Tell me pretty lies. (imagine)
You are a very popular singer!
Youve known sean almost your whole life! Somewhere in those many coutless years of friendship you couldnt help but fall for him and youve held your feelings in for so long. Youve watched so many women walk in and out of his life and you were his shoulder to cry on when you saved yourself for him and him alone. One day you couldnt hold your feelings back no longer. Today's the day you confessed to him only to find out he didnt return the feelings. Even though you knew he didnt reciprocate the feelings you needed closer you needed to let it all out before you let go. So you found yourself writing a song of heartbreak and you decided to tell him how you felt.
Your pov:
I knock on his door. My cheeks tearstained and my heartaching hanging by a thread.
He opens the door and i let myself in.
"I know you said that you dont feel the same way about me two days ago but this is the worst and first heartbreak ive ever felt and i need to express all of my pain to find closure the only way i know how." i ramble avoiding contact.
"Through song right?" sean said.
I indirectly look at him."yea."
(Please be gentle i tried to write this song in just a few minutes for the story im not a good song writer like i used to be.😛)
🎶" I know you said that you dont feel the same way....
But i cant live with this hurt everyday...So just let me say what ive kept inside for so long...
Could you tell me pretty lies?
And say you love me?
Even if its not true..
I need to here those words from you..
.To heal....
Can you lie to my face and say..everything's ok?
Tell me that these feelings that i feel.....they arent even real.
Just to make my pain go away...
Could you look me in my eyes and tell me pretty lies just to brighten my day?"🎶
I felt tears fall down my face and my knees grew week so i fell to the ground.
🎶"will you say ive been so blind?
To see that you were mine?
Say that those ive spent tearing up on you. over girls who wont stay true? Were a fault.
Yes i accept that i may sound selfish!
Begging for something silly like this!
But ive waited for so long.
Hoping you would come along just to see.if you had a fighting chance with me."🎶
I swallow the lump in my throat and let a few more tears fall.
🎶" But i have to face that fact.
The simple fact is that.
Itll never be true.
I wish youd tell me pretty lies and say i love you. Even if its not true.
Wish youd lie to my face and say everything's ok...
Wish youd say these feeling that i feel...they arent even real.
And make the pain go away...
You probably want me to leave.
Im the last person youd ever want to see...
But i just want to say
i dont regret a day that ive spent with you.
i wish you all best with life.
And tell your future wife.
Thats shes lucky.
That you wont have to tell pretty lies...when you i love you.
That when she ever needs to cry...youre the one she can go to."🎶
By the end of the song i was crying my heart out like i have the past two days.
"Sean you know i have a two year tour to go on in two days after that tour......dont expect to see or hear from me ever again." i say getting up.
"W-what why?" he asked.
"Because sean im going to move somewhere i cant stay here in Dublin with you i can even stay in ireland with you because Sean ive loved you for soo long ive saved myself for you and now i cant even look at you without crying. I need to be far away from you forever if im going to heal because i spent half a lifetime loving you it just might take another one just to get over you."
"(Y/n) y-you cant be serious you realy cant just leave me like this youre my only best friend. I have here you cant leave me and never talk to me ever again."
"Its the only way i can make this heartache go away sean!I know you said we can just be friends but seeing you hurts me.." i cry even more. "All these years ive been setting myself up for heartbreak without knowing it now that heartbreak has come i have to heal my wound while its fresh or else itll worsen."i say.
"Maybe you can-"
"Sean please dont make this harder than it has to be...I hope that life treats you well." i say letting out a shakey breath. "It was nice knowing you sean....Bye." i rush out of the dooe without second thought and get in my car.
"I swore i wouldnt cry." i say to myself as i let tears fall.
The next day....
I took the song to the studio like my producer told me to ive never had a harder time recording a song like this...
Breaks every 10 minutes.
Breakdown downs every five minutes.
And tears every 30 seconds.
But by the end of the day with the power of editing and auto tune.
You couldnt hear my pain and you couldnt tell o was constantly taking breaks.
Two days later...
Here i am at the airport wish that Sean would just rush in here begging me to stay....
But that only happens in movies...
I keep looking back as if ill see him there.
Stop look ahead its time for change!
I finally get onto the plane and i was off to my first stop of my tour.
Three weeks later.....
Im sitting in a radio show interview.
My new song
" Tell me pretty lies."
has become a hit song
#1 on the billboard! In just a week!
So im in a radio station doing an interview.
"Whats up its ya boi flamin james on 105.6 with the best hits here with me i have Ms.(Y/N)!!"
I laugh weakly. "No need to be formal just call me (y/n) or my nickname ah nevermind just call me (y/n)." i say smiling.
"Alright well (y/n) your newest song just got #1 on the billboard how do you feel?!"
"Im actually very shocked that people like my song that much i mean its a sad song." i say.
"You are really monotone you alright?"
"Yea im just really calm and quiet and trying to save my voice for my tour." i lie. Truth is ive been crying till i was physically sick.
"Yeeea thats right (y/n) is on tour yall!!"
"An three lucky listeners have a chance to win two tickets to my next performance and a vip pass so call 1-800-356-7679 for your chance to win!" i say somewhat enthusiastically.
