Chapter 29
" Do you want an avocado?"
" Yes please." I sighed. I was tired, hungry, and in desperate need of sex. Ashton quickly peeled, sliced, de-seeded and placed on toast in mid-air and in front of me. I was stunned. I looked at him, him who almost mirrored my expression. Ashton sighed and rolled his eyes.
" Don't get huffy with me mister." I muttered in amazement.
" Why am I not surprised at your behaviour these days?"
" Shut up." I huffed, frowning. I ate the sandwich he effortlessly made for me. He turned in the opposite direction and found something to randomly fix. I rolled my eyes. I knew he was slightly intimidated by my husband and for what reason, I could only imagine.
" Good morning, how are you?" He asked, hugging me.
" Really pregnant, thank you." I sighed, sarcastically. He pulled up a chair next to me and sat down. He followed my eyes as I glanced at him.
" Is he bothering you?"
" No... talk to him. He's deathly afraid of you." His eyes widened in realization.
" Why?" He asked, confusion in his thoughts.
" ... Does my male servant need an excuse to be intimidated by my husband?" He still didn't get it, by the looks of it.
" That bathes and dresses me?" I emphasized. It seemed to dawn on him then.
" Oh. Okay... so what do we do than?"
" Not we. You. I've told him you were okay with him doing his job, but he seems to either find something to do when you're around, or he disappears on me. Like now."
" Oh...." I was slightly annoyed at my mix of pain, arousal and most of all, my pregnancy. I would give birth between tonight and tomorrow morning, which I wasn't too sure I was ready for. I sighed and held his hand under our table. He held it back and sighed.
" It'll be alright."
" Too bad demons don't do gender reveals. What do you think it will be?"
" I'm hoping for a girl. I think it might be a girl."
" But there might be a chance I'm having a boy."
" I mean, yes. But I think you're having a girl."
" My stomach is too big for me to be holding just one child."
" Hey, can you tell, Ashton?"
He turned gently and put his duster down " Yes. I can."
" So..." I asked excited. He smiled.
" Twins." He whispered. I squealed in excitement.
" Girls. Or a boy and a girl. It's hard to tell because the level of strength one of your babies has."
" And the other?" He stared at my stomach for a minute. He stepped forward and gently touched my belly. He removed his hand quickly, like he had touched a hot stove. His eyes widened.
" She's human." He whispered, scared.
" Very fragile, and very human. What's making you purge is her sister. She's protecting her human sister, which shouldn't be possible. This is...." He whispered, disappearing. We were both stunned, not understanding. My children were... struggling, having a hybrid for a mother. It was complicated to just think about. I suddenly took a bite of my sandwich, remembering I was also quite hungry.
" Hungry?"
" Very." I mumbled, munching and eating. I had been done with it quickly.
" So..." I asked suggestively.
He looked at me and smiled " Yeah?"
" So... is everything alright on your end?" He looked at me, surprised.
" I'm fine. I'm worried about you, though."
" What should we do? In case something goes wrong?"
I saw a very distant look in his eyes. He didn't say anything for a minute, until I saw him pull back and look at me.
" I don't know. I am worried that I don't know the outcomes, to be honest." I nodded and rubbed my eye gently. I got up and walked to bed. My stomach was heavier than I initially remembered. I wasn't in any pain, I was simply discomforted and feeling a lot more irritated. I coughed in my fist and sputtered. I saw my blood, splattered all over my hand. I felt dizzy, faint and even angrier than before. I rubbed my pendant quickly before falling. I was loosing a lot of blood, and quickly. Everything went dark before I could call out anything.
-9 weeks pass by-
My eyes hurt intensely as i opened them. I heard unfamiliar voices, as I sat up and walked to the bathroom. It felt like I had slept forever. I showered and washed my face. I had to assume I had given birth when I passed out, because I felt much thinner than I needed to be. I dressed and prepared, but it seemed the house had fallen silent. I looked at the floor as I slipped on my sandals. I yawned and closed every door besides the ones that weren't closed. I opened a box on my dresser that had thin hair ties. I hurriedly tied my hair up and almost flew downstairs. Everyone sat down except for Jason and my father, whom of which were absent. I stepped in the dining room and everyone turned to me. Joshua motioned for me to sit with him.
" Morning. Ughhh, how long was I out for? I feel like I overslept." He looked out the window and responded. I took a gulp of his untouched orange juice.
" You were out for more than 2 months." I stopped everything and swallowed my juice, as to not sputter, choke or spit it out.
" What do you mean?"
" He means, Cassandra, that you were passed out for a very,very long time. That being 9 weeks and 2 days." Daniel sighed,eating. I heard them say it, but I couldn't believe it. Iooked up at Carter who looked away from me. I started to feel a little uncomfortable, based on the silence.
"Well, where is dad? or Jason?" I asked. Carter got up and left the room, suddenly.
" Jason was obliterated. He isn't with us anymore. As for your father... see,you lost so much blood that you almost turned into a ghoul demon, as that tends to happen. Your father in turn, gave you his essence and ended up in an enchanted pool beneath your home." He whispered, holding my hand.
" And what ab-"
" Daddy, where's the-" A girl with black hair and light purple eyes stared at me. I stared back,in pure confusion. She was already mostly mature. She sat down in front of us. The child that had almost ended my life, sat before me, with a cold look. I looked at Joshua, hoping he would explain her existence to me.
" What are you doing here?" She almost barked.I flinched at her rough nature.
" Blaise, show your mother some respect, please." Joshua ordered.
" She didn't raise me." She argued.
" Yes, but she did almost die giving birth to you, and still loved you even though she knew you were what was killing her." He replied indifferently. She stood, silently fuming. Daniel didn't say a word at all.
" Hey dad?"
" Adelyn?" He called back, concerned.
" Where are my slippers?"
" Baby, I'm sorry, I wouldn't know. Please come. " He called back. My heart raced, just being in contact with my daughters. She gasped gently and walked closer.
" M-Mom?" She asked quietly. Her flowy brown hair and dark brown eyes told me a very different story of what the outcome of my pregnancy had been. She was fully demon, but I could tell she was gentle and kind, but very much a demon. Blaise, on the other hand was fierce and looked a lot more like me, but seemed... human. My shaking hand reached for Joshua's. He held my hand as I processed hard pills.
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