Im in love with a criminal (lemon.) prt.2
After the cop encounter sean and i left the hotel. We were driving a black convertible we had the lid down and went down a desert road on the way to the airport.
Next thing i know work by fifth harmony came on that was my favorite song, i turned up the radio and stood up in my seat and sung along.
"Are you crazy?!?" Sean asked.
"Im dating you arent i?"
He shook his head smiling.
WORK lyrics
I ain't worried 'bout nothin'
I ain't wearin' na nada
I'm sittin' pretty, impatient, but I know you gotta
Put in them hours, I'mma make it harder
I'm sending pic after picture, I'mma get you fired
I know you're always on the night shift
But I can't stand these nights alone
And I don't need no explanation
'Cause baby, you're the boss at home
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work
But you gotta put in work, work, work, work, work, work, work
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work
Let my body do the work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work
We can work from home, oh, oh, oh-oh
We can work from home, oh, oh, oh-oh
Let's put it into motion
I'mma give you a promotion
I'll make it feel like a vacay, turn the bed into an ocean
We don't need nobody, I just need your body
Nothin' but sheets in between us, ain't no getting off early
I know you're always on the night shift
But I can't stand these nights alone
And I don't need no explanation
'Cause baby, you're the boss at home
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work
But you gotta put in work, work, work, work, work, work, work
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work
Let my body do the work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work
We can work from home, oh, oh, oh-oh
We can work from home, oh, oh, oh-oh
Sean surprised me by rapping this part.
Girl, go to work for me
Can you make it clap, no hands for me?
Take it to the ground, pick it up for me
Look back at it all over me
Put in work like my timesheet
She ride it like a '63
I'mma buy her no Celine
Let her ride in a foreign with me
Oh, she the bae, I'm her boo
And she down to break the rules
Ride or die, she gon' go
I won't judge, she finesse
I pipe up, she take that
Putting overtime on your body
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work
But you gotta put in work, work, work, work, work, work, work
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work
Let my body do the work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work
We can work from home, oh, oh, oh-oh
We can work from home, oh, oh, oh-oh
Yeah, we can work from home
Yeah, we can work from home
I sat down we laughed.
"So whats the plan how are we gonna make the get away?" I asked.
"Well first i need to ask for you to do something."
"The last drop is gonna happen on your account."
"What does that mean sean?"
"My last job is your parents i have to rob your parents thats what my client ordered!!"
"Sean are you serious dont take it. You can do another job i dot mind being on the rod for a little while longer."
"Babe the client offered 4.6 million dollars cash....we'd be set for life if we spend wisely we could stop running we could get a private jet to Canada i already know how to fly planes we cold do this last drop and go."
"We cant go back sean there will be too many questions!"
"Itll be my last drop you could do it for me if it makes it better i wouldnt even be doing anything!"
"Sean i dont know."
"Okay what questions do you think theyll ask?"
"Umm where have you been will be the first."
"Tell them you went to out of town to stay with a friend because you were tired of being a burden on your question."
"Why'd you leave without notice."
" grown i dont have to tell you everywhere i go. 2. I didnt want to be found,"
"Who is this friend of yours?"
"His name is jack he has brown eye green hair and basically give them a description of me"
"Why did you leave with this guy and how long have you known him."
"Ive known him for three weeks we met at a diner when i was with allen he helped me get home. I left with hi because e was kind enough to let me live with him he told me i could stay with him for as long as i like."
"Will we meet this jack?"
"No hes back at his place he paid for my ticket back home"
"Why did you want to come back?"
"Because i felt guilty for just leaving without notice and i have a favor to ask."
"What favor?"
"Can you buy me a private jet plane?"
"Because i can easily tell the news what goes on in this house i can have you both exposed for abuse and i have the scars to prove it."
"What if they say no?"
"You have scars yes?"
"Then prepare to put on a show on national tv.we will be putting your parents behind bars."
"What if they say yes."
"Then add on this favor...can i also have the family diamond?"
"They wouldn't do that i asked already i have to wait until im 26 until they pass it on to me."
"They dont trust me yet."
"Well use the threat."
] sighed."okay,but after this promise me we will be heading straight to canada."
