Blaise-Chapter 64
I ignored Ethan for months. I couldn't bare to look at him. I had physics right now, which I was surprisingly early for. I took my seat and started the new assignment given. It was the only thing I could do right these days. The new semester had started. I got a B+ average, which was quite an achievement. I was on honor roll and had somehow ended up passing spanish. A miracle, I thought to myself.
I had no friends. And it wasn't because I couldn't make any. I just A) didn't fit in and B) didn't want to make any friends. I was thinking of cutting and dyeing my hair a new color. My two toned hair was boring at this point. I could do maybe a mid length style with curls. In maybe a sage green. That would be a very long dye job.
My phone buzzed.
" Hey, may I take this call?" I asked the teacher. He nodded. I stepped out and answered the phone.
" Hey Blaisee! You looked pretty down this morning and these past few weeks, so when you arrive home, I have a surprise for you. I hope you enjoy it!" I smiled slowly. " What is it?" My uncle snickered over the phone." It's a surprise, Blaise. Just wait and see. And don't skip school just to come and see it. I love you. " I giggled as he hung up. I got back to class.
" And- Blaise, great of you to join us. This is Gabriela, she'll be joining us for the rest of the semester." I blushed as we shared eye contact. I quickly looked away, nodding and sat down. I finished the assignment. She stood there, listening to him talk on and on about us treating her well. She was cute. But I was closeted. And I didn't plan on being out of the closet until I was out of school. She was cute in a fierce kind of way. She looked like the type you had lots of fun with but you were always bottom in bed. She looked different. Almost... Not human.
I put my thoughts to rest and transitioned to my next class. I moved quickly, as the hallways filled quickly and afterwards, you could barely move through the crowd of students and faculty. I placed my books away. I had been reading 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. It wasn't the best, but the plot was definitely not like most and much better in my opinion. I organized the inside of my slightly messy locker. It didn't consume too much time, but enough. I closed my locker and was frightened. There Gabriela stood. I locked my locker.
" Hey." She said casually. I pushed my hair back a little.
" Hi." I whispered back, almost stunned at her bold approach.
" I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and some of my friends at lunch. We'll be sitting in the back." I was a mess.
" Uh... Yeah, sure!" I mumbled nervously. She smiled at me one last time before leaving. I sighed outwardly. Gosh, she was bold. I sighed, surprised at myself. How did I just stutter and mumble in response to her confidence?
I walked down to Spanish class. I didn't feel the same anxiety since I started.
Ethan stood, talking to a girl. She was pale, with brown eyes and short brown hair. She was frail and looked to be asking for help of some sorts. Ethan looked up at me momentarily.
The girl thanked him and scurried off.
" Blaise, wait, I have to talk to you." I turned, patiently waiting for him.
" I haven't been able to tell you... But I wanted to ask you out to the Junior formal." I gaped at him in shock. I felt like a fish. How the hell- I've viewed him as a cold-hearted, blood-sucking, back-stabbing prick. He was the reason I had to break up with Rachel. He couldn't be trusted.
I pushed my hair back. I thought he didn't like me at all " I wasn't planning to go, much less with anyone..."
" Well... Do you wanna go? Or do you have other plans?" I was flustered. What did he mean? As far as I was concerned, he was intensely attractive, but not the personality traits he was displaying. And he hadn't earned my trust back at all.
"No. I was planning on catching up on homework and getting pizza" I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders. He stepped into my personal bubble and drooped his head low enough to just barely touch my ear.
" You're a terrible liar. If you still have a grudge against me for destroying your abusive relationship, you can tell me and I won't-" I slapped him across the face.
" How fucking dare you." I shook my head " You really are horrible. My relationship was none of your business. You interfere in matters that don't concern you, one of them being my life. Now stay. Out of it." I growled back. I left him shocked and his eyes pierced my back.
" Fine." I heard him growl back. I tried to like him. But I couldn't let him fuck with my vibes any longer. I stormed down the stairs and the crowd parted like the red sea. So much for worrying about crowds of kids.
