An Old Rival
Rainbow: Lightning Dust? I...haven't seen you since you got banned from soccer tryouts!
Lightning Dust put her arm around Rainbow's neck.
Lightning: I know, but here I am at Camp Everfree. Surprise!
The girls pulled Rainbow Dash aside.
Applejack: Who's she, Rainbow Dash?
Rainbow: Oh, her? That's Lightning Dust, I met her at soccer tryouts. When we were practicing, she cheated a lot and acted reckless. I told Coach Spitfire about it and she got kicked out. She's hated me since them.
Rarity: Oh dear, she sounds like trouble!
Rainbow: I know, I haven't been keeping in touch with her recently.
Lightning: What's new with you, Crash?
Rainbow Dash looked over at her friends and then back at Lightning Dust, she didn't know what Lightning Dust would do if she told her that at the beginning of summer, she turned into some kind of water demon and tried to wreck the world by storm. After what Rainbow Dash told her friends, they dissuaded her to not tell her.
Rainbow: Uh...nothing
Lightning: Nothing? You mean in the past 4 years, nothing has changed about you?
Rainbow: No.
Lightning Dust assumed Rainbow Dash was lying. But then, Gloriosa spoke up.
Gloriosa: Okay everyone, time to pick your tent!
Everyone reached into the bag to see who they'd be paired with. The pairs for the Humane 7 were:
Applejack and Fluttershy (Ruby Tent)
Rainbow Dash and Twilight (Sapphire Tent)
Rarity, Sunset, and Pinkie Pie. (Emerald Tent)
Gloriosa: Okay, everybody, time to start the best week ever!
Rainbow: It better be the best. I guarantee that evil magic is upon us.
Twilight: What makes you say that, Rainbow Dash?
Rainbow (whispering): I think Rainstorm Dash is trying to get control over me again.
Twilight: I knew there was more bothering you on the bus earlier! I never see you like this. *sigh* Look, when I thought Midnight Sparkle was affecting us all last time, Sunset helped me realize that there's no Midnight Sparkle, just me. Now I can show you that there's no Rainstorm Dash, there's just you.
Rainbow: Are you sure, Twilight?
Twilight: Of course I'm sure.
Rainbow: What happened at the Summer Festival was practically my fault, I tried to harm you guys and injured Pinkie Pie.
Twilight: But she's fine now, we all are. Rainbow Dash, there's no Rainstorm Dash, there's only you.
Rainbow Dash, however, didn't find those words very helpful. She continued to worry.
Later that day, the girls started some activities, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went canoeing.
Fluttershy: Dashie, is everything okay?
Rainbow: Yeah, why?
Fluttershy: were screaming on the bus earlier.
Rainbow: Guess I just had a bad dream.
Fluttershy: You sure?
Rainbow: Yeah, all gooOOOODDD!!!
A gust of wind suddenly came from nowhere, blowing the girls towards the dock, they fell off the canoe onto the land. Everyone else went to check on them
Sunset: Are you guys okay?
Rainbow: Yeah, we're good.
Fluttershy: This gust of wind suddenly came out of nowhere and blew us all over here.
Twilight: Hey guys, come check this out.
Twilight found a patch of blue glitter on the ground.
Sunset: What is that?
Twilight: I dunno.
Rainbow Dash however, had doubts. She was worried that the darkness inside her was trying to break through. She rushed into the woods alone and began to sing.
It used to be so simple
It was a world I understood
I didn't know what I didn't know
And life seemed pretty good
But now the darkness rises
From somewhere deep inside of me
Her power overtakes me
Can I keep this midnight from getting free?
If I can stay with the light I know I'll be free
And I can start to be whole
I can start to be me
But instead I am struggling
With all that I see
And these friends
Mustn't see the midnight in me!
The midnight in me!
They mustn't see the midnight in me...
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