Adelyn- Chapter 61
Aiden hadn't been home for a few days. I had my hair tied back while breastfeeding. His sister cooked and helped me with the baby. I could ask for help but... I was already a teen parent which was stressful enough. To be a teen parent and always uncertain was downright problematic. The baby was growing well and at a normal rate. I made sure of that. But Aiden wasn't around like I'd wanted him to be. I was so naïve to wish for a perfect family with him when I knew what he did. I shouldn't have ever even tried with him.
" Edehhdehdehh." My baby babbled. He was the absolute cutest. His eyes were very glassy as his mind develops faster than his body. He's far more aware than a normal human child.
" Soup?" He asked happily.
" Remember how I taught you to ask."
" Can I have soup? Please?" I sat him in his baby chair and dished him out some warm soup. He used a spoon properly already, which I was very proud of.
" Is Daddy coming?" I looked down. How I could answer, only my lord himself knew."
" Soon. Now have the rest of your soup." I was put off by his question, even though it was of pure innocence. Maybe it was because it had been on my mind for so long. It hurt a lot, honestly. I wanted to hear his voice so badly as he had been away for almost an entire week. I grabbed a wipe and wiped off the soup spatters that had gotten on his face. I picked him up and took him over to his play mat, where he preferred to be after eating.
He could spell and draw properly and just knew his colors and shapes. I just really helped with his social skills and manners. And the obvious. He fiddle with some cubes and gems while I straightened the room. His laundry was finished so all I had to do later was bathe him. I sat up against the end of my bed and watched him play. He was focused, but very much happy.
All I saw was true darkness. It was black no matter where I looked. There were wounds on my body that wouldn't heal. Any wound on my body would heal instantly any time I got hurt... I was tied to a wall. I felt naked, but I wasn't sure. I was tied up with my arms above my head and my feet were shackled. I tried to break free but I couldn't. I could tell I had been here for a few hours. My body had stiffened to repel pain. I heard a hard slam that shook me to my core.
" Hello, dear." A smooth male voice whispered. I heard it but paid it no mind. A harsh white light brightened over head and I could see at least the dark gray walls of my vast cell. I was semi-naked with my tank a little torn at the top and my capris weren't on my body. Thank everything I wasn't wearing a thong, otherwise I would have been heavily flustered.
" Sorry we had to meet this way. Unfortunately, I've been informed that you know the whereabouts of Aiden Blake. And that is my problem with you." He told me, looking me dead in the eye.
" Okay. What is it? And was it really worth tying me up and shackling me for that? I'm reasonable." He held his look of amusement.
" Where is he?" He asked sternly.
" He's not home very often, so I have no clue. " I could see he was doubtful but I didn't care. My boy. I struggled against my chain and tears spilled from my eyes.
" Where's my son? What did you do?"
He rolled his eyes " I left him with the red head. I wanted you, as your child is incapable of telling me much of anything." I struggled but my power only decreased. It was insanely annoying.
" If you were smart, you would stop struggling. You're gonna be here a while." I instantly panicked. My family. My son. Aiden. What if they never found me?
" No!" I cried. I struggled against my chains. He stood by and watched. He sighed and left. I yelled for him to come back. The light turned off and I was left alone in the darkness. I took my time to truly express my sadness. I sobbed and cried. Not for myself, but for Liam and the child I bore now. I didn't hate my captor. But he had hurt me in almost everyway. The ways he hadn't tortured me I was afraid of him retorting to if his patience wore thin with me. I wanted to pull out my hair in pure frustration. But I couldn't move.
Next Day
I woke up to a loud slam. Which barely kept me awake. The light felt horrid to me, as I hissed in discomfort. The lights were getting to me. And I could have been going mad.
" Are you ready to talk?" He whispered smoothly.
" I told you I don't-aGGHHHHHHHHH." I growled in pain at the deep slice he made around my leg in a spiral pattern. The blade he used hurt me not just physically, but was harming my sin. I couldn't control it.
" Are you positive you don't know?" I cried loudly and wanted to just be set free. My body was so repulsed by whatever he was using on me that blood wouldn't come out.
" W-what is that?" I asked, through my tears and intense pain. He seemed to be decorating my leg in intricate cuts that were intentional. He concentrated. I constantly howled in pain and it took everything in me to not lose control or consciousness.
" It's my scarring tool, duh. I'll make artwork out of you." I screamed as he moved to my left leg and made deep slices across it. " I think I'll make tiger stripes across this leg. They suit you well."
" let me go. I don't know where he is." I sobbed, painfully. He stopped carving into me for a moment. " I know, you dim girl. And to believe he fucked you. Twice!" He said, rolling his eyes. I tried not to be hurt by his senseless words.
" Than why-"
" So he can come looking for you. And I can obliterate you both. But don't worry. Your children will live. As my servants." I cried, as he was cruel on an entirely different spectrum. He got back to torturing me, making me scream and cry louder. I couldn't even think of when my torture might end.
He had been scarring me for hours now. And I became numb to most things. The darkness and cruelty in his eyes was unmistakable, no matter how composed he was. He put his knife down and flipped a lever. I gasped as my body crashed to the floor. Everything hurt because I couldn't even brace myself. My hair covered me like a curtain.
I couldn't struggle against him, as my arms had been rendered useless. My legs were in burning pain and my stomach throbbed. I knew the baby would be due whenever another day was up. I couldn't be sure. His hand tightly choked me. I would pass out, but my pipe wouldn't break. With his other hand he ripped my top off. I began to panic.
I kicked and tried to hit him but I was not well matched. He was well able to rid the realm of me for good. He engulfed my breast and hungrily suckled and licked at me. I cried as he ripped my underwear and forced himself into me. He abused my body for hours, both cutting me and raping me. What hurt most was nobody was there to hear me scream no. I begged for an end to my torture. He continuously demeaned me and came on my face, calling me filthy names I knew I wasn't. It seemed he wouldn't stop and my body became numb to his touch. I thought of my unborn child. I didn't want anything to happen. I pushed him again and this time he punched me across the face. Blood flooded down from my nose onto my eyes and cheeks. He had broken something. I shoved him off of me with the last of my strength. I stood, stumbling but ran for the cell door with the adrenaline I had.
" Get back here, you bitch!" He spat growling , running after me. In front of me was another door, which was locked. I didn't know what to do. A split second was all I possessed. I sent a burst of my energy at the door but nothing worked. I felt his arms grab me and pull me back. My adrenaline rush gave me the little strength needed to resist. The door was my only way to freedom. I had to take it. I suddenly hit the floor. He had grabbed my leg and was dragging me back inside. I wanted to cry. I didn't want this anymore. Endless torture awaited me.
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