Carter- Chapter 13
"Are you leaving this evening?" He asked.
" Yeah, just to talk to my parents." I sighed, putting my clothes on.
" Take the spare key before you leave, Carter." I nodded, as he too was in a rush. He had work and I couldn't miss to see him dressed.
" You look amazing." I murmured, pulling at his tie. He came back and kissed me.
" Thank you, baby." He chuckled.
" What will I do when you're not here?"
" You'll just have to wait without me. Bye, love."
" Bye dadddy." I moaned into his neck and let him go.
" I'll be back, okay baby?" He murmured, kissing my lips once more before closing the door. I was angry at myself, because I had never let myself fall this deep in love. I was scared, but I stopped, because I realized it wasn't bad to feel this way. I grabbed the keys and slid my phone out of my pocket. I straightened up while dialing and locked the door behind me.
" Hey Jen, can you pick me up, by chance?"
" Carter! I haven't heard from you lately. Yeah, I can pick you up. Tell me where you are."
" 12 Blocks down off main."
" Yeah, I'm 5 blocks up on main. Give me a minute, 'kay?" Jenny was a speed demon. Not literally, but she always drove so fast, So I expected her in less than 3 minutes.
" Okay, I'm 7 down off. Give me a sec. I also just got a call from my ex last night. What do you think I should do?"
" No. She's your ex for a reason, Jenelly. Don't indulge her if she really isn't worth it." I chuckled as if it were obvious.
" I admit, I'm still not over her." She said, full of sentiment.
" I admit, that's stupid." I heard her roaring engine and a faint giggly laugh turning the corner. I gave her a faint smile. She stepped out in absolute style. She wore faded denim skinny jeans, a tank top and a flannel over, with cowboy boots and hat strapped to her back. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun and her glasses seemed dorky in comparison to her outfit.
" What are you looking at?" She huffed jokingly.
" Nothing. It's really good to see you, Jen."
" Hmm. I'll take that with a grain of salt. Where have you been?"
" At home. We were mostly waiting for my sister and her fiance to escape but that didn't happen for a very long time."
" That sucks! I'm so sorry, man. Let me take you home." She sighed, getting into the car. I slid in and closed the door after me.
" Buckle up, boy." She murmured. I did, because I knew how fast she drove.
" So what have you been up to?"
" I was at my friends house-"
" Oh my gosh. You're dating? And you love him, don't you?"
" I admit, I do.
" Why are you so non-chalant? You've found someone you love, right?"
" Of course. It's just it brings me calmness and comfort to think of him." I sighed.
" I can tell you've never loved someone that much. Well, besides your mom. She's a witch, isn't she?"
" What's it to you?" I chuckled.
" Well that would mean you're part witch. I met her right?"
" Yeah."
" She was so gorgeous! Not to mention she had better boobs than me."
" Why are you talking about my mom's boobs?" I asked exasperated.
" I finally figured out why some guys like women's chest."
" Okay?"
" Simple. Men are like babies." I blushed and pouted at her.
" You put their head on your boobs, they shut up. You put your nipple in their mouth, they shut up. You let them admire, they shut up." I laughed so hard, because it was partially true.
" What is up with you tonight?" I chuckled, shaking my head.
" I wanna go party. We're almost at their house."
" Okay. By chance, why do people party?"
" It feels sort of... Fun."
" I don't know. I don't like partying."
" Yeah, you like parties of 2, don't you Carter?"
" I'd be lying if I said I didn't." I murmured grinning
" You're so gay, the thing is, I would never know if you never told me yourself." I chuckled.
" You're right."
" You badass. You don't hide a thing. And you're so chill about it!"
" Thank you." I chuckled.
" How old are you again?'
" As in human years,I'm near 27. Our birthday is coming around soon. But I didn't age past 21."
" Right, you and your twin sister, in December. In human years I'm... almost 45, but I too, have stopped aging at 21." I gasped dramatically at that.
" I would have never guessed you stopped aging!"
" Haha, very funny. By chance, who's your boyfriend, I mean, if you don't mind me asking." I looked up at her, not moving my head at all.
" Jason." She turned to me, shocked.
" The hot bartender? Oh my gosh!" I gave her a look.
" I heard his ex boyfriend attempted to obliterate him because he saw him flirting with a customer."
"Okay." I murmured, trying to not let it affect me. I noticed her driving much slower, especially for her. I saw her cheeks turn dark red, her lips lightly purse.
" Jenny, look at me. What's up? You know you can tell me anything." Her car came to a slow and sudden stop. Her head hit the steering wheel and she began to sob lightly. I moved closer and softly rubbed up and down her back. I saw her cracked glasses on the floor of the car and picked them up, setting them on the cup holder.
It ate me up inside, that I knew Jason obliterated his boyfriends when he was done with them. And it hurt me to say I loved Carter too much to let this happen to him.
I just sat there and waited for her to finish, and sat patiently.
" I admit, I don't know what's wrong. But... I want you to know you can talk to me. Or if you don't want to, that's okay too. No matter what it is."
" I'm sorry, let me drive you home."
" No. Tell me what's wrong first." I whispered gently.
" What's wrong is... what's wrong is I haven't been honest with you, Carter. Carter... I love you, okay? And I don't want to see Jason break you."
" Huh?" I asked almost densely. My cheeks were red but not in full blush.
" Jason will tell you secrets and keep it cool for a while. But when he's done with you... he'll obliterate you."
" No, before that, Jen."
" Stop making this so hard for me, you-" I softly kissed her lips, barely thinking about the fact that I just started dating a guy. She tried to pull back a little but I kissed her firmly.
" Carter-" she started
" I know you love me." I murmured in response. Her eyes widened.
" You used the fact that you were bi-sexual and dating as a way to cover your disappointment that I was still dating Sapphire. And now that I'm dating again, you didn't know how to keep your feelings under control not only about the fact that I was dating a guy, but you've become single again and the feelings came back worse."
" So what? Do you hate me now?" She cried softly.
" I could never hate you. Disappointed in you, yes. But I love you as well, in the sense that if I wasn't dating, you'd get more than that lame kiss from me. Now take me home, please." She stared at me for a moment, her eyes still wet. She started the engine and mumbled something under her breath.
" Yes? You were saying?"
" How do you do that?" She mumbled blushing, this time embarrassed at herself.
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