Meanwhile in the human world, Sunset Shimmer and human Rainbow Dash noticed the portal glowing brightly.
Human Rainbow: Sunset, something's coming from the portal!
A silhouette appeared.
Human Rainbow: What it that?
The silhouette was revealed to be Rainstorm Dash.
Sunset: It-It can't be!
Human Rainbow: NO!!!!
Heavy rains started to pour down.
Rainstorm: Soon, I'll have everything I've ever dreamed of!
Sunset: Rainbow Dash, what did you do?
Human Rainbow: That's me, Sunset? Well, I guess if there's two of Twilight, I can't complain. Also, how did she manage to find her way into this world? And how can she become what I became?
Sunset: That's probably the reason for the amulet's disappearance! She has it around her neck!
Human Rainbow: You mean the amulet was in Equestria?
Rainstorm: Yes, the Rainbow Dash from Equestria contains magic in her, using her makes me more powerful than the last time!
Human Rainbow: No! All you are is a memory! You're causing nothing but complete destruction, don't make the same mistake that I made! I've learned from my mistakes when I toyed with that amulet and turned evil! I deserved that...I really did.
Sunset: Don't say that, Rainbow! You didn't!
Rainstorm: Your words are touching, Rainbow Dash, but it'll take more than that to stop me!
She shot her magic towards Rainbow Dash, hitting her. She was slightly bleeding.
Sunset: Rainbow Dash! You okay?
Human Rainbow: Yeah...I'm okay. How do we stop her? She's too powerful!
Then, Twilight arrived.
Twilight: Sunset Shimmer! Human Rainbow Dash!
Sunset: Twilight! She's too strong!
Twilight: I know, it's the amulet! I wish I found out sooner. None of this would've happened!
Human Rainbow: You think you can put a stop to this!
Twilight: I may have enough magic to save her!
Sunset: Save her?
Twilight: Rainbow Dash is possessed by the amulet! I think I can free her from it.
Rainstorm: Princess Twilight Sparkle, why am I not surprised?
Twilight: Rainbow Dash, I know you're still in there.
Rainstorm's eyes started flickering magenta and blue.
Twilight: You're the element of loyalty and one of my closest friends, this isn't who you are!
Rainstorm: Aah! Stop, you're weakening me!
Twilight: The rest of us need you to defend Equestria! We can't do with without you! Without Rainbow Dash! The real magic within you is the Magic of Friendship!
Then, Twilight ponied up.
Twilight: Don't worry Rainbow, I'm here to help you!
Rainstorm: Go away! I don't need help!
Twilight: Yes, you do.
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