The Cause of the Mess
Twilight went to her tent to talk to Rainbow Dash who was lying down, sobbing.
Twilight: What's wrong, Rainbow?
Rainbow: *sob* This has been the worse week ever! I wanna go home!
Twilight: Well, do you think you're the cause of all of this?
Rainbow: Yes, Twilight! Rainstorm Dash is trying to break free!
Twilight didn't know what else to say, but she knew how Rainbow Dash felt. She decided to give Rainbow Dash some space and allow her to calm down.
Twilight: Come talk to me when you feel better.
Rainbow: *sniff* Okay.
Twilight left the tent and began to sing a solo.
I have to find a way
To make this all okay
I can't believe this small mistake
Could've caused so much heartache
Oh why, oh why?
Something is wrong, it's plain to see
This isn't how it's meant to be
And you can't see it like I do
It's not the life that's meant for you
Oh why, oh why?
Losing promise
I don't know what to do
Seeking answers
I fear I won't get through to you
I'll try
And I'll try
I'll try
And I'll try...
A little after, she saw Lightning Dust heading into the woods. She had her suspects and followed her. She saw her head into the cave.
Twilight: ... What's she doing in there? Did she find out about those weird orbs?
Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash continued weeping. Pinkie Pie dropped by to check on her.
Pinkie: Hi, Dashie! okay?
Rainbow: No I'm NOT!!! Since we came to Camp Everfree, we've had nothing but trouble! Just like last time when I hurt you... 😔
Pinkie: But, Dashie, I'm fine. See? All better! Estoy bien! (I had to put that there! 😆)
That didn't make Rainbow Dash feel any better.
Pinkie: Dashie, I don't think holding on to the past will help you feel any better. I mean, if I turned evil, I'd probably feel the same way. Look on the bright side though, you're you again and that's all that matters!
Rainbow Dash suddenly heard the voice of Rainstorm Dash.
Rainstorm: Don't listen to her, you belong with me!
Rainbow: No, I don't!
Pinkie: Dashie, who are you talking to?
Rainbow: You didn't hear that?
Pinkie: Nope.
Then, Rainbow Dash got a text from Twilight.
Pinkie: What's up?
Rainbow: It's Twilight. She said to meet her at that enchanted cave, I gotta go!
Pinkie: 'Kay, see ya!
Rainbow Dash went to go meet Twilight.
Rainbow: Twilight, what's wrong?
Twilight: You have to see this, c'mon.
Twilight led Rainbow Dash into the cave, but no one was there.
Rainbow: Um...what is it?
Twilight: But I thought she...where'd she go?
Rainbow: Who?
?: She means me.
The girls turned around, Lightning Dust was right behind them! She approached them.
Rainbow: Lightning Dust? What're you doing here?
Lightning: I came to get more power from here.
Twilight: More power?
Twilight noticed to orbs around Lightning Dust's neck.
Lightning: Of course, I need this magic to get rid of Everfree.
Rainbow: *Gasp!* were the one that sealed Applejack in the cave!
Lightning: I was trying to seal both of you in so no one would know about this.
Twilight: And you were the one that messed up the camp activities!
Lightning: Yup. I just need more power!
Lightning Dust grabbed the rest of the orbs.
Rainbow: No, don't!
Too late, the orbs floated around Lightning's neck. She began to transform. The other two watched in horror.
Lightning Dust transformed into Gaea Everfree.
Twilight: Oh no!
Lightning: Sorry, Crash, but I want to do this.
With that, Lightning Dust floated out of the cave.
Twilight: We've gotta stop her!
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