Chapter 70-2
Soon enough, we were in this stupid building I hated it. Lathes high was a fancy prep school that I hated I only hated it because there was nothing special about it. This school had nothing that nobody already didn't have. Of course like every morning, he abandoned me for his football buddies. I walked into the building and walked to my 3rd floor locker. It was small but resourceful. I took my pen and thin binder out of my bag. I held it under my arms and carefully locked my locker. I walked to Homeroom and sat in my usual mid-row seat. I set down my binder and waited for the teacher to start. I wasn't a nerd but I wasn't careless either. I needed grades that would get me out of this terrible excuse of a town
" Harley, you're fuckin' sexy, I'm not even gonna hold you." ( New York lingo ) James Jeered. The teacher got up from his chair and stood in front of the board.
" I-n-c-o-m-p-e-t-e-n-t. Incompetent. Boys being boys isn't an excuse for harassment. Now sit down." I looked at the teacher gratefully. He gently shook his head, telling me he had no problems checking him and all the other boys who thought it was okay. This was annoying and had been going on for a while. Everyone making comments on my body or how I dressed... That shit was annoying. I rolled my eyes in pure annoyance.
He pushed his short waves back away from his face. His hazel eyes were friendly, someone I could talk to." Okay, who did last night reading?" Everyone groaned. He didn't have to look at me. He knew I did it. We had agreed I would hand in my work at the end of class.
" Alright, that being said, independently write 2 paragraphs based on the prompt. Read chapters 5-10 for homework. Write a 1 pager and don't forget to summarize!"
Jeremy, beside me raised his hand. No matter what he said, it always sounded dumb or very dull. He was very charming, but he lacked a lot of common things.
" Where are we supposed to write the prompt?" The teacher was used to this, but looked almost puzzled. "On... Paper? Do you need paper?" Someone behind me snickered. He shook his head.
" No, that's not what I meant. Should I write it in my notebook or on loose leaf to hand in?" Everyone sighed gratefully. It wasn't a completely dulling question.
" Oh! On loose leaf. I want to read and grade them." The teacher was slightly charismatic. Our English teacher was one of the nicest teachers. Aside for having to stop the boys from hitting on me, he put kids in check without having to even go back and forth. He kept his class and papers orderly. He had healthy relationships with the student. He had my respect as a student. The class emptied as the bell rang and I removed my report and walked to the front of the class.
Mr. Harrison thanked me.
" About the test..." He murmured. I broke into a cold sweat. My nerves went from 0-100 within seconds.
He smiled " You got 95. You passed the final and therefore, you've passed my class." I gasped " No freaking way!"
" Well, according to me, yes freaking way. Now get going. You did a great job following the prompts. I took off points because you forgot to write your name." I looked at him, horrified. He laughed.
" I know what your penmanship looks like. And you write very passively. Bit you put in the work and for that, I applaud you." I put a lid on myself and thanked him. I grabbed my binder and ran to my locker. I shoved my binder in and ran back upstairs for choir
Lunch hit and I hid from everyone, of course. Not even Ronny knew I hid in the girls bathroom everyday at lunch. My phone buzzed subtly. It was a text from my dad.
You left your lunch
at home pumpkin😯. No worries. I sent you 10 bucks to eat.😊😋
His messages always warmed my heart in the nicest manner. He made me feel the best kind of happy out there.
Thanks so much dad!😊😍
I slid my phone into my pocket and stayed on the toilet. So many girls came in and out. At this point, it was no secret.
The party started at 9. I was a little nervous, but than again, I was always nervous. I wasn't dressed in anything different really. I wore a white silk shirt and my black jeans. My hair was tied back in a messy bun. Nothing special. I jumped in my converse and ran down stairs. My dad sat in his comfy recliner, reading the paper. He put his paper down and opened his arms wide for a hug. I ran into his arms.
" You look so modern yet so elegant. I don't know how you pull it off, but you're a real eye-catcher." I chuckled and squeezed tighter. He cupped my cheek and kissed my forehead. His rough hands that worked with wood and sculpting made me proud.
" You be safe, you hear?" I chuckled profusely. When my dad called me beautiful, it was different. He meant the absolute world to me.
