"Where's your mama, Megumi?" Gojo inquired quietly as the midnight haired Sorcerer sighed in a melancholy manner.
The action immediately made the jewelled sea green eyed Infinity Sorcerer go on edge.
Something had either happened to Yukari or something was going to happen to her and it was nothing good.
"My mama has been distant today and the only time she speaks is when Uncle Nanami or Aunt Tiana stop by her rooms," Megumi found himself rubbing the dark bags underneath his midnight eyes.
In that moment, Gojo couldn't help but see his late best friend within Megumi, the dark bags under his midnight eyes, his normally spiky hair tied into a man bun.
Megumi was clad in a loose light grey sweater and dark blue sweatpants, black socks on his feet.
Gojo felt like he had been stabbed in the chest.
It hurt so much, to see the child he had raised with Yukari, resemble his late best friend.
Especially on the anniversary of Suguro Geto's death.
And he knew the reason why Yukari was adamant of staying in her rooms.
He wished he could do the same.
Satoru knew that Shoko was most likely drinking much more heavily today than she normally would.
And he knew that Nanami and Tiana would be spending today with Yukari but also letting her have her space.
Satoru took off his blindfold and gripped it tightly as his head fell forward, letting out a sigh of deep melancholy.
His jewelled sea green eyes were closed and his normally tamed white hair became messy, making him seem much younger than he was.
"I'm going to visit Yukari, please stay with either Maki, Toge and Panda or stay with Yuji and Nobara," Satoru informed his adopted son who nodded.
"Please don't let Mama shut you or me out, I just want to be able to hold her in her time of need, please, Dad," Megumi choked on his sobs as Satoru held his adopted son in a tight embrace.
It was the only time that Megumi ever let go of his emotions.
He was a genuine Mama's Boy, he was her pride and joy, the reason why she continued to live her life and not give up, he was her savior in a sense.
"I know, I'm gonna help your Mama out and then we're gonna eat dinner in her rooms tonight," Satoru promised his son.
Megumi nodded against his adoptive father's shoulder and smiled faintly as Satoru wiped his son's tears away and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.
After a moment, father and son pulled away and Megumi smiled faintly as his adoptive father waved semi cheerfully at him as he walked away.
Taking a deep breath, Satoru made his way to Yukari's rooms and made sure to keep his composure empathetic.
The death of Suguru Geto wasn't the only reason why Yukari Kagutsu kept her distance from Satoru Gojo.
The other reason for her keeping her distance from the snow haired Sorcerer was because they had once been in a triad relationship.
It hurt far too much to continue as just the two of them after Suguru died.
Sometimes, they would fall asleep together and Satoru would hold Yukari close, close to his injured heart that continued to beat ever so slowly.
It looked like tonight was going to be one of those nights.
Once Satoru reached Yukari's rooms, he made sure that Nanami and Tiana were nowhere near and then closed the door.
As he somewhat expected, Yukari laid on her side on her bed, her braids wrapped in a silk bonnet which Satoru knew, Tiana did for her grieving cousin.
She was clad in a soft purple cami and matching joggers, indigo ankle socks covered her feet.
Sniffles could be heard as she tried to not cry anymore.
Satoru quietly toed off his shoes and took off his blindfold, his jewelled eyes filled with anguish and love.
He slid into the bed, wrapping his arms around Yukari who clutched his hands as if they were a lifeline and she was drowning in the vast depths of the unforgiving sea.
And then she turned around and buried her gorgeous face into his chest, her body shaking with sobs.
"Satoru, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Yukari apologized and the Infinity Sorcerer pressed several kisses to her temple.
"I'm sorry, Yukari, I'm sorry for having a facade up for so long that it became second nature and caused you to distance yourself from me. I never meant for it to get that bad. Please, Yukari, let me love you and let me help you, you don't have to be strong all the time. You can fall apart and I'll be here to put your pieces back together," Satoru pleaded, his voice almost faltering due to the intense emotions.
Yukari lifted her face from his chest and smiled tearfully.
"Promise me we're gonna do better, together. I need you to promise me, Satoru, as I promise you the same," Yukari vowed and caressed the sea green eyed Sorcerer's handsome face.
"I promise we're going to do better, together, Yukari, I won't let you do this alone," Satoru felt his breath hitch in his throat as Yukari pressed her soft lips against his.
It was a soft kiss, a tender kiss.
A kiss that opened up so many doors, unlocking feelings that had been mercilessly shoved down, out of sight, out of mind.
Satoru found himself dominating the kiss and when Yukari pulled away to catch her breath, he kissed her jaw and neck, making her moan out his name.
And then he came back to her mouth, placing a few sweet kisses on her lips.
"Suguru would've been disappointed with us being apart for so long, he would've seduced the both of us and then turn us onto each other while he watched," Yukari laughed softly, the anguish in her heart lessening as Satoru laughed with her and nuzzled her neck.
Satoru smiled against his lover's neck, she was right.
"And then he would've demanded that him and I worship you like the Goddess you are," Satoru chuckled as Yukari's skin heated.
"Megumi won't have to worry about his parents being distant, we'll be a proper family again, I'm sure Tiana will be thrilled if only because she's gonna beg for us to give her a niece or nephew," Yukari smiled as she stroked her beautifully manicured fingers through Satoru's cloud white hair.
They stayed like that, for the remainder of the night and well into the morning, when Megumi knocked on the door and upon receiving no answer, he walked in, calling out for his mom.
He saw his parents cuddled up in each other's arms, clothed in their outfits from the previous day.
Megumi kissed both of their foreheads and draped a blanket over them.
As he walked back to his friends, Yuji and Nobara, he prayed that things would continue to get better.
Meanwhile, Satoru knew his son had come in, seen them, kissed their foreheads and placed a blanket over them.
But he felt himself falling asleep once more as Yukari murmured his name in her sleep and clutched his shirt in a semi loose grasp.
He was glad that they were going to repair their relationship.
Suguru would be proud of them, he was sure of it.
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