The Amulet's Location
Back in Equestria, in Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash was practicing her moves for the Wonderbolts. Just as she was about to do a Sonic Rainboom, she saw something on a cloud and got distracted, she flew into another cloud, hitting her head.
Rainbow: *Groan* Wh-What was that?
She flew back to investigate, she saw none other than the amulet.
Rainbow: What's this? "The Amulet of the Ocean?" Never seen anything like this.
When she put it on, she felt a warm feeling flow through her body.
Rainbow: This is kinda cool, it even has my cutie mark on it!
Rainbow Dash went down to Twilight's castle. She knocked on the door.
Twilight (offscreen): Come in!
Rainbow Dash went into the main hall where Twilight was, she was organizing her shelves.
Rainbow: Hey Twilight, I wanna show you something.
Twilight: Sure.
Rainbow Dash showed Twilight the amulet.
Twilight: What is that, and where did you get it?
Rainbow: Some kind of amulet I found while I practicing for the Wonderbolts. I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but it's pretty awesome!
Twilight: That's nice, why don't you show everpony else?
Rainbow: Okay. They'll get so jealous!
Rainbow Dash went to find everyone else, leaving Twilight confused and concerned.
Twilight: That amulet looks familiar.
Spike: What amulet, Twi?
Twilight: Didn't you see that amulet that Rainbow Dash had?
Spike munched on a number of gems.
Spike: Yeah, why?
Twilight: I feel like I've seen it somewhere, but I can't put my hoof on it.
One of Twilight's books started glowing, she was getting a message from Sunset Shimmer. She read the message, it said:
Dear Princess Twilight,
The Amulet of the Ocean has mysteriously vanished from our world, I fear that it may have ended up in Equestria. You see, something bad happened in our world: When the amulet was reunited with the jewel, it's magic increased and it became too great for Rainbow Dash to handle. She transformed into a monster known as Rainstorm Dash and caused major floods and storms. If Rainbow Dash in your world ends up with the amulet, she could transform into the same thing Human Rainbow Dash became and Equestria could fall by storm! Whatever you do, Twilight, don't let Rainbow Dash find it!
Your friend,
- Sunset Shimmer
Twilight was stunned by Sunset's words.
Twilight: Sounds like there's still dark magic in that amulet! But, Rainbow Dash already has it!
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