.
I went to the door his eyes were bloodshot red and he was drenched.
He let himself in and closed the door
"Mark what are you doing?-"
Mark interrupted me with colliding his lips with mine.
Wet and cold but his lips we soo warm and still so very soft.
I pulled away "this is wrong!" i say." youre with amy!" i said.
"Shes jealous of my fans, shes selfish and self-centered. She doesnt really care for me like you do. She doesnt understand me she doesnt make me smile and laugh like you. You you are amazing you love me and my fans. You always put me first even when i didnt deserve to be. You always dropped everything just to be with me. And i was the one who hurt you and didnt treat you like you shouldve been treated. I never stopped loving you i just needed to be reminded why i was in love with you and when we were on that stage i was reminded why. You have a beautiful smile a beautiful heart and such a beautiful soul. I love you soo much." he kissed me again.
"Love me too?" he questioned.
"You dumb nut i never stopped loving you!!" i say.
He kissed me again smiling. "I got you back and im not letting go ever again."
A year later.....
We were celebrating our anniversary on the beach.
We were walking along the beach talking while the sunset.
"This is soo nice." i say dreamily.
"It is its perfect."
Mark stopped.
"Whats wrong?" i asked.
"We've been together for truely two years right?"
"Weve been through stuff in those two years right?"
"True including me roasting you at comicon."
He laughed."reguardless of my mistakes and all the things in between in those two years ive been the happiest i could ever be and i want us to both be that happy for ever so." he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.
"Marry me?" he asked hopefully..
"Yes!!" he got up and hugged me and kissed me.
I dont know....
I just felt like writing today xp
Hope you enjoyed it though!!!
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