Ok but how do you like France?"
"Are you serious youd take me to france?!"
"Better yet paris."
" Vous me avez eu un bonjour" (you had me a hello)
Sexy et parle français putain je veux vas te faire encule" (sexy and speaks french damn i want to fuck you.)
" Eh bien, vous devez attendre jusqu'à ce que nous arrivons à notre destination"
(Well you have to wait till we reach our destination.)
" Zut!!"
{Thanks google translate!!}
I giggle.
Soon we arrive at a hotel.
"Wait i thought we had to go to my parents house."
"Change of plans im a bit tired"
He got out of the car and got us checked in.
He came back with a key and got our bags we went up some stairs and finally went into our room. Sean sat our bags down and pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me and began kissing my neck.
"SEAN!!i thought you said you were tired!"
"Im tired of your teasing!!"
He pulled off my pants and rammed into me. I yelp.
"god i missed you tight little walls!!" He groaned.
He pounded into me harder and harder soon becoming slow and sloppy. He lifted up my leg to hit my g-spot.
"Oh gahd sean!!"
"Oh you feel soo good!!!"
"S-sean im so-ah!!"
"Me too baby!!"
Soon sean and i both came.
"4 day road trip without sex is like a year without cake." Sean said panting.
I giggle. "Seriously?"
"Yes seriously!"
"Baby im sore,can we go to my parents place in a day or two?"
"Yea im tired from driving anyway."
~~~~~after two days of constant love making and napping!!~~~~~~~
"(Y/n) baby get up you have to go meet your parents."
Sean said shaking me lightly.
I groaned.
"Do it for cake."
"Do it for the vine."
I sat in silence.
"Do it so we can fly to paris and so i can fuck you on marble countertops in a fancy house."
I got up.and got dressed.
Sean drives me to my parents house.
I knock. Im so nervous i remember what sean told me to say. My mom opens tge door and looks at me as if she wanted to cry.
"Hello mother." I said smiling.
She began to cry and hug me, i hugged back immediately. I honestly kind of missed my moms hugs.
"Where have you been?!" My mom asked drying her tears.
"Im sorry i left without notice i just had alot on my mind and too much was going on i couldnt take living with father so i left out of town with a friend."
"Oh well your father isnt here right now, who exactly is this friend?"
"He's the guy who helped me get here after allen started abusing me."
"I really want to meet this young man i owe him gratitude a plenty for taking care of you."
"Hes actually not here hes back where he lives in Utah i just told him to get me a plane ticket here since he had to work."
"Oh well just send him my gratitude."
"I will but mom i actually have a bit to ask of you."
"What is it sweety you name it ill provide it."
"I want a private jet."
"Done and done what else do you need."
"I want the family diamond."
"(Y/n)....i dont know if I have that authority to give you the family diamond. You have to ask your father,"
"But you know he wont give it to me."
"I wont give what to you?" My father walked inside.
"The family diamond."
He sat there for a second. "Will you leave us alone never come back?"
"ROBERT!!!" my mom said in a scolding voice.
"Mom its okay, yes i will leave you alone i will never return you dont have to worry about seeing around town or anywhere ill leave for good."
"Alright ill give it to you as well as a check for 70 million to ensure you have enough to live off of." My dad said simply.
"Thank you father."
"Dont call me that."
He wrote me a check and handed it to me. "I will be back with the diamond."
"(Y/n) you cant do this why are you doing this?" My mom asked crying
"Because mom i cant take anymore of this. the parties,the constant abusive boyfriends the family drama.and the faking happiness i cant take it!!"
"We can change sweety we can!"
"No ma!just let it be the way its gonna be. Ill keep in touch with you we'll skype as often as i can."
My father came back with a velvet case he opened it up to display the tiny jewel in the case then he shut it. The handed it to me.
"Here, now leave and never come back."
I turned to the door to leave but i had just one question before i leave.
"One more thing."
"What do you want?!" My father sad rudely.
"Why do you hate me soo much."
"Because you were not a boy you weren't what i envisioned as a daughter you are nothing but a disgrace in my eyes!!i waned a SON!!!NOT A WHORE!!"
