Chapter 79: Drunken Parties
(A/N: I know, me posting on a Friday is strange but I'm only posting this today cause I'm going camping with my family today and coming back on Sunday night. I won't have wifi so yeah. Enjoy!)
•Same Day, 10 p.m.; LA party•
~Maddie's POV~
"Who did Vikk even get this invite from?" Ally yelled over the loud music as we entered the LA beach house.
Vikk had texted Lachlan, Ally and I to come and join him at this, in his words "sick LA party by the beach" along with the address that lead us here.
After many minutes of convincing from Ally, I got ready and drove with the two of them in the rental to this location.
(A/N: That's Maddie's outfit ^^^)
Lachlan still is upset with me and hasn't talked to me since of argument. I hate fighting with Lachlan but like, he has to understand that it will take me a while to gain trust with him again. He can't expect to cheat on someone, get back together with them and not think they won't have trust issues with him.
"It's Vikk, who knows?" I shrugged.
"Well, I do know that it is most definitely sick" Ally mocked, causing me to let out a small chuckle.
Taking a look around my surroundings, I realized this party wasn't anything different from what was shown on teenage shows.
Girls showing a little too much skin, red cups scattered in anywhere possible, boys being boys, people of every sexuality making out, people/couples going upstairs with intentions of hooking up and lastly, people dancing on other people.
"I'm going to go find Vikk" Ally announced before walking off in a random direction, abandoning Lachlan and I.
I looked over at Lachlan and he too was looking back at me.
I opened my mouth to say something but he held his hand up to silence me.
"Don't. I can promise you I won't decide to cheat on you again. Do you want me to record that statement for you? You know, so you can have digital evidence just in case you don't believe me later" he snapped harshly.
"Lachlan" I called out but it fell to a soft whisper as I realized it was too late. He had already walked away from me; disappearing into the crowd of people.
Great, I have Lachlan mad at me and no one to socialize with at this party I didn't even want to go to in the first place. Fuck my life. I should just drown my sorrows in Coca Cola.
Dodging various groups of sober or drunk people, I made my way towards what seemed like the best place for a kitchen to be located when suddenly I bumped into someone; catching a glance of their bright red hair.
Stumbling back a little I could hear the other person apologizing quickly before stopping mid-sentence.
"Madeline?" a aussie accent call out.
I looked up and surprisingly came face to face with Violet, the fellow 5sos fangirl I met at the club back in Australia.
"Wow, Violet! Who would have thought that I would see you here" I greeted, flashing her a wide smile.
At least I found someone I could talk to for a little while.
"I would have never thought so either but when my friends insisted that come to LA for a taste of their lifestyle I couldn't resist," Violet explained, "by the way, I love your new hair color."
"Thank you. I see you haven't dyed yours yet" I pointed out.
Violet shook her head. "Unfortunately not yet, I'd been too busy lately."
"I'd been busy as well. Moving to LA with your best friend is pretty tiring" I admitted.
Violet's green eyes widened. "That's amazing! I wish I could just move out here. Everything here seems so much exciting."
"Yeah, I was kind of nervous moving out on my own but I don't really regret it now," I admitted," who did you come here with?"
"The same friends that dragged me out here. They really like to drag me places" Violet laughed.
I let out a small giggle. "I can tell."
"Who did you come with?"
"My roommate and my boyfriend. My roommate is currently looking for her boyfriend who invited us here and my boyfriend," I paused for a second, "I have no idea where he is."
"Boys. They're all over the place. Since everyone you came with seems pretty busy, want to come hang out with me and my friends?" Violet suggested.
It's like she read my mind.
"Yeah sure," I agreed causally, turning my best not to hug her gratefully, "but do you know where to get a Coca Cola around here?"
Violet let out a small laugh. "I can get you more than just a Coke. Follow me" she advised.
I raised a eyebrow in confusion.
What does she mean by that? Does that mean she can get me a Fruitopia as well? Coca Cola and Fruitopia together are literally heaven on earth.
Nevertheless, I followed after Violet; totally oblivious to what was going to happen next.
•2 Hours Later, Midnight; LA Beach House•
~Lachlan's POV~
After pulling a somewhat sober Vikk away from almost devouring Ally's face, I decided we play beer pong with some guys I made acquaintances with throughout the duration of this "sick" party.
As I was facing off against some frat boy and totally winning, my mind kept drifting off to what Maddie could be possibly doing.
She's probably drowning herself in Coca Cola at the bar instead of the typical girl who would drown themselves in alcohol.
But that's what I love about her. I don't have to worry about her getting shit faced drunk and making horrible mistakes that would affect our relationship. If anything, it's the complete opposite.
Just as I was chugging down my cup of beer, I felt someone tap my shoulder.
Slamming the cup down on the table tennis table, I turned around to see Vikk who gestured his head towards the doorway of the room.
I looked over to see Maddie, her face expression indicating that she was in pain, her face also very pale and she looked like she could collapse any second now.
I quickly raced over to her side and helped her up right.
"Maddie, what's wrong?" I asked, my heart racing in my chest as I searched her arms for any bruises.
Was she raped? No way.
"I don't feel so well" she choked out.
"You don't look so good either. What happened? Do you know who did this to you?" I asked frantically.
Before she could answer any of my questions, Maddie clenched her stomach and vomited, some hitting the floor but most on her shirt.
The air filled with digested stench as I pulled her long hair back and heard everyone else in the room groan.
"I'll go get a mop or something" Vikk announced before racing out of the room.
I didn't care how upset I was with her earlier, all I wanted to know is who did this to her and what happened to her to begin with.
"Dude, go up to my room. First one to the left and use any one of my shirts" one boy offered, the owner of the house I'm guessing.
"Thank you" I thanked gratefully before picking up Maddie bridal style and carrying her out of the room, up the stairs and into the guys room; setting her gently on the bed where her weak body collapsed.
"Lachlan" Maddie called out weakly.
"Yeah?" I answered as I tried looking for a casual shirt that this guy wouldn't mind losing.
I didn't want Maddie to go home with a crop top covered in vomit but at the same time, I rather not have her wear another guys shirt for obvious reasons.
There was no reponse.
"Maddie?"I called out yet there was no reply.
I closed the drawer and turned around quickly to look at her.
My heart broke at her state. Maddie's eyes were closed. She looked almost... dead. Her face was still pale, her body was almost lifeless, I was scared. Very scared.
Tears welled up in my eyes and my body broke out into a cold sweat as I quickly rushed to her side.
"Maddie" I repeated, gripping her by the shoulders and shaking her violently.
No response. My heart beat in my chest. No way, she can't be dead.
"Fuck no. Please oh god no. Fuck, fuck, fuck" I cursed.
I checked for a pulse. There was one. She just passed out. Thank god.
Letting out a sigh of relief, I slowly lifted her shirt over her head and threw it in the nearest garbage; not even bothering to save the already ruined shirt.
Taking off my Drake sweater, I slipped it over her black lace bra with a hot pink ribbon at the front.
Picking out a causal white shirt that the boy had in his drawer, I slipped it onto my body.
I really hope Maddie is okay. I really hope nothing really bad happened to her. Like her being raped. I also really hope that I can beat the living crap out of the person who did this to her.
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