Chapter 22
Ellie's POV
The blood.
the dead bodies
poor people. they must have suffered alot.
"Ellie you okay?"
I felt dizzy. I almost fell until Henry stopped my fall.
"you alright Ellie?"
I guess all of that really made my stomach sick.
"I guess seeing that made you sick. do you need to throw up?"
"kind of"
I can feel my face really green. I hated it. it's was a bad feeling.
"come on. let-"
"wait! do we need some more samples."
"good idea. but i'll do it myself. you already sick enough."
I sighed. I wanted to come to. i'm pretty sure this worry from Henry came from his worry for Charles.
"you're also worried about Charles?"
"well no not really. since he's not alone, he's pretty sure he'll take care of himself and Ruby."
I smiled and nodded. I like that fact but there is one thing that is messing with me.
is Charles really gonna be okay? i mean Charles is a great pilot and all but he's much of a fighter. and Henry knows that as well.
"imma tell Charles that your going to the helicopter okay?"
Henry reached to his ear piece.
"Charles. Charles you there?"
No answer from Charles. Henry thought might be bad connection.
So he tried again.
"Charles you there?"
No answer
Now i can see the worry on his face.
and i'm starting to get a little worried.
"is Charles okay?"
"h-he has to be! I mean we talking about Charles here!"
"but..he's not much of a fighter to even defend himself!"
silence filled us.
worry filled Henry more.
"imma go back to cheek on Charles in the helicopter. it might just be bad connection! you go the samples if that's okay."
"sure! i hope Charles okay!"
Henry ran towards the way we came from.
I started to walk farther then before.
I arrived to a other door with a scratched sign on it.
I opened it to see and empty room.
"huh. i was expecting more then this."
but there was some cold blood on the floor. at least i can use that.
the room was as dull and dark as the last one.
maybe this USED to be a 'blood test' room.
I saw a book lying in the ground.
I picked it up, it was sure quite dusty.
I wiped the dust off and opened the book.
"this will might never be shown to anyone here." i read
I was confused at first but as i kept reading it all made sense!
Henry scared me through the ear piece. he didn't sound okay.
I placed the book in my bag that i had along with other samples.
i ran as fast as i can to the helicopter. as i got out i saw that the 2 guards that were at the entrance were gone.
not a good sign.
I arrived to the helicopter.
Charles was not okay. he was gone.
the place was totally wreaked. a some blood were at the walls.
"did..they take Charles?"
"no wonder he didn't answer."
Charles was nowhere in sight. they took Charles.
474 words
*sniff* thank you guys for supporting omg it really makes me happy :)
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