I looked on from afar at Gabriela with her rowdy mates. They had lots of fun horse-playing and manhandling each other. Gabriela turned around and looked dead at me. I quickly came forward. I walked over to their table. I sat down and all of them stopped .
" Hi." I mumbled shyly. They all stared at me intensely. It was beginning to be frightening when they all burst into laughter afterwards. I nervously laughed with them.
Gabriela tied back her hair. " This is Jordan, Peter, Callous and Will. They're my friends." They laughed and pushed each other around. The
" Your name is Callous?" He had brown-gold eyes and curly black hair with a nice tan. He nodded. I didn't know that was even a name selection.
Jordan was extremely pale with dark eyes and brown hair. He dressed pretty loosely in his gray hoodie and jeans. He laughed a lot, which was funny because he had a hilarious laugh. Peter was far quieter than everyone else but he wasn't heartless. He chuckled but I could tell he wasn't all the way into it. His eyes were a deep baby blue that was really easy to get lost in. His dirty blonde hair was a little neat.
Will was pretty chill. He had strawberry-blonde hair that was tied back. He smiled and shook my hand. Out of politeness, I greeted him back. The only other girl here was Peter's girlfriend, Olivia. She laughed at the boys often and it was almost adorable. She was around 4'11 but she was very bubbly and cheerful.
She had dark hair and hazel eyes. She waved and smiled. Than there was Gabriela herself. Her dark tresses were down her back. They were silky and thick hairs. She had a beautiful yet cat-like complexion that was almost entrancing. She had dark blue eyes and full lips I could sink my own-"No!" I told myself vigorously. No more fuck-ups means no more hooking up with girls at our school. Plus, I'm finally in better standing with my uncle.
" Hey, you seem a little out of it." Callous pointed out. I nodded " It's the stress of it all. It's getting to me." I mumbled sadly. I pushed my hair back and slid my phone into my pocket. He nodded in sympathy.
"So, we would love if you joined our humble little group of friends. What do you say, girlie?" She asked. I looked away from her direct eyes. I nodded a little and smiled. The boys cheered loudly. I laughed loudly and blush, shying away. Callous took an instant liking to me, which was kind of him. Jordan came over and gave me a noogie. I complained and whined but we all laughed and messed around. I sighed. I caught an icy gaze from across the cafeteria. My cheerfulness heavily decreased. She hated me now. I didn't blame her, but she should really stop guilt tripping me for it.
Peter looked at me intensely " What is it? It's okay if you don't want to share but... What happened with you and Rachel.?" He saw where I was staring. Shit. Olivia looked worried.
" She's my ex-girlfriend..." I mumbled lowly.
Everyone looked blown away. Gabriela held my gaze for a second and looked away.
" Awww, I thought she was straight... So wait, are you queer?" Will asked coolly. I nodded " I'm polysexual." Peter nodded in understanding.
" Did she say Polysexual or Polyamarous?" Jordan asked. I shrugged. It wasn't a big deal to me. I wasn't against multiple relations.
" Well, I'm mostly straight. I did date a guy once. Loved him dearly." Will stated, pushing his hair back.
" I mean... I don't know." Callous also mumbled, shrugging.
Olivia turned to me." Well, I'm in a herteroromantic relationship, but I'm Pansexual. It's confirmed." I chuckled at her openness. I paused, thinking about that " So one of you is-" I instantly looked at Peter. " Yes. I'm Panromantic Asexual." He murmured, smiling.
" My uncle is Aromantic Asexual. That's so cool." He chuckled, smiling and nodding
" Thanks. That's pretty cool, about your uncle. What's your GPA?" Everyone at the table groaned. Why, I wasn't too sure. All I knew was the amount of fun I had just talking to them.
The picture in the thumbnail is pretty close to how I imagine Gabriela. Bian from ANS just to make sure I don't get sued for her picture and bad editing I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!
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