Blaise- Chapter 48
" Hey, are you wearing contacts?" I looked around. It was a crowded hallway, but I managed to pinpoint a group of girls looking at me. They were mostly blonde. Rachel looked at me, studying my every reaction.
" No. This is my eye color." I replied cooly. They stared at me strangely.
" Well I googled your eye color. It said people with violet eyes are either the perfect human, or a myth. I'm just wondering." A girl next to her chimed. She had light brown hair and wore the vest with the school emblem instead of the blazer like most of everyone.
" Well, I'm here. And I'm not perfect, so." I stated. They seemed to look at me in an almost hungry manner.
" See you guys in class. Bye." I said, smiling and waving. They all said 'bye' in the same sickly sweet way. It made me wince.
I walked down the stairs to gym. I didn't need to change, because I wasn't in anything that would make me feel super uncomfortable.
" Hey, Delacroix?" A tall man approached me. He was tanned with sandy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. He wore khaki capris and a burgundy under armour shirt. He was built, like really built. His muscles were toned and you could tell he had a six pack. I got the feeling he wasn't as menacing as he looked.
" Hey I heard you got cut... You could sit out if you'd like for a couple days. We're playing dodge ball, so... You're call"
" ... I think I can play. I'm not so bad off."
" Sure? I don't want you getting hurt kid." I nodded, appreciating his concern. He let it go.
" Alright. You know the rules. Don't kill each other. No face shots." The sad thing was, everyone got to pick what team they wanted to be on. All the athletic kids were on the same team, which was quite unfair in my opinion. A lot of the skinnier, less athletic kids just stood there, unable to move. I stood on the team of the less athletic kid's. I unbuttoned my collar and tied my hair back in a messy bun with a rubber band. A few of the girls giggled. As regular girls at this school generally did.
" You're dead, Hwang." I looked over to who he was referring to. It was a soft-faced asian boy. He wore the burgundy fluffy crew neck with the school emblem and khaki's that looked more like leggings. He looked almost afraid. As a non-straight person, I could tell he could have been closeted. The ball was thrown at me. I caught it with ease. If you got hit, you were out. If you caught it, your team got two rounds back to back. We had a 1 minute huddle.
This thin girl with blonde highlights looked at us frantically " Guys, we have no chances of winning at all."
" You just jinxed it, you dumb bitch." The girl next to her muttered.
" Can we please just try? For once. We know Matthew has been planning to fuck up Ethan."
" Okay, look. Can we all agree that us even playing this stupid game is... Stupid?"
" Yes, but I would like it if we passed gym."
" I second that." A short girl with auburn hair and green eyes whispered.
" Let's just get this over with." Ethan himself sighed. We dispersed and spread out. Ethan stood a few feet behind me. I threw the first ball to the right. It hit a girl and a guy. The gym teacher looked up, surprised at me. The tall girl in the back had the next throw. Ethan threw right after her. They both knocked out 1 person each. They all sat down. The other team beamed each of the balls around the same time.
I caught one and threw it right back. And so did the other team. Quite a few kids got hit on my team. I wasn't worried too much. I continuously knocked people off their team, 2 by 2 and sometimes 1 by 1. Ethan tried as well. Our teams were looking smaller and smaller. Ethan almost lasted, until a ball hit him.
" You're so dead." I heard Matthew mutter.
I watched over him. Things hadn't gotten any better between us. He looked at me, speechless. I sat at the edge of his bed.
" Hey." I whispered.
" Hi...Cassandra." He whispered back.
" What's been upsetting you?" He was quite for a minute.
" I've had one question for you. And... It's been bugging me for a while now.
I ran my hands through my hair, a little too quickly.
" Well, I'm here now."
" ... Why? What was it, really? If you didn't like what I did, why couldn't you tell me? It would have caused a lot less mess."
" ... I'm sorry. I barely remember why were even that mad at each other a week ago. "
" I started to think... Maybe I couldn't love you good enough or I couldn't make love like you wanted me to. I thought... You just moved on." I heard the loss and the pain in his voice...
" No, Joshua. I never moved on. I can't remember anyone else's touch like my body remembers yours. I don't sleep one night, without remembering the pain I made you feel... Because of petty anger." I knew he wasn't okay. " It's a scary nightmare, when you don't love me. I feel like I'm running around in circles, missing you, than trying to forget you. It never works, Cass."
" Forgetting each other won't work anyways." She replied, " We've been too mentally and physically intimate. I would assume after more than 14 years of being together, things would be more permanent." He was silent. If he stayed silent, I might burst into tears. He always had something to tell me. Always a piece of his happiness or sadness. But I got none of it.
" Can I hold you?" He asked. It sounded like he was in a lot of pain, which made me hurt. I crawled farther onto his bed. I lie to the side of him. His arms wrapped around my waist, like they always had before we went to bed most nights. I buried my face in his broad shoulder. His grasp was warm and comforting, like it always was. I'd never forgotten his warmth or his love.
