Joshua- Chapter 15
" Delacroix suits you." She murmured.
" Crossroads, huh?" I chuckled in response.
" Well would you rather that name or the one provided to you by your dead beat ex-parents?"
" Right." I sighed.
" Your biological father was a necromancer?"
" He was."
" You inherited both of your parents powers didn't you?"
" I did."
" When will you tell Cassandra?"
" I will not put her at risk-"
" And you will not promise to love her as long as you both shall live if you're keeping such secrets from her. The least she deserves from you is the truth about you and all of your powers." I sighed.
" I can't decide, mint chip, swiss almond or raspstrawberret." I mumbled, bending to look down at the display.
" Get all 3." my dad chuckled, seeing my inner conflict. The people at the ice cream palace took a large ice cube tray and filled it with every different type of ice cream they had. My father got a waffle cone with mint chip and cookies and cream scoops. He decorated it with whipped cream and almond pieces. A peaceful and happy scene indeed
" I'm just scared of it. I've tried before and I've seen some scary, scary things" I whispered.
" That's because you were at the mercy of the spirit, not the other way around. Not the way it should be, Joshua. The spirit has no power but that of wisdom. It knows and it sees. But you have control of what you see."
" I-"
" What?"
" I made a deal..." She looked ready to explode for one moment but instantaneously calmed herself.
" What was it?"
" Dad, what is wrong with Daniel?" Carter chuckled, eating his own cup of Rocky Road ice cream. Daniel laughed almost maniacally, enjoying his ice cream. We chuckled around him, my father included. He seemed to be for the first time in a while, to be genuinely smiling.
" Ask him that!" My dad laughed. I chuckled at everyone's lightness and childish mood. I sat and ate one of mine, not once faltering in smile.
" I-"
" Say it already." She growled tamely.
" If my father dies of natural cause and not by the hand of spirits, I win and the spirit has to give me 3 pieces of knowledge. If I lose... the spirit get's to over take my body." She sighed so deeply and so carefully.
" Okay. So you have to kill your birth father, although there's a chance he may already know about the deal. I will help you, but this all means nothing if you keep your wife in the dark. Everyone here will know.
" And because you are family, putting our lives at risk means nothing if it's to keep this family safe and together." She whispered, holding my hand. I nodded understanding.
" But tell me this... is that really all?"
" Yeah. That and the fact that the spirit is of my dead grandfather." I whispered, embarrassed.
" Alright."
" You're not upset?" I asked confused.
" Of course I'm pissed. If I didn't love you so much I would hurt you." She whispered in my ear. I was... terrified, just to put it mildly.
We carried back ice cream for both my husband and our mother. Per their requests, we brought back Vanilla swiss and Cotton candy ice cream. I smiled, more than normally. My father stopped for a minute, his cheeks flushed. The dark late night sky was inky blue dotted with bright stars.
" I am so sorry, you guys. I really am." He said, very remorsefully. We all looked at our father strangely.
" For what?" Carter asked, not understanding like the rest of us.
" That ice cream... it's for... increase in hormones, to put it lightly." He sighed, uneasy-looking himself.
" Oh." Daniel murmured, unsure of what it meant. We were most afraid of how it would effect him. Carter stayed back and murmured something in his ear. He nodded quickly. He sped up and was in front of us. He kissed my cheek and hugged Daniel and I.
" I'm going to my boyfriend's house soon. girl is gonna pick me up later."
" You're fucking a girl and a guy?" He nodded softly.
" You player." I scoffed.
" It's really complicated."
" Fill me in later, 'kay?" He nodded smiling.
" I have one condition." She murmured.
" Anything."
" Tell Carter what you think of him. I don't want any secrets in this home." She said, choosing her words carefully throughout speaking.
" Really?"
" Really."
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