At that moment, Twilight heard the sound of thunder coming from outside, Rarity slammed her door open, soaked.
Twilight: Can I help you?
Rarity: I think you need to talk to somepony else.
Twilight went outside and saw Rainbow Dash playing around with a bunch of clouds. Heavy rains were coming down. Pinkie Pie was rolling around in the mud, laughing.
Rainbow: Hey, Twilight! Get this, this amulet allowed me to make rain without using rain clouds!
Twilight: Rainbow.
It was so loud outside that Rainbow Dash couldn't hear Twilight.
Rainbow: I wonder what else it can do.
Twilight (annoyed): Rainbow.
Rainbow: Maybe I should make an epic thunderstorm!
Twilight: RAINBOW DASH!!!!!
Rainbow: Yeah?
Twilight: I suggest that you stop toying with that amulet!!!
Rainbow What?!
Rainbow: Speak up, I can't hear you!!!
Annoyed, Twilight flew up to Rainbow Dash and yelled in her ear.
Rainbow: Stop toying with it? I'm not, I'm trying it out, it has really awesome magic!!!
Twilight: Sunset sent me a message saying that it contains dark magic and to make sure you don't play with it!!!
Rainbow Dash began to freak out.
Rainbow: What?!?!? Dark magic?!?! Why didn't you tell me?!?!
The amulet suddenly began to glow.
Rainbow: Why's it glowing?
Twilight: I don't know.
Rainbow Dash got down from where she was and tried to remove it.
Rainbow: Twilight, it's not coming off, what's happening?
The amulet showed what happened at the Summer Festival, Rainbow Dash saw her human form being corrupted by magic.
Human Rainbow: Help...!
Rainbow: What is that?
Twilight: It's your human form from the other world!
Rainbow: Human?
Twilight: She was turned into a monster when the amulet's magic became too powerful for her to control! The same thing might happen to you!
Rainbow: Oh my gosh!
Than, she saw her transform into a monster.
Human Rainbow: Looks like this amulet really was worth it!
A mist came from the amulet and swirled around Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow: Aah! What's it...doing?
Pinkie: Uh...is this good or bad?
Fluttershy: I don't know, I'm going with bad!
Rainbow: Somepony!!! HELP!!!!!
As soon as it started, it stopped. Rainbow Dash was knocked out.
Twilight: Rainbow Dash! You okay?
No response. Pinkie Pie tried yelling.
Pinkie: Hey Dashie! Wake up!!
Rainbow Dash did open her eyes, but when she did, they were, not magenta, but blue.
All: *Gasp!*
Rainbow: Well now, the elements of harmony. Why am I not surprised?
Twilight: *Gasp!* She's possessed!
Pinkie: Who are you and what have you done with Dashie?!?!
Rainbow: Oh, Rainbow Dash? She's here, just under my control! In fact, I am none other than Rainstorm Dash!!!
Everyone cringed.
Applejack: Who's Rainstorm Dash?
Twilight: Sunset told me it was Rainbow Dash's dark side!
Pinkie: Rainbow Dash has a dark side?
Twilight: Looks like it!
Rainbow/Rainstorm: Using Rainbow Dash in this world will make me even more powerful than before! Once this amulet's power is fully restored, I'll be restored and no one will be able to stop me! I won't stop until both worlds are gone!
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