Never hurt anti's lover! (imagine.)
Storytime: you have been abused by your by your boyfriend for quite sometime now.
Sean your bestest friend hasnt noticed yet. But what happens when he finally does?
Your pov:
"You dumbass!" Victor slaps me so hard i hit the ground"i told you never to put that shitty seasoning in my food again!! Im going out to get some better food ill be back and i swear on my ancestors if i come back and this place aint clean im gonna beat you senseless you hear me?!!" He yells.
I nod frantically in fear that if i didnt respond at all hell beet me senseless now.
Victor grabs his jacket off the couch and leaves the house slamming the door so hard i jumped.
I let out a shakey breath a i got up and cleaned the kitchen and made sure everything was clean before i even dare to sit down and take a break for tv.
I go to the bathroom and look at the huge hand mark on my face i touch it lightly and wince at the pain.
Why cant i leave him?
I begin to cry when i get a text message.
Sean: hey (y/n) im bored and just got finished recording wanna come over?
My flow of tears stop and i smile.
You: yea sure ill come by.
Sean: yay!! Its been a while since i last seen you.
You: sean its been a week you dork.
Sean: a week is too long!
You: XP whatever im coming over you dork!
I put on some make up to cover the hand print and then just put my hair down so its not too noticeable since not only is my face marked but its also swollen.
Then i walk to sean house which is only three houses down.
Once i arrive i knock on the door.
Sean immediately answers and pulls me in for a tight hu which hurts my stomach i jump and wince.
"Whats wrong?" Sean asked.
"Nothing just ive been taking karate classes lately i just came back from a class and im a bit sore." I lie.
"Oh wow cool!why didnt you tell me?!"
"It mustve slipped my mind." I lie again.
Sean lets me in and then we sit on the couch.
Sean puts GTA5 in his ps4 and we play we were having fun for a while.
When sean cheated so i threw a pillow at him"no fair!" I say laughing.
He laughs and throws a pillow at me it hit my face where victor slapped ne earlier, "ouch!!"
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothing." I lie,
"Wh-why is your face have a hand mark on it?!"
I feel my face"oh shit!" I get up and run.
"(Y/n)!!!!" Sean runs after me.
"Dont look sean!" I turned around but he grabbed my arm and made me face him.
"No im i cant unsee that dont give me a karate excuse because they dont slap you in karate!! Did victor do this?!!"
" sean..."
Something changed in his eyes."why didnt you tell me?" He growled.
"Because i didnt want you to hurt him he doesnt mean it!"
He began to walk away clutching his head.
"You shouldve told me (y/n)!"
"Sean i didnt want to upset you!" Cause i know what happens when sean gets pissed off
Soon sean came back with his head hanging down"you shouldve said something." When he looked back up at me his eyes were pure black with green pupils.
"Anti please dont do anything it might get sean in trouble!" I plead,
"You dont understand do you (y/n)? Sean and i both love you we love you too much too just let this bastard get away with laying his hands on you. How long has he been doing this?!and dont lie to me!"
"After he moved in with me please don do anything please anti."
He pulled me by my waist and kissed me then glided his hand over my cheek and all my pain went away."when is he coming back?"
"He never said he just said he was going to get better food."
"Well we are going back to your house to wait for him."
Se-anti grabbed my hand and dragged me to my house and i opened the door to se victor at the kitchen table.
"Where the hell you been woman!?" He screamed
"I was with-"
Anti came in slowly from the shadows of the dark into the light.
"What the hell is that little bitch doing here you cheatin on me with him??!!hm!?"
"Shut the hell up! Anti yells
"Or what little bitch!?"
The door closed by itself more or less i knew that was anti.
"Anti please.." i beg.
There was nothing i could say."you take kindly to hitting women?" Anti growled.
"You told him!??!woman i oughta knock you o-aaahhh!!"
Anti began to slam him repeatedly into the ground and the walls using his powers then stop dropping victor to the ground he was bloody and bruised all over, anti grabbed victor by the neck and began to choke him while lifting him up.
"If you think for one second that youe seen hell just wait till i take you there.." anti growled and with that anti levitated off the ground and then plummeted through the ground he just disappeared.
Sean's/ Anti's pov:
I went through every core of the earth to get to hell and once i arrived i dropped victor into the fiery pit and went back to the surface and comforted (y/n).
"He wont ever come hurt you he wont ever come looking for you ever again i promise." I say.
Suddenly i felt funny and i knew it was time to go back to let sean take over i kissed her one more time and then hugged her.
Your pov:
Anti hugged me soo tight as if he never wanted to let go then when i realized sean was back.
"What the hell hap-nevermind i never wanna use that word again."
"What word?"
"Because thats where anti put victor is now."
My eyes went wide open."you mean anti put him.."
Soon after that luckily a missing person report was never filed and (y/n) and sean got together and lived happily ever after while victor was tortured in hell for all eternity
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