calm before the storm
Leo's POV
"What do you mean it's my fault?!" I shouted back at him as we were at the airport and Tora held Y/N in his arms.
"You were beside her for the entire night, how did you let her drink?" He yelled at me.
"She didn't pass out because she drank! She was just tired and happened to fall asleep at the time of our announcement!! Stop blaming me!" I sighed as he narrowed his eyes.
He didn't say anything and I glanced over at him.
"If you're bitter to me over the kiss, don't be. It didn't mean anything for her, trust me. She gets more happiness by just hearing your name rather than kissing me," I looked down at my shoes and I heard him sigh beside me.
"I'm not bitter to you because of that," he rolled his eyes and I rolled my own.
"Just don't get so touchy with her."
"She literally sees me as a cousin of hers or something!" I tried convincing him and he raised a brow.
"Cousins get married all the time, I don't see your point."
I threw my hands up, giving up in trying to prove my point to him.
"Forget I even bothered," I ran a hand through my hair.
"You're so smug because you got her first kiss, aren't you?" He sneered at me and I turned to glare at him.
"Excuse you. I'm not going to apologize for kissing her so that things can be easier for you and her, but sure. Our kiss was spectacular as I'm sure you already are aware as you were able to witness our lips moving together as they were molded to each other's first hand while the people cheered at the sight," I grinned, cocking my head sharply.
"You disgust me," he spat, turning away from me.
"As if I didn't notice before," I sighed, waiting for our flight to be called.
"How long of a flight to Italy?" He turned to me and I raised a brow.
"Around ten hours I think," I answered and he nodded.
"I'm not going to apologize or thank you, but I do value your presence with us," he spoke, his eyes staring into my own.
A grin tugged at my lips and I nodded.
He leaned back, his eyes going over Y/N as she took steady breaths. His thumb ran over her bottom lip as he brushed her hair back, his hand resting over her cheek as he leaned down.
His lips went over her forehead and I tore my eyes away, staring out the window instead as the planes landed.
"Tora?" Her soft voice called out as her hand went to instantly hold onto his and he smiled down at her.
I felt my chest tighten at the sight, yet I knew that this was for the best anyways.
As long as she was happy with him.
I just needed to bring them together, after that my work would be done.
Her acceptance towards me was more than enough for me to be happy with.
"Did you bring the bag of food?" I turned to face Leo as the bag was by his feet and he gave a thumbs up.
"Wouldn't forget it," he chuckled.
"Did I sleep for that long?" I rubbed at my eyes as Tora pulled me against his chest.
"Only the car ride and the entrance of the airport, we're waiting for our flight to be called and then we board," he told me and I nodded.
"Italy, wow," I breathed out, staring out at the other sky through the window.
"It's where we can finish this," Leo gave a sad smile and I took a deep breath.
My hand tightened around Tora's hand as he still didn't know the one who was behind all this and I let out a breath.
Our flight was called and we headed to board onto the plane as Leo held the bag and we found our seats inside the aisle.
Leo had taken the window seat as I sat in the middle and Tora in the aisle seat and we thanked the attendance as she came to give us a smile.
"Le-" Tora raised a brow, falling short on his words as Leo had fallen asleep the moment he sat down, his lips parted as he took soft breaths. "And never mind," Tora sighed as he let our fingers intertwine together.
"To To," I breathed out, my eyes on Tora and I could feel him tense beside me.
"Y-yes anything," he turned to me with a slight pink brushed over his cheeks.
"I'm just happy to be with you," I smiled, leaning into him as my head rested over his shoulder, my lips at his ear.
Kissing his cheek, my eyes widened as he had shifted in his seat slightly, our lips brushing against each other's lightly.
We both fell silent, our eyes never leaving each other's strong gaze.
"Where'd you put the bag of snacks?"
Leo's voice snapped us out of our moment as we turned our heads towards him.
"You had them, you mongrel," Tora growled deeply as Leo gave a pout, shuffling in his seat to grab the bag.
"Sorry, just was hungry," his pout deepened as he pushed the marshmallows into his cheeks, chewing away at the white mush.
Tora gave a sigh, leaning back in his seat as he crossed his legs loosely.
"It sure is going to be a long flight," he groaned.
"You seem worn out," I noted and he gave a weak nod.
I shifted closer towards him, my hands running through the soft strands of his hair as I let my fingers play around with his straight hair.
He gulped slightly, his hand resting itself over my knee as he let his eyes shut and my hands continued to dance over his silky strands with a smile.
"And I didn't forget about the news you two sprung out on me. I'll see to the brother issue when we get there and meet him."
Most of my little author notes are just random updates on me or either always about my sister (; buT tODAY I WOULD JUST REALLT GENUINELY LIKE TO TAKE THE TIME TO THANK YOU ALL BECAUSE IT JUST MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT PEOPLE TAKE TIME OUT OF THEIR DAY TO READ MY WORK :)
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