Lets run away: mummy dearest wants answers.
Your pov:
I was freaking out on the inside until i remembered.
'Im 24 years of age she cant run my life forever she cant control me anymore!'
"Ok lets talk." I said calmly sitting on my bed smiling.
"Who is this? This sean character?!" She said in rage pointing at the newspaper.
"That sean character is a YouTuber mom. Hes an awesome guy." I say remaining calm.
"Yes hes a YouTuber and a nice guy a really sweet guy in fact i like him i take that back i l love him." I said smiling.
"Are you insane?! You are a princess next in line for the thrown and you are frolicking around Los Angeles with some man with a non-realistic job??!!?!"
I stand up and get in her face."Well in his house it gets bills paid therefore it counts as a bloody job!!"
She slaps me. "You will not continue to speak to me your own damned mother in that tone! You will not disregard or disrespect my fucking wishes! All i ask of you is to act like a lady! But no! You want to eat burgers and play video games. Why cant you be like all the others princesses?!"
"Id rather be a game loving burger eating little brat than to be a snobby, stuck up,slutty bitch like the rest of them!! You think they are perfect ill have you know princess lea spends her days sleeping with men and getting drunk princess kate and prince william arent as happy as they seem they spend there days arguing! So you want a dramatic little bitch on your hands while your hair is already going gray go adopt a 17 year old brat raise her like a fucking princess and make her queen cause i wont stand for it," i gritted through my teeth.
"Youre grounded!"
"Im 24 dammit! You cant ground me! I go where the hell i want!!" I go to my closet and grab a bag and clothes inside once im sure i have enough clothes inside i zip up my bag."and the last place i want to be is here where im under your fucking control." I started walking toward the door.
"Get back here missy or else?!"
"Or else what? Youll lock my gaming room? Youll call security and lock me in a tower? You tell me not to leave well just watch me." I gritted my teeth and i walked out of the palace and i call sean.
S: hello?
Y: hey sean did i wake you?
S: *yawns* no no not at all why?
Y: my mum and i just exchanged some very brutal words and i walked out i need a place to stay i know its really late and this is all a bit crazy but i have no where to go. *cries.* i dont know who to trust i dont trust anyone but you and im just all around confused right now. *falls to the ground crying.*
S: hey hey hey calm down baby look im getting my keys right now ill see you in a bit meet me out front ok?
Y:*sniffles* ok please hurry i dont know what my mum will do if she sees im still here.
S: dont worry im cranking the car right now.
I just stay sitting on the ground crying.
'Why cant you be like the other princesses?!'
The constant voice of my mother echoed in my head.
"All i wanted was for her to see that yes im not perfect not the perfect princess i never will be never wanted to be a princess but i just wanted her to see that im trying. Im trying to find ways for us to have what we want." I said looking in the sky at the stars hoping that maybe my father was listening and hopefully understanding me how i feel.
I fell asleep on the wet concrete with the streetlights shining down on me weak from crying tears.
Sean's pov:
When i arrived (y/n) was still in her dress,a beanie on her head,a jean jacket and wearing converse instead of heels. asleep on the ground with dry tear stains on her cheeks .
I got out of the car,picked her up and placed her in on the passenger side.
I drove off occasionally checking on her as i drove. Once i arrived at Mark's place i carried her inside. When i got inside Mark looked at me then at her then at me again.
"No way dude." He said smiling.
"Yes way." I said.
"Dude you are seriously dating the princess of the us?!"
"Yes i am i guess i havent asked her yet. Can you just help me out here open my door will ya!?" I whisper yelled.
Mark ran upstairs and i followed him with (y/n) in my arms. He opened my door for me and i gently laid her on the bed and covered her.
I went out of the room and closed the door behind me.
"Dude?!" Mark said.
"I know."
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