Beautiful nightmare (ending.)
Your pov:
I woke up sore as hell.
Not only that but i was alone.
I went into the bathroom and looked at my neck it had hickeys all over and on on the right side of my neck bite marks clear as day.
I just didnt know what to do.
Immortals and humans arent allowed to do this so i didnt know if i should call in sick or what!
Suddenly a gust of win comes through my room.
It was sean.
"Why arent you at work are you ok?" He asked panicking.
"Sean i have bite marks on my neck i cant go to work like this."
" just wear this." He gave me a turtle neck.
I take it and put it on.
Later in the day...
Iwas serving tables i was feeling a little..distracted i was still in pain yes, but pain was the least of my problems its sean hes just acting like it was nothing was i a one night stand to him?!
I was behind the counter counting the money when another jill another waitress came over.
"Hey hun bun you look like youre goin through."
I sigh."im fine."
"You dont sound ok hun and whats up with the turtle neck?"
"Jill with all do respect im not in the mood to chat today ok?"
"Ok." She said walking away.
Soon it was just about closing time and in comes sean.
Lucy offered to take his order but he said hes not having anything today.
Im guessing he just came to see me again well. Im not in the mood to see him!
I got my stuff and walked out of the door.
Soon as i got home sean came through.
"Whats wrong?" He asked.
"Sean did last night mean anything to you?"
"(Y/n), i cant be in love with you."
"Ill hurt you!"
"Youll only hurting me by not being with me!"
"No im making your life worse! I seen how bad i hurt you last night i was holding back most of my power last night next time i wont be able to hold back and who knows maybe i kill you!"
"Then make me like you."
"Why not if youre so scared of hurting me and we want to be together make me a vampire."
"I cant let you become a monster i love you too much."
"You cant be in love with me but you are im in love with you and i shouldnt be but the universe had other plans." I got closer to him.
"Dont do this again."
"You said it yourself im crazy and i dont know what im getting into youre right i dont but i know whatever im getting into i like it no i love it and i dont care if you hurt me id rather die sporadically than die a lame human." I lean in and kiss him.
Three weeks later.....
Weve been dating for three weeks now.
Ive been trying to get sean to feed on me but he continues to refuse.
It occurs to me lately that im gonna continue aging and hes gonna stay young forever.
I want to spend the rest of my life together but not like this.
We were sitting on he couch cuddling.
"Why wont you turn me?"
"I dont want you to go through what i have to go through."
"Sean, im gonna continue to grow old and youll never change its not fair to me."
" do you really want to be changed?"
He laid me down and got on top of me and barried his face into my neck.
"Are you sure youre ready."
I close my eyes."yes."
He licks my neck and..kisses it.
"I dont want to change you yet, we need to agree on something."
He gets off of me.
"I will change you on the night we are engaged but until then you will be human and not ask me about changing you deal?"
I shook his hand."deal."
A year later.....
I woke up sean was in the kitchen cooking me something. I went into the bathroom and took a potty break then checked myself out in the mirror when i noticed something shiny on my left ring finger.
"Oh my god sean!" I walk into the kitchen to see sean on one knee.
"Im ready to spend eternity with you are you ready?" He asked.
Sean hugged me and gave me a kiss.
Much later that day...
I was in nothing but a robe.
Sean laid me on the bed and climbed on to of me and kissed my neck.
I moaned.
Sean rubbed my clit until i was wet.
Then he took his clothes off and thrusted into me
He held my hands down and bit into my skin i could feel the blood draining my body.
I was moaning and at the verge of screaming.
But soon we came and i passed out.
Sean's pov:
Itll take about 4 hours for the venom to spread.
I took her to the bathroom and cleaned her off and put some clothes on her and i laid her down on the bed underneath the covers.
4 hours late....
I was sitting on the couch reading a book when (y/n) came in her eyes were blue like mine but darker and they had a glow to them only new borns have the glow:
She rubbed her arm shyly and looked down at the floor.
How do i look?
She brain waved me.
I got up and wrapped my hands around her waist."you look beautiful." I give her a kiss.
This is the start of our forever.
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