The Zombie Apocalypse story
This is a different story. I just wanted to post something on this app. Make sure to stay inside and be safe. Hope you all dealing okay with what's going on. I have more in writing now, so be excepting more characters soon.
It was two years after the zombie apocalypse. Supplies had been low and every attempt to make a farm, ended in failure. We were out on a run, hardly finding anything. The place must have been raided some time ago. Team Kito, my team, had been attacked by a horde of around fifteen zombies. Haru, a complete nerd and strategist, had done some test on them before. The zombies are sensitive to sound because their blind and cant see. No one knew what to do. Losing all hope, everyone gave up and was expecting death, or at least almost everyone. Haru wasn't ready for death, ready to give up everything he, no, everyone worked so hard on. Haru quickly walked toward the entrance of the store we were in. He yelled at the zombies, trying not to grab anymore of the zombies attention than he needed. When Haru gathered their attention, he ran, ran far out of sight, never to be seen again. No one knows if Haru made it out alive, the chances are slim to none. The camp has yet to find a body. They don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
Kito's pov
To this day I still wonder if Haru is alive. Tomorrow will be the official third year of his disappearance. "Kito!" A loud, shaken voice called to me. It was Aika. Aika is a dark skin female who had raven black hair, with violet streaks. She wore dark blue ripped jeans, a shirt under her black hoodie that say, 'WTF Where's the food' in white letters. "The gates packed with the dead!" Aika yelled, out of breathe. It seem as if she had ran all the way from the gates. I quickly got up, out of my bed, making my way to the gates, grabbing my katona on the way. To my surprise, a dark figure, using a crossbow, shooting with accuracy, had gotten most of the zombies. The person had a German Shepherd and a Maine Coon following close behind. They must gotten about twenty or more zombies. When their were only four left, they disappeared into the shadows of the woods. The mysterious figure left us all in shock. Many questions left unanswered. 'Who was this person? Why did they help us? Do they know is?' Were some of the thoughts going through my head. After they left we had to take care of the rest. They could attract more. I climbed the empty university and jumped down. Taking my katona, I ran straight to the one right in front of me and slashed its head. I quickly took care of the other three. In this new world it's kill or be killed.
Today was Kayoko and Saro's turn to keep watch. I grabbed some crackers that hadn't expreired yet and went to my room. "Tomorrow is going to be hell on earth." I whisper to myself. Hoping that Haru returns, no else believes he's still alive, but I do. I can just feel it.
Haru's pov
Two years ago, almost three, I sacrificed myself to save everyone else. I don't feel bad. I know not returning to them would be the total opposite of what I should have done, but I needed to become stronger, and the only way I knew how, was to become independent. I can't depend on them anymore to save me. They probably forgot about me anyway. Fast forward three months after disappearing, I find a Maine Coon cat. I decided to name him Riku. Fast forward five months after that, during our travels, Riku started to go a different direction then me. Riku never leaves my side, not even during slumber. So I followed him, making sure he didn't hurt himself. I saw a German Shepherd laying on the ground whimpering. Poor dog was hurt and looked like it hadn't eaten in days. So I grabbed a little bag with some cat food that Riku liked, since I didn't have any dog food and human food isn't the best for animals, and put it in my hand. It took awhile, but I was able to get the dog to let me get near her. I didn't have any medical supplies on me at that moment, so we had to walk a few miles to our base. It was a treehouse, but wait, before you call me childish, zombies can't climb, so a ladder being the only entrance was a good choose. I first put Riku in the metal basket and hoisted the rope making the Maine Coon go all the way to the top. Riku pushed the basket down, with his front paw, after he had gotten out. The pup was only a year old, so she would fit (Maine Coon's get really big. Look up how big and fluffy they become.). I hoisted the rope the way I did before, expectI had to be slow and gentle, seeing that the pup was injured.
Later on I fixed her up, gave her food and water, then the choice. The choice was she could stay here get a name, food, water, shelter, care, ect or she could go out on her own once she was fully healed and healthy. She never left and bonded with us. I think that was her sign that she wanted to stay. Seeing that she needed a name, I gave her one, Hanae. Hanae and Riku got along great. The two became inseparable pretty fast. Now back to the present day. I was taking a walk with Hanae and Riku letting them have outside time, since we zombies weren't near. We don't usually get these chance and we're going to take it.
