Beautiful nightmare (smut) prt.2
Three weeks later....
Your pov:
Sean and i became best friends after that. He would take me to his house after my long day at the diner and we would play video games and talk about anything though he always prefer to keep his distance. My feelings for him also began to grow stronger for him and when he pushes me away it kinda makes me sad.
One night i fell asleep peacefully when...
A cold gush of wind came through my room i automatically got up and turned on my lamp to see sean in my room.
"What the hell sean?!how did you get in here?!" I asked
He was panting and smiling and laughing?" Your window was open again!" He started laughing again.
"Jack are you ok?"
"Yep! Hey (y/n) did you know that you are very very pretty?" He asked then he started laughing again and then he fell onto my bed.
"What?jack are you drunk?" I asked giggling at the thought of a vampire drunk i know it possible but the buzz only last for about an hour because of how fast the body get rid of it.
He didnt answer he stopped laughing"where the hell am i?!" He looked around and then looked at me in shock.
"I guess that buzz wore off did you just zoom out of a bar?" I asked smiling.
"I guess i did." He realized how close he was to me he got up and stood against a wall.
"Why do you stand so far away from me you can stand next to anybody and everything else but me is there something wrong with me?" I asked worried.
"Than why cant you be near me?" I got off of my bed and go closer.
Jack backed away."stay back, because!"
"Because what?"
"I wont be able to control myself if i stand near you for too long!"
"But i thought that vampires were able to control-"
"Yes we can!i can around every other human but you and i dont want to hurt you so stay as far away from me."
"What if i want to be near you?"
"You dont, trust me."
I got closer to him until his back hit a wall,
"You do have self control around me" i say smiling lightly.
Sean/jack's pov:
Her smile set me into a state of hypnosis.
Like everything else in the world auto focused on her.
Then i could hear her heart beat the blood rushing through her veins like water in a water raft ride.
If i had a heart it would be pumping so hard right about now.
But my lust for her blood and her body increased.
And i pulled her by her waist and kissed her.
Your pov:
I was taken surprise by the kiss but i melted into it very easily.
My hands rested onto his chest as he the kiss got more heated. With one arm he scooped me into his arms i wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he carried me to the bed he laid me on the bed without letting go. He bit my bottom lip slightly causing me to moan he pulled away and groaned.
I knew he wanted to stop but i didnt want to. "No." I pulled him by his shirt and kissed him. His fangs were very visible but didnt faze me. I continued to kiss him sean pulled off my panties and threw them against the wall. Then slowly placed one of his fingers into me then another.
I moaned.
He continued until i came then licked his fingers.
"Do you know what i could do to you?" He asked panting.
"Yes." I panted.
"You must be crazy to do this."
"Trust me i am." I answered smiling then i kissed him more as he removed my over sized tshirt and bra. He started making hickeys all over my body he removed his clothes i flipped us over and climbed on top him and started kissing his neck licking biting and leaving hickeys all over his neck.
"If i didnt know any better i wouldve thought you were a vampire." He joked bringing me in for a kiss and flipped us over again and thrusted into my honeypot but unlike any man ive ever taken in he was big and fast. I dug my nails into his back and arched my back slightly as i moaned loud.
"Im going to give you the high of your life." He whispered into my ear.
He kissed and licked my neck then i felt his sharp canines penetrating my skins.
I arched my back sean took one of my hand and held it against the bed. I squeezed his hand.
I was seeing red different shades of red.i could feel the blood draining from my body. I was feeling a different kind of pleasure from all this one that is three times what ive ever experienced. Soon he stopped sucking my blood and licked the drips of blood on my neck and kissed my neck. Soon we both came.
"Do you have any idea what you just got yourself into?" Sean asked laying on my stomach.
Soon i felt sleep take over me.
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