Chapter 40
Me: im gonna get fucking chased..
Charles POV
Months later...
it has been 8 months since we had the mission at the wall.
and that means me and Henry have been dating for 8 months.
times goes real fast doesn't it?
it's really snows alot where we live. i mean really.
even before the holiday began!
it's almost Christmas.
like, a week away!
i snapped out of my thoughts as i heard a crash.
i climbed down the stairs as fast as i can.
Henry have moved into my place last month. we also had to bring Demo along.
what? i cannot leave poor Demo alone. she has been alone long enough!
i finally got to the kitchen were Henry was standing.
with a broken plate.
i sighed as i came in.
"okay, what happened?"
Henry pointed at Demo struggling to get a cookie from the cookie jar on the self.
she must have trying so hard, that she knocked down a plate and didn't notice.
"i told her that i could just hand it to her, but she refused."
I chuckled.
"Demo, what are you doing?"
i heard Demo grunt before she and answer.
"t-trying to get a cookie!"
I hummed.
Demo finally got to the self were the cookie jar was.
"i'm hungry. i want a sweet treat. so, why not a cookie"
I saw Henry smile at her.
"y'know, i could have helped you. it'd be that easy!"
Demo shook her head.
"no thanks. i got this."
Demo walked closer to the jar and opened the lid.
she grabbed a cookie with her mouth and closed the lid.
now the question is, how is she gonna get down?
I sighed and got her down.
i placed her on the kitchen counter to let her finish the cookie she got.
we watched as Demo bit down the cookie and did a cat chef kiss.
we laughed as Demo ate her sweet cookie.
then the bell rang. i went to open the door, still hearing Demo munch.
i opened the door and Ruby ran right in.
if you guessed it, it was Ellie and Ruby.
"hey-a Charles!" Ellie said carrying a stack of presents.
"mind helping me?"
i nodded and agreed. i got half of the presents that Ellie was carrying.
once Ellie got in, i closed the door with my foot.
we both walked over to the Christmas tree.
i like white trees. i think there beautiful.
once we placed the presents around the tree we went where Henry, Ruby and Demo was.
Ellie went to Demo to greet her.
"hey Demo"
"hi Ellie, what up?'
"eh, nothing much."
Ellie turned to me and Henry
"sorry that i came late guys. just came late."
I looked at Henry and he smiled.
"it's okay, Ellie. you don't need to worry."
Ellie smiled at Henry.
"Ellie did you get a gift for Demo?"
Ellie laughed and nodded.
"yes! i did. why would i forget Demo?"
"it better be a large supply of cookies"
we three laughed, Demo loved that cookie.
( a week later i'm lazy af )
it was Christmas eve. Ellie and Ruby was there too.
we started to give each other gifts that night.
Demo started opening her gift, and revealed a box: a pack of oreos.
"you welcome?"
Demo climbed on the box.
"i'm da queen"
we laughed a bit.
Ellie opened hers.
she a Ruby in front her.
we both stared at Ellie
"i can explain-"
it didn't matter. we continued to open them anyways.
from Ellie i got: a toy Helicopter
from Demo i got: a cookie (really there is something with Demo and cookies)
from Ruby i got: a lick
but i didn't get anything from Henry yet.
when all gifts were gone, there was a nice small box.
i got it and showed it to everyone.
"who present is this?"
i blinked.
Ellie was smiling at me.
i can see tears starting to form in Demo's eyes
and Ruby very still
what's happening?
are they waiting me to open it.
"who is it from?"
Henry raised his hand.
I finally opened it. once the paper raper was gone it showed a black box.
i was indeed confused.
then i finally opened it.
i can finally see why everyone was so quiet.
inside the box was a wedding ring.
i felt tears building in me. i looked at Ruby, Demo , Ellie then Henry.
"i wanted to ask you, but i figured: it be much easier if i gave to you"
my hand covered my mouth.
"Charles..will you marry me?"
Henry asked, and came close to me.
i nodded while crying.
I cried. i hugged Henry and kissed him.
we can both hear the cheers of Ellie and Demo.
Ruby was barking. sounded like cheering.
Henry stopped the kiss and slipped the ring on my finger.
he got rid of my tears and kissed my cheek.
we turned too see the laughing Ellie and the almost-crying Demo.
Ruby came up to me and started licking me.
Henry kissed my cheek.
"merry Christmas Charles.."
I snuggled Henry as a response.
Ellie snapped her fingers
"okay, you two let's celebrate the holiday, in our way."
we both nodded and got up.
that was the best night of my life
779 words
and there you have it! "My Little Sunshine" has ended. i had fun writing this story! i hope you guys enjoyed this. a big hug and thank to:
DemoLehRandomIdiot for letting me use there OC: Demo!
but don't worry! since this story blew up, imma do a second book! i might start on it tomorrow (or today if i'm not lazy!)
anyway thank you all for supporting "My little Sunshine"! see you all later! bye! (for now)
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