Age: 17
Word count: 1045
Summary: Alena's got a maths exam coming up. At the last minute, she comes to her Mom for help
Alena was frustrated. She had a maths exam tomorrow first period and she understood nothing.
While Peter had been a great help, the teens didn't get very far and instead, drifted off to do uhm... other things. So, now it was 10 pm and Alena was back where she started a week ago.
There was this one problem that did not want to be solved, no matter what the redhead did. It was frustrating!
So, she did the only reasonable thing and cried for a good ten minutes while mumbling curse words at her ipad, which had the letters x and f(x) scribbled on it, along with fractures and square numbers next to sad smileys and stars she'd drawn out of boredom.
After her mental breakdown, Alena took a deep breath, ready to give it another try. But, she wasn't gonna do it alone, she needed help from someone who could actually tell her how to do it without getting distracted.
,,Mama, I need help"
She declared, emerging from her room and slamming her maths book onto the kitchen counter, a determined, yet still a little frustrated look on her face. Natasha looked up from the file she'd been working on, eyeing the maths book.
,,Alena it's ten pm, don't you think it's a little late to study now?"
The older redhead asked, an eyebrow raised. As far as she was concerned, her daughter had spent the whole day studying with Peter.
,,No, Mother, I need you to explain this to me. I'll be lost if you don't"
The girl in question retorted, a desperate frown making its way to her face. She didn't know what she would do if her mom told her she couldn't help her right now. Fortunately, Natasha let out a sigh and waved her over.
,,So, what do you need to do?"
She asked, her eyes skimming the page. For her, it wasn't that hard, but then again, she'd studied quantum physics, so nothing was really hard for the woman. Alena on the other hand almost lost it with any kind of numbers. She was definitely the more creative kind.
,,I dunno, extremal values, I think. No idea how to do that, though"
The latter explained, pointing to the highest point of the graph of her function. At least she got that she had to calculate at what point her function was the highest.
Natasha looked at the problem for a few seconds, biting the insides of her cheeks and frowning. It took her mere moments to get clarity on what went where and how.
,,Okay, so what do you think you need to do first?"
She asked, giving her kid an encouraging smile. The redhead knew Alena could do it, if only she stopped thinking in such a complicated way.
The girl in question thought about it for a moment, recalling everything she'd learned so far. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, as the answer struck her.
,,I need to find the first derivative? And then then set it to zero?"
Her mother nodded, handing her back the pencil she'd taken from her to visualize the problem better.
Alena began scribbling on her ipad again, doing what she'd just found out that she needed to do. For the first time, she didnt feel entirely stupid.
After that, everything went well for a while, the duo was so close to solving the problem when yet another problem arose. The root of four.
Natasha had repeatedly asked her child to calculate the root of four, but Alena just didn't know. Soon, both redheads were screaming at each other, attracting the attention of Steve, who chose to watch his girls scream at each other instead of intervening.
,,Whats the root of four, детка свет?"
The older redhead asked yet again, her voice returning to a more calm tone. Alena shook her head, tears of frustration and anger dwelling in her eyes.
,,I don't knowww"
She whined while a tear streamed down her face. Yet again, she felt like she was gonna fail her exam. Her mother sighed.
Steve finally intervened, putting an end to the screaming match of the mother and daughter duo. Both whipped their heads around to him, their expressions identical, only that Alenas eyes were still glossed over and her cheeks were slightly red from crying.
,,It's 2. And -2 while we're at it. Alena, you'll do fine, go to sleep, or you won't be able to concentrate tomorrow. And Tasha, get done with the file already so we can start the movie"
He instructed, hoping to de-escalate while giving a little bit of extra reassurance to his daughter. It had been a lomg day for all three of them.
Alena nodded taking a deep breath as she regained composure. She realised then, that she was really tired and immensely stressed, so, her dad's order wasn't the worst idea in the world.
Natasha pulled the 17 year old into a hug, before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
,,I'm sorry for screaming. You got this, милая девушка (sweet girl), надеру им задницы завтра (kick their asses tomorrow)"
She whispered, caressing the redhead's cheek. Alena gave another nod and even cracked a smile. She got this, she could feel it.
,,Спокойной ночи, мама, я тебя любл (Good night, Mama, I love you)"
,,Я тоже тебя люблю, мой маленький свет (Love you too, my little light)"
Nat mumbled back, giving her daughter one last encouraging smile. If she did well on the exam tomorrow or not, she was really proud of her either way.
,,Good night, Dad. Love you"
,,Love you too, little light"
A/N: Surprise oneshot even tho I said there wouldn't be one today lol :)) I felt like I needed to communicate my own frustration about my maths exam tomorrow, soooo, Oneshot it is. Tbh though, I feel a little more prepared bc I've dedicated my whole day to studying, so I hope I won't fail haha.
Anyways, have a great day/night, beautiful people, stay amazing and I'll see you around <33
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