Hunae, Rika, and I were still walking, when we heard the demonic noises, caused by zombies. We walked quietly, to not disturb them. That's when I saw it. Behind the gates, played the people, I used to know. I couldn't just watch, they looked horrified. So I did the only thing I could do. I fought the zombies. I climbed a tree that Hanae and Rika could ascend on their own. I grabbed the crossbow I had been hiding, then grabbed an arrow from the quiver on my back. I got most of them, but wanted to leave a clue, I knew they wouldn't figure it out though. I left four zombies, because there are four letters in Haru. I left into the shadows after that. I couldn't be around other human beings. It was just too much for me to handle. I hadn't been around other humans in so long. I went back to the base to get some food, then rest. I didn't know if saving them was a good thing or not, but only time will tell.
Kito's pov
Today felt like someone was jamming a steak knife into my heart. "Open up! We made your favorite, chocolate blueberry pancakes!"A cheerful voice, bribed me over to the door. I didn't move n inch, even if those ingredients were hard to find. "Chocolate chip blueberry pancakes were his favorite." I whined quietly, thinking of my long lost best friend.
I had a picture of us thirteen. It was my birthday. He had gotten me a baby orange tabby cat, with cat toys, and a cat bed. He knew I loved cats, especially tabbys. He had been saving up for it. I named the cat Orenji. (Orenji means orange in japanese.) I still have Orenji, he hid under the covers, scared of all the noise. Orenji is four, which means he is still very playful, just not as much as before, even if he is shy. I wonder if we'll ever see Haru again. Orenji nudged me over and over again, until he got the message. I wasn't going to move.
I always kept a crack in the window so Orenjivcan go take walks explore. It always helps calm him down when he is feeling anxious. I stayed there, not moving. I knew be okay, so I closed my eye lids, and fell into the never ending void of painful memorise. Tears slid down my cheeks, landing wherever they found right.
Orenji's pov
"Wake up! Get up! Now! It's Haru! Stupid idoit!" I yell, but all he does is ignore me. "Fine!" I pout grumpily, walking out the window.
My anger is flying up the rails.
"You weep and weep over and over again, but the moment he's there, you don't care! Pathetic, absolutely pathetic!" I sniff the air to see if the scent trail is still there. Barely, but still there.
I went into the forest, I was banned from going into.
"You don't listen to me, fine, I won't listen to you!" I followed the scent to a tree, but it was no ordinary tree. It was treehouse. "I'm proud if you Haru. You've grown into a great man." Haru's scent was strong. I also caught a whiff of two other scents I don't recognize. "Is Haru okay? Please don't say he got kidnapped." "Haru! Haru! Haru!" I yell loudly.
Suddenly I see haru's face creeping into view. It's more defined and sharp. His eyes still remained their aqua-blue color. But the mask makes it hard to tell if it was him. But his scent never changed.
"Orenji?" Haru questions. His eyes hold so much hope.
"Yes, it's me!' I shout happily, putting my paws up, standing in my hind legs. It was an old trick Haru and I used to do.
Haru has a look of pure joy on his face.
"Stay right there! I'm coming!" He moves to the ladder and climbs down, almost falling off one of steps. Once he get to the three last steps, he jumps down.
A fat cat in jumps into a metal basket. The fat cat starts to fall at a rapid speed because of its weight. Haru grabs a rope and stops the rope from falling.
"Here you go. Be a little more careful, even if you're you're excited." Haru scolds the fat, orange cat.
Haru starts to pull the pull the rope slowly.
"Hello! My name is Rika! What's yours?" The fat spoke with a grin.
I immediately raced behind Haru.
"I think it's insane." I whisper quietly. "Are you scared? Why'd you run?" Haru asked, confusion littered his face.
" Hey! I'm still up here!" A dog yelled impatiently.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I totally forgot about you. Meet your new friend, Orenji." Haru politely apologized and quickly got back to the rope.
"A dog!" I screamed. I
"She is really nice and motherly!" The far cat informed happily.
"Orenji, why are you here? Where's Kito? Is he in danger?" Haru went into an immediate panic.
"He's fine. I'll take you to him." I said calmly. "So he's in danger!" Haru yelled.
"Keep your voice down." I tell him, questioning how he stayed alive this long.
