preparations put in place
Don't worry, I didn't give up on this like everything else in my life lol gosh I'm doing great
"So I think she's the president we need to talk to," Leo gestured to the brunette girl down the hall and I looked at him.
"You go do it," I pushed the wedding invites towards him.
"What, no!" He refused right off the bat. "You made me announce the invite to the administrative board too, not again. You can do at least a school," he crossed his arms as he gave me the paper.
"Whatever," rolling my eyes, I stepped towards the other female. "Hello, are you the student council president?" I smiled at her and she brightly returned the gesture.
"Sure am!" She grinned. "Was there anything you needed?"
"Not much, just would like to invite you to an event," I squeaked out, suddenly nervous as I had never done any work like this without Tora by my side and I heard Leo's loud sigh as he stepped forward.
"We'd like for Seika High to attend our wedding," Leo wrapped an arm around me and I mustered a smile.
"Oh? Is that so," she looked up at us with the paper in her hand. "That's really nice of you guys! We'd love to come," she gave a thumbs up with a laugh, another male coming to stand by her.
His green eyes bore into mine and I could only think of how sharp Tora's were.
I'm definitely whipped for him.
"Usui Y/N an-"
My eyes met the male green ones once again as his voice called out to me.
"Yeah, that sure is funny!" The president giggled and I smiled at her.
"I guess," I didn't know what in the world she was talking about, Leo eying the blonde male by her side.
"We'll definitely show up!" She gave a kind smile and nodded. "Thanks Leo, and Y/N for inviti-"
I blinked, the wide green eyes staring at me and I started to feel uncomfortable.
"Yes, that's correct," Leo stepped in, moving to stand slightly in front of me. "And it's our pleasure, we hope you have fun at the celebration," he grinned, bowing as he shoved my head down as well.
"You're m-"
"We'll be taking our leave, thank you for your time and genuine kindness," Leo stepped back, pulling me with him as he cut the blonde male off and I stumbled slightly.
"You gotta stop walking so fast," I grumbled at him while he only chuckled.
"Don't you miss Tora after a long day?"
I fell silent at his question, jabbing my elbow in his ribs.
"Of course I do, but it's not like you guys try to cooperate together so when we get back it'll turn back to a f-"
"Then let's hurry back to him," he cut me off and I sighed as he led us to the hotel again.
"Tora, the door."
"Y/N, the door," he mocked me.
"Get up or let me go."
"How about, no and no?"
"Glad you agree," chuckling, he pulled me closer and I groaned.
"Tell that dumb dog to get it," he mumbled.
"Leo went out to talk with the administration," I reminded him yet he stayed unfazed.
I pursed my lips.
"He can just bring whoever is knocking inside when he gets back," he mumbled, giving no care for the person outside.
"There's no logic in that."
"There's not supposed to be."
"I'm ready to start cursing at whoever is behind that door if I open it because of ruining our time together," he opened his eyes, my breath hitching immediately as we held eye contact.
After Leo had gone out, I had nagged Tora to get rest and after agreeing with a grudge, he had tugged me in bed with him while he napped, a knock on the door bringing us here.
"Your beauty never fails to captivate me," be brushed a hand over my cheek and I smiled at him.
"If you try flirting with me again, I will not hesitate to strangle your neck."
"You know, that's how a good married couple feels too."
"That would be cute if I wasn't marrying another guy."
His lips pursed together, silence passing through us.
"You just had to ruin the moment, didn't you?"
"It's kinda my thing," I grinned, resting my head over his shoulder again.
He smiled at me, his gaze never leaving me as he leaned forward to place a soft kiss over my nose.
Grinning, I rolled my eyes playfully as I intertwined our hands.
"YoU KNOW GUYS SOMEONE COULD BREAK IN AND YOU TWO WOULD NOT EVEN BLOODY KNOW BECAUSE YOU TWO ARE BUSY WITH YOUR LOVEY DOVEY DONKEY CUDDLES!" Leo barged into the room, waving his arms around frantically and I sighed as Tora groaned.
"I thought you weren't coming back?" Tora rolled over, pulling me into his chest.
"I never said that, you can't bend my words to your want."
"What're you going to do to stop me?" Tora raised a brow and I held back a chuckle as Leo's eyebrow twitched.
"You guys are actually going to be the reason why I jump off that balcony one night."
"Do a flip on your way down, I'll record you if you want," Tora yawned and I burst into chuckles.
"I'm sorry," I cleared my throat as Leo sighed at me.
"No need to be," Tora tossed an arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer towards him, kissing my cheek as I leaned over his side.
"You guys truly are precious," Leo grinned over at us.
"Without a doubt, and hey," Tora called out as he sat up.
"Was there someone at the door?" Tora asked and Leo's eyes flitted to mine before going back to Tora's.
"I didn't see anyone."
A short silence passed and we got up to sit around the table to eat.
"The wedding's tomorrow. We wake up and start getting ready as everything's been prepared and finalized," Leo spoke, stuffing a piece of chicken past his lips.
"What a show to put on," Tora sighed, chewing away at the fries and I nodded.
Tugging me abruptly towards him, he held two fries against my lips firmly, waiting for me to part them as he slid them into my mouth.
"You guys really gotta control your passion sometimes," Leo spoke, his eyes over the noodles we had gotten, reaching for the water while he grabbed the box.
"We will for the public," Tora sighed, sitting back to sip at his soda.
"And me?"
"Well, you could always leave us alone," he shrugged.
"Yeah, so the next time I do come in, you two are locking lips," Leo rolled his eyes.
"Then don't come in," Tora retorted, going to stretch over the balcony.
"You're the wor-"
A knock over the door interrupted Leo, a short slurp of his noodles following.
"Tora, get your fist ready," Leo announced, his arm around me to push me back on the other side, against the wall.
With a nod, Tora moved back in, standing in front of the door, Leo pulling the door open.
With the pull of his arm, Tora had thrown his fist directly at the same blonde male we had met earlier and my eyes widened as Leo held his unconscious form.
"It's not our style."
"Gotta be prepared for any given situation."
I sighed, brushing off their responses as I pulled the passed out male onto the bed for him to rest.
Setting water beside him on the table, I furrowed my brows.
"Did you guys know he was coming?"
"Really?" I raised a brow at their different answers.
"I expected it sooner or later," Tora shrugged.
"I didn't want you to find out this way," Leo rubbed the back of his head.
"We'll take care of matters after the wedding ceremony tomorrow," Tora pulled me close to his side.
"Then your explanation better be worth the wait," I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, it will be. My love."
I love how I'm already a screwing up with updates like great job cLap clAp
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