Crushing Defeat Pt. 1 (Inspired by Simple Ways)
Twilight looked over her things when Starlight came to talk to her.
Starlight: Hey Twilight, can I tell you something.
Twilight: Sure.
Starlight: Um...somepony from my old town is coming to visit, his name's Feather Bangs.
Twilight: Feather Bangs? Who is he?
Starlight: Well, a lot of ponies like him because he can write songs, write poems, flip his mane and acts so romantic around anypony he likes.
Twilight: Sounds like somepony Rarity would like. When's he coming?
Starlight: This afternoon.
Twilight's smile suddenly disappeared.
Twilight: Only in a few hours?
Starlight: He...said he wanted to meet everypony here, but he didn't say why.
The two went to the train station to wait for Feather Bangs, soon he arrived.
Twilight: Is that him?
Starlight: Yup.
Feather: Well, well, well, Starlight Glimmer. How nice to see you again.
Twilight: Hello, Feather Bangs. I'm Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. Welcome to Ponyville!
Feather: The honor's mine, Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight (whispering): You're right, Starlight. He is charming.
Starlight: *sigh* Yup.
Twilight showed Feather Bangs around Ponyville.
Twilight: I think you're gonna like your stay here in Ponyville.
Feather: You might be right, this is a nice place.
Feather Bangs looked up and saw a few pegasi clearing the sky, his eyes widened.
Twilight: Um...are you okay?
Feather: Who is that?
Twilight looked up, Feather Bangs was staring at...Rainbow Dash?
Rainbow: Take that! And that! And that! Hehe.
Twilight: Oh, her? That's Rainbow Dash.
Feather Bangs didn't say a word.
Twilight: Um, hello?
Feather: I've never seen anypony so beautiful...Rainbow Dash...
Twilight got a little concerned. Was Feather Bangs in love with Rainbow Dash?
Later, while Rainbow Dash was sitting under a tree reading a Daring Do book, Feather Bangs approached her. Rainbow dash looked at him, confused.
Feather: Y'know, that mane of yours is quite colorful.
Rainbow: Uh...thanks? I guess...Who are you?
Feather Bangs kissed her hoof (yuck).
Feather: Allow me to introduce myself, princess. My name's Feather Bangs.
Rainbow: ...Princess??? Gross, I'm no princess. If you're looking for princesses, talk to Twilight.
Feather: Well, to me, you're my princess. But enough about me, let's talk about you. What's it like being up in the sky?
Rainbow: Okay, you're starting to creep me out.
Rainbow Dash slowly flew away.
Rainbow Dash was napping (ok, really Dash?) when she felt something press against her cheek. She opened her eyes and let out a horrified gasp. Feather Bangs was-(I'm too nervous to write it down.)
Feather: If it isn't my sleeping beauty.
Rainbow: YAAAAAAA!!!!
She flew away as quickly as she could.
Rainbow Dash hid on a cloud so Feather Bangs wouldn't find her. Yet, he somehow found her anyway.
Feather: Rainbow Dash! There you are!
Rainbow: AAAHHH!!!!
Rainbow Dash was so freaked out that she fell off her cloud. Feather bangs caught her bridal style.
Feather: I'll always catch you if you fall, sugar.
Rainbow: UGH!!! Get away from me!!!
Rainbow Dash flew quickly to Twilight's castle.
As Twilight was going through her tasks, she heard a voice.
?: Twilight.
Twilight looked around, confused.
?: Psst...Twilight.
Twilight: ...Rainbow Dash?
Twilight was suddenly pulled under the table by Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow (whispering): Twilight, help!
Twilight: Uh...can I help you?
Rainbow: Some cheesy pony won't leave me alone. He's been following me all day!
Twilight: I'll bet it's Feather Bangs.
Rainbow: Who?
Twilight: The cheesy pony that's been following you all day. I was wondering why he was staring at you in such a dreamy way earlier. He must've fallen in love with you.
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