"well look you got one child. How you treated me was your choice but do understand this......even if i didnt do exactly what you wanted me to still shouldve been there you. So you know what i hope you dont mind living with guilt for the rest o your life cause i will never come back but do understand i forgive you. I forgive you for not understanding that i tried to be the perfect daughter you wanted i tried!!but in these few months ive been away i learned something..,you cant please you should please the ones who are easier to please. Good bye"
I walk out and close the door, i felt a few tears fall down my face.
Call sean:
Y:(its me. :-P) hey babe
S:hey howd it go?
Y:good and bad.
S:what happened did you get the diamond and a jet plane?!?
Y:yes but my dad doesnt want me to ever come back. Ever.
S:oh my god that bastard im coming to pick you up hang tight.
Y:can we just meet at the diner,
S:no i dont want you to walk theres a mob that lives here.
Y:ill take the bus.
S:damn it just be safe im on my way right now!
*hangs up*
I walk to the bus stop the bus came and picked me up. I sat in my seat and cried.
'I WANTED A SON NOT A WHORE!!' my fathers words repeated in my head over and over.
Then i got off where the diner was.
Sean was right there. I ran into his arms and cried harder.he hugged me tightly.
"Its okay baby, whatever he said its not true youre beautiful you deserve nothing but the best. Where's the diamond?"
I hand him the black velvet box.
"Come on im gonna take you back to the hotel we're gonna leave tomorrow."
I nod he kisses my forehead and opens the car door for me. We drive to the hotel. Sean hides the velvet box in his bag and we lay on the bed together and eventually fell asleep.
We woke up bright and early and checked out. We drove and drove until we arrived at a abandoned location there was a black car there. Out stepped three guys in suits one of them took off there glasses . He made me feel uneasy. I should be used to coming to places like these. Meeting with people like him. But im not i still feel at ease.
"Sean im scared."
"Its just gonna be a five minute thing baby i promise hes gonna give me the case of money and im gonna give him the jewel. Itll all be over after that."
"No can i come?"
"Please i not scared for me im scared mostly for you."
"Fine but stay close."
He got out and opened my door for me. I stayed close to him.we walked toward the men.
"Do you have what i wanted?" The man in the middle asked.
"Yes let me see the money."
The man chuckled and snapped his fingers and one of his henchman went back t the car and got a case then opened it to show loads of money inside then he closed the case.
"Give me the diamond."
"Max you know how i work money first."
The man nodded and his henchman gave sean the money.
And sean gave him the diamond.
"Nice girl you got there." The man said.
sean held me closer."thank you, shes mine."
"How much do you want for her?"
"Shes not a prostitute!"
"She oughta be one."
"Shut the fuck up you dickbag!"
His two henchmen charged towards sean but the man held them back he walke dover to sean and kicked him in the gut.forbidden zone and sean winced in pain. He fell over . I tried to rush to his side but his two henchman grabbed me and held me back as i watched him kick sean over and over i screamed at him
"Please stop!!stop!!"
He continued until sean began began to spit up blood. He stopped he snatched the suitcase and the jewel and rode off .
i knelt down on seans side and cried.
"Nobody calls my girl a prostitute." He said weakly.
i rubbed his cheeks and cried.
"Sean im sorry."
"Its ok baby its not your fault its okay come on lets go."
I helped him get up and i helped him over to the passenger side
"No baby im driving." He said weakly.
"NO!youre hurt you are not driving!!" I opened the door and eased him in he winced in pain. I got in on the driver side and drove us to a hotel. I got us checked in. Then i led him into the hotel room and into the bathroom i sat him down on the toilet seat lid and got some rubbing alcohol and cotton balls. I sit in his lap facing him. And dab his wounds he winced every now and then.
"(Y/n) we dont have the money im sorry." He said weakly
I smile."but we do however have a check for 70 million dollars courtesy of my horrible father as well as a private jet."
He smiled and looked at me in awe."howd you get it from your father.?!?!!!!"
"I promised that bastard id stay away so he gave me money just to be sure of it."
He hugged me tightly. Even though it hurt him.
After that the next day you got on your private jet and head to paris. You lived a happy life with sean and actually had a kid.
Named Sean as well he grew up to become a youtuber.
The end
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