Ms.Hard to get. (imagine.)
Story Time: you an jack are in your senior year of college sean is kind of a jock plays football with the guys an gets hit on by all the girls. You are a popular girl not the rude kind the nice one that everyone likes because you are kind,caring,an respectable an not a slut. but for some odd reason he consistently tries to get you to go on a date with him. You like him back but you wanna play hard to get.
Your pov:
Tonight me friend Kaylie is throwing a party because we're graduating tomorrow. I put on my favorite black dress. Curl my hair and apply a little lip-gloss. Put on my heels and drove to kaylies house.
~~~after ze drive.~~~~~
I got there and called kaylie she rushed out of the house to greet me.
And ran towards me.
"Hey sweets!!" She said hugging me. Thats my school nickname everyone calls me sweets.
"Hey kay." She grabbed my arm and dragged me inside.
"Mix,mingle,find a hot guy make out with someone this is your last night in college you just might fin love here." Kaylie said wiggling her eye brows.
"Seriously kaylie i dont have time."
"(Y/n) listen this is your senior year of college you've finish all your EOC's with flying colors. you're graduating tomorrow. Through all that youve not been having fun except on the days where i drag you with me."
"Every saturday night you drag me out of my dorm."
"Whatever you are about to go out into the real world you need to have some kind of fun before you leave the fantasy land called college."
I let out a heavy sigh "fine your right ill mix an mingle maybe even flirt if i cutey pops up whos here?" I asked standing on my tippy toes to look through the crow.
"Um there's jake,Malik,josh,Steven and ohh sean that guy you like but deny liking."
"Kaylie!!people can hear that!!"
"Its your crush not mine."
"Youre a heartless friend you know that?"
"Whatever gets you dating guys.well if youll excuse me that guy rhett is just screaming my name." She said walking off,
I sigh shaking my head an walk into the crowd i was greeted by a bunch of people a few 'hi's an 'hellos' along with a few hugs and quick convos here and there i made my way to the bar.i was greeted by a bartender.
'Kaylie really went all out for this party.'
"What can i get you beautiful?" The bartender asked in a flirty manner.
"Can i just get a club soda please?" I asked politely. I plan on going home alone so i need to stay sober. He fixes my drink in a liquor glass and hands it to me.
"There ya go sweet cheeks." He said winking.
'Hes trying to hard and ive been standing at the bar 3 minutes.'
"Thanks." I said walking off.
After hours of mingling i just gave up and sat back down on a stool near the bar.
It was cold so i pulled my sleeves down over my hands and took my phones over my small black handbag and just decided to take a photo. I go to my camera and pose when suddenly the bartender steps into my shot. I put my phone in my lap and look over to him.
"Hey there sweet cheeks i didn't catch your name." He said.
"Uh its Kara." I lied (Care RUH) thats how to pronounce it,
"Sexy name for such a fine specimen like you." He said smiling.
"Thank you very much." I said uncomfortably. Suddenly Sean came and wrapped his arm around me.
"Hey babe sorry i was late i had to pick up seth and you know hes a slowpoke." He saud kissing my cheek.
Sean youre my freaking savior right now.
"Oh its ok as long as youre here im fine." I said playing along.
The bartender gave sean a stinky look and left me alone.
Sean pulled hand from around my waist.
"Thanks so much for the save."i said.
"No problem i could tell you were uncomfortable, so um graduation is tomorrow what are your plans after that?"
"I honestly dont know ill probably get a job an apartment and stay low for a while what about you?" I asked crossing my leg and leaning back on the counter.w
"I started a YouTube channel which im doing pretty well with so im might jst continue with that along with take this very pretty lady out to a five star restaurant if only shed say yes."
"Mmm then i would cancel reservations because its not happening." I said smiling.
"Come on give me a shot at least one shot please." He pleaded.
I sat back up and tapped my glass with my finger nail."now tell me why is it exactly you want to take me out on a date?" I asked looking back up at him.
"Because youre not like the others."