After that radio interview i had a regular interview with a interviewer. So i get dressed and the make up team does my make up.
"(Y/n) are you ok you arent glowing like usual and youre actually pale."
"Im fine." i say smiling.
Soon the interview was about to take place i sit in my chair and they give us the cue to start.
"Hi im jackson!"
i shake the guy's hand politely. "Hi jackson thanks for having me!" i say.
"So (y/n) your new hit single "Tell me pretty lies." is a hit in just three weeks and you just jumpstarted your tour correct?"
"Yes it is."
"I think everyone watching is wondering where did you come up with the inspiration behind the song?"
My heartbeat began to quicken. "Um i...." suddenly my breaths became faster.
"(Y/n)?" Jackson says.
I hear people behind the camera mumbling things of confusion and worry.
My breathing got heavier and u felt light headed.
"She doesnt look well cut off the cameras!" my agent demands rushing to my side.
The camera man cut off the camera.
"Hey Hun look at me relax slow down do you need water?" my agent asked.
I nodded somebody brought me water and i took a sip.
I took deep and slow breaths for a moment.
"Are you ok?" my agent asked.
I nodded."im good. Could we not keep that question in i dont want my fans to see that." i asked.
They agreed
the whole day my agent requested that interviewers not speak about the new song.
A week later....
I was supposed to sing
The song live. The spotlight came on me and people scream.
🎶"I know you said you dont feel the same way..."
I couldnt stop seeing sean in my head.
A tear slipped down my face."please just stop." i say.
Everyone goes silent and the musicians stop playing.
"I cant do this." i breakdown running off stage.
The next day....
I have officially postponed my tour for a bit atleast.
And i signed myself into a rehab center.
So here i was in my room crying my eyes out because im a fucking human waterfall when my psychiatrist came in.
"(Y/n) are you ready to talk?" she asked.
I wiped my eyes and nod.
"So why are you here if youre not addicted to a drug or you arent suffering from depression?" she asked.
I hold my knees close to my chest. " a guy....who i love." i say in a hushed tone.
"Does he hurt you?"
I shake my head."he'd never hurt me."
"Ok so continue."
"I have a unhealthy attachment to him he is like a drug to me.."
"So what is he to you?"
"H-hes my best friend and i have had feeling for him since we were kids.."
Sean's pov:
I keep re-watching video's (y/n) and i made together just to hear her voice.
She wont pick up her phone. In fact ive called and left so many messages her mailbox is full.
I send her text after text on kik, instagram, twitter and her phone perioid but she leaves me on 'R'.
I have nobody here to talk to nobody to cuddle with. Nobody period.
I tried to get a girlfriend but she got tired of me moping around all the time and dumped me. Which kinda hurt for a slight second i picked up my phone and was about to call (y/n) or bunny as i call her because of how happy and jumpy she always is its cute. But then i remember she wont answer to the one guy who broke her heart. Which i guess i cant blame her for.
She was my rock...she gave me everything. She sacrificed anything for my happiness.when i had my first ever heart break i remember she left her Britain's Got Talent audition and came to my house with and ice cream cake. We played blood bourne and watched anime all day and everytime i would cry she'd hold me as best as she can and comfort me even though i was ruining her favorite attack on titan jacket with my tears and snot.
When my lights got turned off she sold her only keyboard and her favorite electric guitar just to have them cut back on.
And now the one person i trust out of everyone was gone.
Ive been crying after the hour she left and ive even been drinking.
I was outbof beer so i get up and get dressed and go to a store i buy a six pac and when i was at check out i see (y/n) on the front page?!
(Y/n) checks herself into rehab after breakdown during live concert!!
I put the magazine on the conveyer belt and pay for it i go home and read.
For the past few weeks after tje release of her new hit song 'tell me pretty lies.' she hasnt been herself after breaking down trying to perform the song she checks herself into rehab and postpones the tour.
I take out my phone and watch videos of us together and keep crying.
I was blind not to see that she loved me.....
And i was blind to see that i loved her back.
Thats when i went insane. I called every single rehad center.
Your pov:
"So youve know him your whole life?" the psychiatrist asked.
"Yes and im trying to let him go bu-"
🎶"I will tell you pretty lies...say i love you if its what will keeps you with me. I now know i was blind not to see you were meant for me..." i look over to see sean standing in the door way. He came inside and took my hands and pulled me up and our foreheads touched.🎶"But heres the thing...they wont be white lies. With i love you because i know its true. I know that i fucked up when i let you walk our of the door. But not this time ive changed the scene of the script! and im not leaving here without you on my hip."🎶
I began to cry."your singing still sucks " i joke
He laughs." but (y/n) i love you im sorry it took forever to realize it but i love you and im not just saying it its true.
"So what are you saying?"
"Im upgrading you from premium best friend status to girlfriend status." he jokes.
We laugh and he kisses me. Its better than i ever couldve imagined.
He pulls away and we smile and kiss again even though his breath wreaked of beer i didnt care.
"I love you." sean says
I smile. "I love you too."
I check out and go home with sean.
So the tour was back on but this time sean was with me and we had an amazing time.
Needless to say all was well
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