(Inspired by video above)
Picking up from the events in the last story, the shattered amulet remained in the exact spot it was left after the battle at the Summer Festival. The pieces began to float and assemble like a Timberwolf after it falls apart, then, it vanished.
By the next morning, Rainbow Dash just happened to past by the school but noticed a slight change. She noticed the amulet wasn't there and called Sunset Shimmer.
Rainbow: Hey, Sunset.
Sunset: Hi, Rainbow Dash, what's up?
Rainbow: You may want to come and see this.
Sunset: What is it? Where are you?
Rainbow: At the school.
Sunset: 'Kay, I'll be right there.
Sunset went to find Rainbow Dash to see what she wanted.
Rainbow: Boy, am I glad to see you.
Sunset: What's wrong?
Rainbow: Remember that time when, ugh I don't even want to talk about it.
Sunset: It's okay, I know what you mean.
Rainbow: The amulet's not where we left it.
The girls took a closer look, the amulet truly wasn't there.
Sunset: Where's the amulet?!?!
Sorry if the prologue was short, I kinda have writer's block at the moment. I'll try to make the next chapter longer.
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