"Take your to him, please." He pleaded, tear gathering in his eyes.
Panic attack *
I started to walk and all the three followed. When we finally made it, Haru started to panic. He didn't want to move. Tears rolled down his face as he mumbled out a brunch of in coherent words.
"Haru. Haru! Haru!" I yell at him. "Do you know what happened?" I ask the fat cat and the dog.
"It only happens when he gets near other humans." The fat cat worried.
"Orenji!" I heard someone call for me.
Kito's pov
I'm not losing the only thing I have of Haru. I don't want to lose all memory of him.
"Mmmaahhww!" Orenji called out in distress.
I followed the sound of meowing which led me to the place the silhouette was at. Tears ran down my face as I went to pick up Orenji, when he he moved straight back. I noticed the silhouette or as now seen person. He looked as if he was having a panic attack. Haru used to have panic attacks. This person's break down looked a lot how his did, only worse. I assessed the situation as I would on instinct. I held the person in my arms rattling them slowly, just like a baby. Calming them down a little. Their panic attack is just as stubborn as Haru's were. After a while, I started to pat his back in a calming manner. The person had calmed down a lot, but the shakiness still remained. I grabbed hold on their face and gently lifted it. His eyes fluffy n' red, clouded with tears. A pure black mask covering his nose and mouth. He has the same shine as Haru's.
* end of panic attack
"H-hey, um.....what's your name? I ask, trying to sound as soft and stable as possible.
I don't reply because I don't want to sound like I'm forcing him to tell me.
"Thanks, Kito." My heart raced, my life flash before my eyes. All the searching and emotions come forward. His voice brought me hope that everything was worth it.
I decided it would be better for me to take him back to camp. He protested at first, but Orenji did something only he and Haru did. Orenji got on his hind legs, stretching his paws forward.
I didn't want to believe it, but at the same time, I want it to be true. Haru could have come back, at any time, but didn't. Did he not want to be near us? Did we do something wrong? Was the reason he left because of me? I did the only option I had, I held his fat, furry cat, and ran. I ran like no tomorrow. After around seven minutes, I got tired of the scraching, biting, hissing. It was so annoying and it hurt. Worth it though! A few seconds afterwards, Haru caught up to me. I looked behind me, the gate I know and love, was right after me. I ran straight there. After I got to the gate, Aki and Akane opened the gate. I told them to wait . As soon as Haru got the to the gate, exhaustion got to him and he fainted. I carried him to my room, since we had no other free rooms furnished available. Haru and I shared a room, because I didn't want him to have nightmares or panic attacks, and not have someone near to help him. He had one half of the room while I had the other. Waited patiently to wake up.
Haru's pov
Everything was black. My head is spinning. Was it that I'm low on omega three or some other type of nutrients. I wake up on a soft surface. It's a bed. I look to see Kiro, standing right in front of me. He us kinda sad. I realized something was missing. It was my mask. The mask covered a scar I had. It was a little scar under my bottom lip. I looked down at the bed in silence.
"Why Haru? Why didn't you come back?" Kito broke the awkward silents.
I didn't know how to answer. So I stayed quite.
"Haru, do you know how worried I was?" Kito spoke again.
"I'm sorry." I say in the most quite voice I could muster. I couldn't look him in the eyes. Guilt had taken me down.
"You at least owe me an explanation." Kiti said looking straight, while I looked down.
In a jittery, scared voice voice, I tell him everything, why i left, the information I collected, why I didn't come back. Every last word. He seemed to have mixed emotions on the whole thing. He was mostly shocked. I was going to show myself out when a hand grabbed me. It was Kito's.
"You're not leaving again. He said tightening his grip around my wrist.
Three months have passed, me , Kito, and some others, helped me get most of the useful rhongsvout of the treehouse. Everyone is trying to used to me being around again, that includes me. I help with combat training, since I'm better than the rest at it. Orenji is still trying to get used to Riku and Hauna. We might use the treehouse as an emergency base. We're building more treehouses because only two or three people can stay in one treehouse. There will always be things we have to conquer, with it without help. I just hope the zombies don't evolve into something worse.
Haru has anthropophobia.
This was going to be a gay love story, but I realised it was for my teacher and I don't think he would have enjoyed that.
2803 words
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