Big sister. (imagine.)
Your pov:
Hi there im Mark's older sister. You most likely havent heard of me cause adopted and mark kept everything hush about me for my privacy.
Now while of course im mark's sister. Im keep in my his OLDER sister. Making me a bit protective of him.
Today mark was flying out from LA back here in Cincinnati to.....
Introduce us to his new girlfriend.........
Ive seen pictures of her floating around on twitter and what not and i just dont know how i feel about her.
She seems off to me and i dont want to see mark get hurt again especially after his last girlfriend....i dont want to take any chances.
So im sitting at moms house on my phone waiting for mark while mom is slaving away in the kitchen.
Im trying to look up stuff about amy but nothin pops up!! Oh did i mention im CIA? Yea big factor but im just facebook stalking and checking for anything on all her social media that can tell me something about her and so far nothing shes kept her information well and secured. I would use my work tools and simply just go through the government data base. Look up her first name and give the computer her full description and all her information would pop up.
Buut i dont think its necessary to mix work with personal business plus my boss would be pissed if she foind out i used government tools for my own possible gain and id probably be suspended for two months.
I groan and throw the phone down.
"Why isnt she stupid and naive like the rest?!" i groan in frustration.
Soon theres a knock on the door.
I open it and gasp on shock."Marrk!! Lil bro!!" i hug him.
"Hey (y/n)!!" he replied hugging me back.
"Hows everything been?!"
"I seen you recently hit 15 mil congrats!!"
"Thanks sis, now um i want you to meet somebody."
Oh fuck me in the ass over a bench!!!!
Behind him comes a blonde haired girl i was already familiar with her looks and all that jazz.
I gave her my best and sweetest smile.
"Whos this?" i asked as if i didnt know.
"(Y/n) this is my girlfriend amy, Amy i want you to meet my older sister (y/n)."
She smiled innocently and stuck our her hand "hi."
I grabbed her hand and shook it. "Hello there." i say shaking her hand.
"Wow um quite the grip you got there." amy said
I didnt realize i was gripping that hard until she said something.
"Oh im sorry ive been working out lately." i said looking her dead in the eyes without blinking or breaking contact.
"Um (y/n) big sis let me talk to you for a moment alone." mark said pulling me into another room.
"What seems to be the problem?" i asked
"You know exactly what the problem is. I need you to play nice this time."
"I dont know what youre talking about." i said
"You know exactly what in talking about everytime youre mad about something you sound like siri! None of that CIA stalking stuff! None of the intense uncomfortable staring none of that freaky stuff ok i really like amy!"
"Mark when have ai ever done that?"
"Remember stephany? I bought her over for christmas and you exposed her by telling us she had a kid at 19 that she put up for adoption?!"
"I was only looking out for you."
"She was going tell me at her own time."
"No she wasnt!!"
"Just please play nice for me."
"What if she hurts you?!"
"Then ill let you freak her out with the stalky CIA shit deal?"
"Fine ill tone down i wont say much i promise."
Soon we were all eating at dinner. Everyone spoke but me.
"(Y/n) are you ok?" Mom asked.
"Yes maam, im going to go clean my bed and call it a day i have a case to work in Florida and i have to get up early for a flight." i say getting up.
I heard mark sigh and excuse himself from the table and follow me inside the kitchen.
"(Y/n) i dont want to discourage you to not have a good time and talk. Just keep the protectiveness at a low." mark says
"Its hard."
"What is?"
"Im scared for you, i dont want barbra with a c to be a thing again. I hated seeing you hurt like that. I swore i would never let you hurt like that again but i feel as if im not keeping that promise."
"Aawww sis." he hugged me. "Ill be fine i was thorough with amy i swear i waited a while before i dated her waited months before i told her that im a youtuber and i didnt even allow our relationship to go public i know youre scared for me but you cant keep me from dating."
I sighed realizing he was right."i get it now fine i wont go all CIA until im needed to be."
So we go sit back at the table i wasnt talking still but them amy brought up. (Favorite show)
"You like (favorite show)?!" i questioned.
"I love it its my all time favorite!" amy said
"Mine too!!"
Soon me and amy had a cross table discussion about our favortie characters and i grew to find out that amy and i had alot in common!
"I underestimated you amy." i say.
"Never judge a book by its cover."
"I dont i always judge whats inside speakong of which-"
Mark looked at me as if he was begging me not to do anything.
"Im kidding mark calm your tits!!" i say laughing.
In the end amy and i were best friends and a few years later happy step sisters!!
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