Chapter 2-Reyna
I slipped on a pair of socks and slid into my black oxfords. A knock came through my door. " Come in." I murmured. My father stepped in, dressed and ready to go somewhere. " Reyna, I came because I'm very worried."
" I know... I'll be okay, dad. I'm managing."
He sat beside me on my bed. " I know you're managing. You always have. But don't be afraid of opening up if you need." I knew my dad always did what he could. There actually wasn't much that he wasn't capable of. But I knew for my sake he would do almost anything. " Daddy... Where's Roman?"
" He's on Earth with that angel." I leaned into my father's chest. " Daddy it's not fair... I knew Roman loved her but... He didn't have to abandon me." I whispered, pained. He wrapped me in a gentle hug. " I know."
" Carter has a lover and still he comes now and then to spend time with me and me alone. Why is that?"
He momentarily diverted " Oh! On that note. Carter's here. He's back from his collection." I quietly walked to the living room. Carter's eyes met my own and we instantly shared a small smile. I ran to his side and held his hand and he pulled me into a warm hug. " How are you, Reyna?"
" I'm just happy your collection went well. Glad you're here." He smiled a sweet smile I was always so happy to see. I chuckled and swatted his shoulder. " Hey, I want to take you to a movie with my brother, my niece and my husband. Is that okay?" I nodded cheerfully. Anything he wanted to do, we would do. He always had fun ideas." Okay daddy, bye! I'm going with Carter." I called. " Okay!" He replied.
And just like that, we were gone. I gently pulled at Carter's sleeve. His eyes met mine and he was trying to discern. " I never got to tell you what happened to my brother... Our brother." He smiled but nodded as we walked towards the mall " He's tainted an angel and he's with her. He doesn't spend a lot of time in hell anymore like we used to. "
Looking down at me worriedly, he replied " What of your father?"
" He can't do anything... As only we know, he's an angel himself." Carter nodded in agreement. " Well, how would an angel make demons like us?"
I stopped and looked at him confusedly " You... Don't know?"
He stopped as well " What?"
" The term demon is meant to categorize and make those who are labelled as such think they're lesser and therefore separate from the angels. Even my father answers only to one and one alone. " I looked at him seriously " But make no mistake Carter, we are angels given a different intent. To perfect mankind by way of temptation and corruption."
For a moment there was silence" You really think so?" He asked?
" Carter... This might sound weird... But tonight I have something I need you to see. But you have come to my room and make sure you're alone." He agreed and we continued ahead. I called the elevator and we waited together. The 4th floor had a food court and I had a bag to put sweets in. I grabbed some M&M's and Carter had a few packs of junior mints. I picked up 2 water bottles as well and put them on the counter when it was time for us to move up in line. I pulled out my card but I noticed Carter did as well. I gave him a shy smile and swiped my card. I dropped the sweets in my bag and continued on to the 5th floor. The theater was decent sized and had some recliners as well. Connecticut was where our brother Daniel lived now and we'd be visiting for a few days. We'd visit most of our family until we had to go on another collection. " Baby!" I turned and smiled. It was Carter's husband who'd caught up to us and kissed him on the cheek. " Reyna, how's everything?"
" Everything's going well! Can't wait to see Daniel and Blaise!" He chuckled and pulled me in for a bear hug. Or at least that's what Carter called it.
Carter was happy, but I could tell he was worrying about something. Carter quickly went to the bathroom and as he went in I looked over at Jason " He's worried about something, isn't he?"
He gave me a small and sad smile " Definitely. I just wish he would open up and talk to me about it." We sighed together and went ahead and bought the tickets. I spied a girl with half blue and half peach hair. Something about her was vaguely familliar... My niece? Jason waved to her and she smiled, waving back. I smiled as well, but waving felt awkward. They brought over lots of popcorn. Daniel said his hellos but he was a fairly quiet guy. Carter walked back over and hugged Daniel. We got into the theater and took our seats in a middle to back row " I know we met briefly once Blaise... But I'm-"
" Your my aunt Reyna. Skip the formalities." She chuckled, and narrowing her eyes at me playfully. " And I know you brought M&M's. My uncle Carter told me so." I laughed and admitted to it. I dumped some in the popcorn and we were both pretty happy.
I looked to my left but Carter and his boyfriend were gone. I looked at Daniel, but he pointed upward. " Don't look, they're already engaged in foreplay." I blushed bright red and Blaise laughed. " You should've figured they'd sneak off sometime. My uncles are wild about each other, that's for certain." The three of us laughed, but were rudely shushed. The movie hadn't even started yet.
" Hey, how's your dad, Daniel?" I asked, hopeful that their relationship had gotten better.
" Well... We don't talk at all anymore but I think that it's not a bad thing right now." I agreed and nodded. " I know we have different fathers but I don't have much of a family either right now. Sapphire is usually mean and Roman ran off."
" Seriously? Well, Cassandra and her husband have been MIA for a while. My mom lives with your dad now and my dad and his wife are also MIA for now." He sighed " That's hard."
Blaise leaned back in her recliner, leaning her head on my shoulder." Not to mention my sister is also gone and I have no idea where she is or what she's doing. I know she has a son, a cheating ex and someone else but honestly it's as if we're 2... Strangers." Daniel and I were both silent, both feeling her pain
" My mom kind of left and so did my dad. My grandparents did too... All I have left are my uncles. And maybe you, Reyna." We both leaned in and hugged her. " Maybe we can try and make sure there aren't any hard feelings between our family members?" I could feel Daniel's severe doubt and Blaise' doubt as well. " Our family is kind of grudgy."
" Well I think if you went to see your grandfather, he wouldn't deny you... I mean at his house of course. You have an okay relationship with my mom as well. Maybe start with reaching out to your grandparents!"
" ... Well, I'll start with my grandpa. You'll take me to see him, right uncle Daniel?
" If you want." He sighed, chuckling nervously.
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