I met a friend. (cute imagine)
Back story:here you are 6yrs old your daddy and you moved from Kentucky to Cinncinatti,Ohio.
Your pov:
My daddy was driving me to my new school. Im scared and nervous what if nobody likes me? I also missed old my old best friends at home Shakira and Milly.
We pulled up into my new school.
"Come on sweetheart!!" My dad said opening my door for me. I hopped out and looked down at my lucky dress to make sure i didnt have any juice on it from brekfast.
"Daddy im nervous." I said almost crying.
My dad pulled me in for a hug and when he let go he rubbed my shoulders."youll be just fine sweet heart after school we can go to the park ok?"
I smiled i havent seen the park yet i cant wait to see it."ok daddy."
"Alright be good kiddo. Love you."
"Love you too daddy."
"Up top!" My dad said putting his hand up i gave him a high five and left.
" hi there are you (y/n)?" A lady with short hair asked.
I nodded shyly.
"Well im you teacher Mrs.Wells come with me to your new class you will love it here everybody is nice and we have a lot of fun." She said excitedly as she walked me to class.soon we arrived at a classroom full of students some in groups talking and laughing soon the bell rung.
"Alright everyone get into your seats." Mrs. Wells said with a bright smile.
Kids shuffled around the room scurring into there seats i stood next to Mrs.Wells.
"Good morning class!!" Mrs. Wells exclaimed.
"Good morning Mrs.Wells." the kids called back.
"Today we have a new student her name is (y/n),everybody say o-hio(y/n)!!" She said waving her hand.
"O-hio (y/n)!!" The class called back as some kids giggled at the joke. I giggled as well.
"(Y/n) would like to tell the class where you come from?" Mrs.Wells asked.
"Kentucky." Is said shyly.
"Kentucky cool and what is your favorite color?"
"Oohh (f/c) is a nice color.now class after we finish working and learning you can talk to (y/n) and ask her anything you want make sure t greet her!!" Mrs.Wells wells said.
I smiled. Mrs.Wells kneeled down and whispered to me. "You can take a seat in the front row right next to Mark. Mark raise your hand please!" Mrs.Wells said.
A kid in the front row with glasses and a white tshirt and jeans raised his hand. I sat next to him shyly unpacking my books and then my favorite teddy bear cola i hugged her tight and i felt ok. All my nerves went away. While we were coloring mark spoke to me.
"Hey (y/n),im Mark." He introduced himself.
"Hi." I replied shyly.
"Thats a cool teddy bear you have whats it name?"
"Cola thats a cool name whyd you name her cola?"
"Because she looks like coca~cola and thats my favorite soda."
"Cool i have a dinosaur named Dan in my cubby Mrs.Wells said i had to keep him in the cubby because he'll scare everyone with his razor sharp teeth."
I giggled.
"My daddy has a dinosaur in the basement name Rex the pterodactyl."
"Cool can i see it sometime?"
"Yea i have to ask my dad if you can come over!!"
~~~recess(oh how i miss those days)~~~~~~
Me and mark ran outside for recess.
"Come on (y/n) lets go to the swing ill push you if youll push me!!" Mark said.
"Ok!!" I said we ran to the swings.
"You can go first!" Mark said.
"Thanks Mark!!"" I said as i sat on the swing and mar pushed me for a while until i stopped it.
"Your turn!!" I yelled.
"No you can keep swinging i like pushing you!!" Mark said. I smiled and hopped onto the swing and he pushed me again.
Little did they know this is the start of a magical long-lasting friend-ship
The end.
A/n:hey guys i just felt like making something cute.not everything has ti be romantic right? I hope you enjoyed it i might continue this also as a mini story just like im scotts daughter which im scotts daughter is coming close to an end so hey i need something in place of it. Anyways thanks for reading lus ya bai.
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