" Alright. Go on and have fun." He waved goodbye and sat back down. I walked 10 blocks up and looked up at Phineas' house. It was grand with 6 bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms. I hated Phinneas, though. Blonde with gray eyes or no, he was a douche bag, known for beating his girlfriends. The teachers even reported Amber showing up to school with a black eye and it. Nothing got solved as his dad was mayor, so he could keep things silent. I was nervous just walking into the thriving party. I showed up at 10, as I didn't want to be the first there. I was becoming slightly nervous, just entering the party. The loud music and the yells were almost discouraging. I walked in and sighed. The grand staircase was packed with kids and college students. I stood to the edge of the party, as usual. Nobody noticed me, which was great. I had 2 drinks, which wasn't bad at all considering everyone else looked wasted. There were girls that looked strung out. Some were dancing topless already.
Some of the football boys looked a little wasted already, which sucked because it was really only 10 p.m. I was the biggest introvert at this party. I saw a few girls who clearly looked the same way. I wanted to ditch the party so bad.
"... No..." He whispered." I looked at him as if he was mad. I forced him back, tugging him. She moved closer and closer to us. This was the first time I've ever felt this wicked discomfort. He stopped moving all together. His eyes stayed locked on her. I opened a portal underneath us and closed it quickly. We fell on his bed.
" I felt the need to taint her so badly, Reyna." I was almost horrified. I was scared for the first time. Roman didn't look at me at all. His eyes turned black and his physical veins all turned black. I shook his hand. He looked at me and his eyes flickered white for 1 second.
Of course telling mom and dad what happened wasn't an option. Roman returned to normal after sometime, but confided in me later after I begged him. He diverted and kept saying I wouldn't confess but I kept picking at him.
" I wanted to drag her down and strip her-"
" WHOA." I had no clue that he felt that way in less than 20 seconds.
He rolled his eyes " Not that way! She was an angel. I wanted to consume her soul and strip her of her rank, you perv." That was a lot to think about. Would I keep his secret though? He could see the discomfort that caused me. I wished him well and went to my room.
I stared up at the towering ceiling of my room. All of the icy blue accents around my bed. It was all simple. Trying to guess what dad was hiding was hard. The orb of light above my head made the entire room a soft and sad blue. I lie back on my many pillows, unresponsive. It was how I was able to rest. I quickly untied my hair and let it all drop. It covered my face and body until I pushed it all away.
I was broken from my thoughts at a knock from the door. " In" I projected to whomever was on the other side of the door. My father stepped in the room and closed the door.
His eyes stayed on my own. His white long sleeved top was seamlessly. He looked like a regular man as he hopped on the edge of my bed and held my gaze.
" What's going on with you?" That very statement was Ironic. " Nothing much. You?" He could tell it was far from the truth, but pressed on. " I've been dealing with things in the best way I can. Your mother and I have been talking about some things... That involve you and your brother, of course. Whatever the two of you choose to do after this situation is completely justified. Your mother and I made arrangements in case everything doesn't go to plan."
I glared at my father intensely. No words had to be exchanged between us. He knew I was tired of hearing him beat around the bush. And I knew he had something far bigger to share than his 'small issue' façade was letting on. I grew impatient with him. He averted his eyes and later, finally closed them.
He let out a sigh " Be in the upstairs resting area in 5 minutes. Come dressed." I looked on at him in angry shock as he simply left and closed the door. The orb above me shattered into many pieces all over me. My Anger was besting me on all fronts. But I knew my anger wouldn't last. This was my dad, who made me feel like the best little girl in hell, despite a lot of things.
Roman held my hand. My younger brother was the best thing I could ask for. We walked up the glass stairs together. I wasn't afraid, but I was unsure of what was to happen next. I put on my white turtle neck and beige overall dress with black leggings and my black flats. I parted my hair down the middle and left my waist length hair brushed, but untouched. Roman matched with me and wore a white turtle neck with black jeans and casual shoes. He squeezed my hand as we entered the resting space. We instantly froze at the many people neither of us knew in our resting space. This was not what we expected. The large circular space had sofas and a large table with some snacks.
Everyone stopped their chatter to watch as we came into the room.
" I don't like this." I whispered. I could tell he didn't either. Our mom and dad entered through the second entrance. My eyes met my fathers with anger and frustration. He looked back at me blankly. Silence was between us and the many people that were here.
Mom spoke up, as dad had no words.