I just... I didn't know what I did, to be honest, besides break the very man I claimed to love with my life. At first I heard him sniffle, and didn't think much of it. But I realized... He was crying in the crook of my neck. And he wasn't stopping anytime soon. His breathing was so erratic and he sounded like he wasn't well.
" There were so many times where... I didn't even want you to love me, if you really thought you didn't. I just wanted to hold you. I wanted to know you were there, baby, I wanted to know you were at least safe." He sniffed, wiping his eyes.
" But we're past that now. If he's treating you alright that's all that matters." He sounded so broken. He loved that I wanted someone who wanted me but hated that he couldn't have me anymore.
" It's like a horrifying dream. The worst nightmare I've ever had. Except it's quite real, and I'll never wake up."
After a minute he released his hold on me. " Now please go." I nodded. I knew he really didn't want me to leave, but he either wanted someone to share his pain, or no one at all. I left.
No matter what, her hair still smelled the same to me. She had a warm vanilla and spice scent that intoxicated me. It was quite pointless to cry myself to sleep, even though it seemed reasonable and she was no longer in my arms. She didn't love me like she always had and I felt it. Maybe I just made up everything in my head. I didn't know anymore.
I woke up and rolled my eyes. Why couldn't I just not wake up? I stripped and showered. I was absolutely of tired of feeling sad and numb. This also could've been the same reason I was so scared to love after my first human partner. Because I felt a numbness and an underlying throb, that could literally drive me to suicide.
I almost laughed at the idea of a suicidal demon let alone a suicidal necromancer. Now regular people had a reason to want to die. I on the other hand, was privileged with teleportation, a society where everyone could gain fame if they wanted it and powers. But I was killing myself inside... Over a woman? The water almost felt like nothing touched me at all. Reality seeped back in.
I slipped on baggy shirt with baggy overalls to match. I wasn't impressing anybody. I ran in my slippers downstairs and made myself some waffles, eggs and bacon. On a normal day, this would have been exciting. But I wasn't ok.
" Good morning." Carter appeared behind me. I jumped, but smiled. I came in for a hug.
" Good morning, Carter." He dressed differently today. He had a dark blue turtleneck and black jeans. Over that, he wore a thick comfy cardigan.
" You look warm." I chuckled. His smile faded.
" Oh my gosh. Tell me what happened. You look like absolute shit, love." I blushed at his use of love.
" Yeah. I mean, it's about the obvious." Carter nodded. He sat.
" So... I honestly think I should move on. It'll be really hard but it's literally the only way I'll make it out alive, really. I mean, if she ever is open to a relationship, I would want to get back together... But she's not getting my 1000% like I've always given her.
" It seems she's just in limbo about everything. She never gives me a straight answer so, I don't even know why she would even want all my trust back if the least she can do is give me a definitive answer."
I knew Carter wasn't listening. He was too busy studying me. And by me, I meant my physique. Carter had me generally questioning lots of things about myself. Including where I stood with Carter because half the time he was looking at me like a wolf ready to pounce on it's prey.
" I heard what you said. That's actually quite a fair mark if you ask me."
" You keep staring at me in the most uncomfortable way."
" Because I'm sadly single and extremely gay." He sighed. I laughed. He was pretty transparent when it came to his orientation, and what he wanted.
" That was a golden reply." I noted.
" Thank you. Now. Are we gonna make coffee or do you wanna go out and get some?"
" I'll make. Plus, I like the warm cream and I get to make little designs with it."
" I like to get moderate glass bottles, fill them 3/4 the way with milk and than mix in some coffee. It tastes great most times."
I laughed " What do you mean most times?"
" I mean, it could just be because I'm quite picky and I like things a certain way, but I always have to find the right balance of milk, whipped cream, so my coffee isn't lumpy-ish, liquid sugar and actual coffee. "
" Whatever happened to regular ol' creamer?"
" Dude. It's 2019. Creamer is basic. Double boil egg white, sugar and vanilla with a pinch of salt. Stir, than mix on high. Add some of that to your coffee or use the cream meringue thing to top it and make it look cute. Find what works for you." I internalized that. Weird.
" I'm horny." Carter said out of the blue. My cheeks burned as I turned to him. He said that out loud and blushed, pouting. He saw my face and turned pure read.
" I mean, I'm sorry, I can't help you there."
" I should probably go. That wasn't appropriate." I sighed. I was back to silence. The feeling I dreaded. I hated silence because my thoughts began to consume me. Cassandra may not come back. Carter might... Never stop secretly crushing on me. Adelyn might never want to see me again. I knew Blaise was safe with Daniel, until I was better off. I continued to clean the dishes and wish for much better days.
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