"Ha! So very original!" I said sarcastically while leaning back on the counter and sipping on my club soda.
"No im serious i know it sounds so cliche for a guy to say im pretty sure in your whole life of dating youve heard it a million times but im serious most girls follow me and swoon over me and are head over heels for me. But you dont chase me down and dont pay me any attention i guess you can say i like what i cant have."
I giggled and looked at him."you really wont give up will you?" I asked
"No i really want to go out with you."
"Alright you got me."
"Finally! You wont regret it." He said hugging me i giggled.
"Sooo a YouTube. Channel huh?what kind of channel is it?"
"Gaming i play all sorts of games on my channel."
"Whats your channel name id like to check you out."
"Ill keep that in mind."
"Wait is the (y/n) sweets (l/n) a low key gamer?!"
"Low key gamer?how do you think the gamer club likes me?"
"Because everybody does you have something at least one thing that everyone likes for example almost every guy ive talk to by far has said one thing about how big your ass is."
"Well thanks for the un needed info." I joked.
"Just what games do you play."
"Anything i play horror games,rage games,weird games you name it i play it."
"Oh really well maybe one day you could be in a video with me."
"Oh no me and cameras are sworn enemies."
"Come on please."
"Yknow what i feel like this is another thing you will pester me about so ill think about it."
"Good soo yknow its gettig pretty late and i dont have a ride and ive taken to shots of vodka so can you drive me to my apartment?"
"Sure." I put my club soda down and then sean held out his arm.
"Are you serious?" I asked
"Cmon just because we haven't gone our date yet doesn't mean i can show you what itd be like."
I rolled my eyes and took his arm and we began to walk out as i was about to leave a seen kaylie wiggling her eye brows at me . I giggled and mouthed 'shut up'
When we arrived at my car he opened the door for me.
"Thank you."
"No problem." He said he got in on the passenger side and gave me directions to his apartment.
"I was actually looking at this apartment yesterday!!" I said pulling in.
"Really?!well naybe you should just be my roommate i dont have and extra room but we can work something out."
"Why are you making all the offers to me."
"Because im afraid after college...ill never see you again."
'Awwwwwwww he sooo sweeeeet say yes!!'
"Ok fine but dont expect me to be cooking and cleaning every night." I joked.
Suddenly it started storming. Great.
"Its storming really bad its not good to drive under these conditions come inside youre going to be my roommate anyway so you should get familiar with the place."
"Ok" i turn off the car and we make a mad dash for his apartment unfortunately i slipped and got really drenched.when we got inside his apartment .
"I have some clothes you can borrow."
"Thanks" i said shivering.
Handed me some pajamas pants and a oversized shirt.he showed me the bathroom and changed then me and sean sat down in the living room and just talked about any and everything.
~~~4 hours later.~~~~~~
I laughed as sean was showing me a YouTube video of his.
"Youre really funny and realy loud." I laughed.
"Well thats what keeps them happy."
We both laughed a sudden force came over me and i felt compelled to kiss him. So i did he kissed back i laid back on the couch and he climbed on top of me wrapping his hand around my waist. And was kissing and biting my neck.soon we stopped i blushed then we fell asleep.
~~~~the next morning.~~~~~~
I woke up with sean on top of me i blushed.
Sean woke up with alarm and when he seen me he fell off the couch.
"(Y/n) what are you doing here?!"
"You dont remember?"
He looked and it hit him."oh that wasnt a dream?yes!!" Ihe said fist pumping.i slapped his arm playfully and got up.
~~~~~7 months later.~~~~
Sean and i were laying down in bed watching tv and cuddling.
"Sweets."sean said.
"Tell me why if you liked me you kept rejecting me."
"Because i liked playing hard to get."
"Hard to get you were it took all of senior year!!!"
I chuckled and he kissed me.
"Yes babe."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
The end.
A/n:thanks for reading my first jse imagine i would say sooooo much more but i have to charge my phone lus ya bai!!
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