This Feeling...
Hello I'm so sorry I have not updated on this story it's been at least like idk 13 days, I forgot about this story well I hope you like this chapter
(Rays POV)
It was just another boring day I was walking in the garden ne'er the woods I was finding a place to sit and I could try a new reading spot with no kids yelling and screaming I hate shit like loud noises it's just annoying especially if it's little kids AND Emma no joke she was louder than a while ass choir singing and they are LOUD I don't think that's healthy to be that loud I thought to myself I kept looking for a place to sit until I saw this pretty flower bed my eyes sparkled it was a really beautiful flower bed and it smelt nice better than that old tree I always sat at I took a seat and took out my journal that none knew I had except for mom of course I started reading my poems that I recently made and one fought my eye it was called "MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR" I blushed when I thought of Norman but then I remembered dinner last night when both Emma and Norman sat with each other laughing and giggling 9/10 probably are dating no doubt in my mind that they weren't I started to tear up a little quite sobs came from me 2 minutes later I wiped my tears when I heard someone approaching me I acted like I was sleeping
(Normans POV)
Damnit I had to tell Emma sooner or later I don't like her like that I was under pressure I got worried about her reaction I sighed you know maybe I should go outside I put my shoes on and went outside for some fresh air for my lungs I look over at the woods I see RAY? what is he doing outside this late in the day walk over to the garden and see ray asleep in the flower bed I looked back to see mom outside checking on us the take a glance of ray sleeping he looked like he had been crying his eyes were all puffy I wonder what he was crying about and I just want to know if he's ok i felt bad for him for what ever he's going through I blushed when I kept looking at him maybe I can kiss him...NO WAIT NONONO I CANT DO THAT HES MY BEST FRIEND WHAT THE FUCK my face went redder than a tomato so I just took his hand and kissed it I blushed a lot more I felt like I was going to pass out when ray woke up his beautiful violet eyes were more vibrant than normal I blushed when he woke up I couldn't get my eyes off of his beautiful self I couldn't take it my face was really pink then ray looked up at me and looked away trying to hide something
(Rays POV)
I realized I had taken a nap when I woke up I see Norman just looking either at me or my soul either way I didn't care but he was really close which caused my face to go red so I hid it from Norman cause I didn't want to know that I'm blushing at him that would be really weird if he found out I Loved his albino ass once my blushing calmed down a bit I looked at Norman and said "the hell are you doing albino shit" Norman chuckled I blushed a little
(Nones POV)
Norman and Ray thought to themselves what is this feeling and why am I feeling it they both looked at each other's faces "we should head inside" Norman suggested "s-sure" Ray stutters
(To be continued)
Woo ok this was really fun to make but a lot of planning and 600 word not bad
-your beloved author-
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