I wish. (imagine)
Your pov:
Im working at shift at Labelle which is a very expensive fancy night club. Only the rich and famous show up here. If you arent rich or famous and youre in here....you work here.
I personally am not phased by the celebrities when i come face to face with them.
So here i was working my shif serving people food. When in walks my dream guy.
Sean McLouglin Most eligible youngest bachelor in ireland and proud owner of the 3rd fastest growing channel on youtube Jacksepticeye.
I nearly died.
"Oh my god lexi help." i grab her arm and pull to the side.
"Whats up?" she asked.
"Hot guy alert!"
"There are about.i dont know..100 hot guys in here be specific!!"
"Ugh!" i point at sean who was in a booth surrounded by women.
"And he just got off the bachelor i was soo glad he let go of that hooker kyanne!!"
"Ok um since you like him...go talk to him." she said.
"Are you crazy look at me compared to those women. They have hour glass figures and look like aphrodites! I look like a rejected yandere simulator character!"
"Ok you want to know what i see?"
" i see.." she counts the girls at the table. "Two cheating wives, three hookers, 2 hoes, four gold diggers and one eligible bachelorette."
She points at me. "You, you talk about him all the time oh jack this and jack that and oooh jack just uploaded a video, ooh jack just tweeted, oh jack is so nice hes so cute. Oh i hope hes ok and yada yada yada."
"Geez i didnt know i talked about him that much."
"You do and now you have the chance to talk to him. So go!!!"
"And do what?!"
"Stay here." lexi goes up to his table she writes somethin down and comes back.
"You my dear are gonna bring mr.McLouglin and the hos our finest bottle of Champaign!"
"Yea now go go go!"
I rush to the back and grab a bottle of Champaign and run to his table.
"Hi, um here's your-" i was rudely interrupted by a woman snatching the bottle away from me.
"Aww thank you! Yourr such a deer now run along bambi!"she said rolling her eyes at me.
I walked over to lexi
"Howd it go?"
"Not so good the whore took the bottle away and shoed me off!"
"Ugh hos these days smh." she said shaking her head.
We laughed.
"Waitress!" i hear jack say.
"Thats my cue!" lexi said going to sean's table. Sean is saying something to her they laugh and then the girls get up and leave sean and lexi talk for a bit then he gives her money. She comes back over.
"Childhood friend tip." she said.
"Yea i known him in primary school before he moved. Funny thing i dont remember him. But dont worry he'll be back again next weekend so you have a chance next time we'll be ready!"
"Hold up you knew the Jacksepticeye and didnt tell me?!!"
"Like i said i dont remember him all that well plus we were kids! Cut me some slack!!"
We went about our shift. Then went home.
Lexi and i are roomates as well.
We sat on our couch in our unicorn onesies watching Markiplier. Five nights at Freddy's the whole entire playlist.
"Ok enough of this! We need to prepare you for your meeting with your prince charming."
"How i dont own any high heels or dresses only converse!"
"Who said you needed high heels to look hot eve got adam with no more than leaves to cover her cooch and her tatas!"
I laughed.
"You know im right, weird but right."
The next weekend....
Lexi helped me pick out a dress to wear:
And we were at the club about to serve jack. I was soo nervice.
"Are you sure he'll notice me in this?" i asked lexi.
"Yes yes now go!!" lexi coaxes me.
I go to jack's table with two bottles of Champaign.
I give them to the girls onw of the girls take their gum out of their mouth and put it on my tray
"You wouldnt mind throwing that away would you?" she said batting her eyes innocently
"Sure." i say masking my desire to bang her face into the table repeatedly with a gentle smile.
"Hey uh do us a favor take our picture!! Seany take the picture with us!!" the blonde said
"Sure." jack said smiling.
They all get really close and i accidently take a picture mostly of sean.
"Are you blind?! Hello we're over here!!" she said.
"Hey relax Mika im sure it was an honest mistake we can take another." jack said smiling at me.
My heart fluttered and i smiled back and took the picture.
I went to the bathroom.
"Ugh i cant win him over i dont have boobs or butt!!" i seen some paper towels..i take them and stuff them inside my bra.
Lexi came in midway.
"What the hell are you doing?!" she questioned.
"Giving myself insant boobs!"
"The fuck?! Woman if you dont take those towels out of your bra its gonna get weird and i will take them out myself!!"
"Fine! It was uncomfortable anyways!" i say taking out the paper towels stuffed in my bra and throw them away
"Now why were you stuffing them in my bra in the first place?!"
"Because Jack deserves and Aphrodite im not worthy im flat!!"
"Gosh youve never been this insecure! This is serious! Ok first things first you are beautiful! And those little whores out there are just their to use up his money! How can you get his attention?" she said thinking.
"How about you just introduce me to him?"
"We tried that earlier you passed out before we got within 2 feet of the table."
"You know what i have an idea come with me!!"
She grabbed my hand and pulled me into an empty room.
"Why are we here?"
"Shhh child." she goes out of the room and comes back with a dress:
She took out a curling iron and did my hair:
(And for my people with short hair i got you!)
"Now go!!" she said
"What! What?!"
"Just go introduce yourself to him!!" she said.
"Ok!" i ran out and the minute i walked out jack had his eyes on me he left the booth and appraoched me.
"Hi." he said.
"Um hi." i say smiling.
"Im sean but you can call me jack."
"Youre Jacksepticeye." i said unconsciously.
"Yea." i shake his hand.
"I love your videos."
"Arent you lexi's friend and our waitress."
"Yea i got off my shift early tonight.My name's (y/n) by the way" i say
"(Y/n) Do you maybe wanna get out of here and go for a walk or something?"
"Id love that." i say smiling.
He offers his arm and i take it.. We walk out of the club together lexi giving me a thumbs up.
I smile at her.
Sean and i walk around town talking about life. We had a lot in common surprisingly.
Before we knew it. It was late and jack offered to take me home.
He called his limousine and we got inside he served me a drink and we talked on the way to my apartment.
Soon we ended up there sean walked me up to my apartment.
"I had alot of fun with you tonight." jack said.
"Me too." i said blushing.
"Do you maybe wanna go to dinner some time?" he asked.
"Yea id love that."
I dont know what came over me but he leaned in and so did i. Then our lips touched and we sat there making out for god knows how long.
Lexi opened the door and we jumped apart i blushed profusely.
"Well damn sean at least by dinner first!" lexi joked.
Jack blushed."so ill see you tomorrow at 7?" he asked.
"For sure." i say.
"Alright well um." he took out a pin. "Could i have your number,"
"Yea sure." he hands me the pen and i write my number on his arm.
"Thanks uh see you tomorrow." he said
"Yea, bye." he went downstairs into his limousine.
"Guuuuuuuurl." lexi teased.
I blushed more and came inside.
"I want to be the maid of honor at the wedding and to be the godmother of your first born child!!" lexi said.
"Shut up!!!" i say blushing.
"Your welcome!!" she said going to her room.
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