" Your father and I thought it would be wrong to keep you from any of your family. To raise the two of you in a bubble wasn't the best approach and we wanted you to meet the rest of your siblings and family." My eyes widened. Anger flooded me and my vision became darker at the edges. My eyes were black with malevolence. How could they just raise us and treat us as if we were the only family they had. Cracks in the wall began to form. I tried to stay in control.
" Mom... Let's clarify some things. You wait until we were matured to tell us we had family other than us?" He tried to hold his composure too. Our parents really only looked at us, not saying much. He closed his eyes and walked back downstairs.
I held back my jagged breaths. A wave of unsureness passed over me. " Daddy... give me one reason to not follow Roman. Give me one good reason you and mom lied and I'll forgive you." I whispered softly. For a moment he was stunned that I'd even spoken. But it hurt him all the more. I waited for him but he said nothing. I composed myself, realizing he wouldn't say anything back. I looked toward my family, who looked back at me. I bowed to them and walked right behind Roman. Just as I took my first few steps down, a hand pulled me back. " Don't leave, Reyna. They had their reasons for-" I snatched my arm and slapped her across the face at lightening speed. She knew something this big and never bothered to tell us. I was so mad and disappointed I could fight my own sister. I can't even look at them anymore. It wasn't a small lie they told us. We were lead on to believe we were and were always their only beloved children. The choice in timing was poor.
" Jensen High's prom queen is.... Rachel Wright!" Ethan rolled his eyes. She was horrible. But everyone cheered and roared as she was crowned, celebrating. His mind paused and his intuition began to run wildly.
" And our next prom queen is." She opened the second envolope. " Blaise Delacroix!!" Some clapped and cheered out of respect, but nobody really knew her. She instinctively walked up to the stage. Everything made sense to him, all of a sudden. Blaise wasn't crashing. She was drunk. But why had Rachel gotten her elected? He looked on in horror, unable to stop any of it. Blaise was crowned and took her place next to Rachel. She wasn't that close to her. Blaise pushed her hair back nervously, not understanding how or why she was elected. She looked at the principal, who seemed to be talking. Rachel suddenly grabbed Blaise's hand and spun her towards her. Rachel pulled her in for a kiss. Blaise was so drunk she couldn't even push her off. There were many gasps and few cheers. Rachel finally let go of Blaise, who was still in shock. Blaise' eyes watered heavily. " How H-how could you do that to me?" She cried softly. She had outed her. If She couldn't have Blaise, let Blaise shut the world out so no one else could have her. Blaise didn't look where she was going, but ran outside. Ethan ran after her, without a second thought. Blaise ran fast and as far away from there as possible. Ethan pushed through the crowd and ran after her. She should have left when she had the chance. Her lungs burned with the frigid night air. She was cold. She hid in the forest. Once she was far in, she slid down the root of a thick tree. She lie there and cried. She sobbed and pounded the earth with her fists. She wanted to scream. A rage hit her and she still cried. The rage made her eyes black behind her purple pupils.
" Blaise!" She tried to silence her sobs and wipe her eyes. She thought she saw Gabriela, naked. Her cheeks warmed, but she couldn't trust her sight. She was drunk. She blinked and Gabriela's image disappeared. Blaise' rage was hard and made her feel dark. She still cried. She grabbed a rock and closed her eyes as it's jagged edges ripped her skin and scratched her bone. She whimpered in pain and did it once more before leaning back into the tree. Her leg had once again been badly mutilated. This time, a moment of rage and identity dysphoria had caused it. Her vision began to blacken.
" Love, I've got you." He almost couldn't resist licking her gushing wound. The blood was what made Ethan resent Blaise.
As much as the two could relate to each other, she was his still one of his biggest weaknesses and had the very thing that sustained him coursing through her veins. He took off his dress coat and shirt. He tied it around her leg and wrapped her in his coat. It was chilly, but it didn't phase him as much. She lie in the back seat, buckled up, but passed out. He drove fast. Very fast toward her house. Her crown was still delicately in her hair. It graced her gorgeous features. He blushed, caught up in unorthodox thoughts about her, but he drove on. He had Daniel on speed dial. They had gotten into trouble with a few phantoms and had made it out alive.
" The door is open." Was the only thing Daniel said, and hung up. He was sure he could get arrested at this speed, but didn't care. He was angry at Rachel. And the girl who had been so brave as to ask her but backed out without telling her.
Tears stung his eyes. He widened his eyes in surprise, but realized his heart was heavy. " I love you, so much." He whispered, his tears falling.
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