Chapter 72: Independent
(A/N: Outfit and hairstyle for this chapter in media! Yes, I know this chapter may start off boring but it gets better at the end. I promise 😌)
•Next Morning, 9 a.m.; Maddie's Guest Bedroom•
~Maddie's POV~
"Maddie, you are a strong independent woman!" Kyleigh encouraged, ripping the blankets I held close to my chest from me.
"I don't feel like one" I mumbled, burying my face into my pillow to avoid the bright rays of sunlight seeping from the curtains.
The video of Lachlan letting a blond haired girl grind on him and then making out with that same girl is all over social media. It was posted by a fan of mine on Twitter who just happened to be at the club and spotted Lachlan during his acts of infidelity.
The images keep playing over and over in my head. Lachlan looking like he was having the time of his life as the girl rubbed her butt on his crotch. Lachlan cupping the blond's face as their lips fought for control; the club techno music blasting loudly around them. The kiss was so passionate, so deep. He's never kissed me like that.
How long had this been going on? How long had I not known? Partying, letting girls grind on him, making out with them later. Was that a regular routine?
Am I not good enough for him?
"You'll never be a independent woman if you continue to lie here and cry yourself a river" Kyleigh pointed out; having a seat at the edge of the bed.
Pulling myself away from the pillow; I sat up and crossed my legs.
"The only thing I feel like right now is a dumb fuck" I confessed, frowning.
"Don't say that. You're not a dumb fuck, Lachlan is" Kyleigh corrected as she rubbed my back assuredly.
"But I am a dumb fuck for falling so fucking in love with him. I am so blind that I gave him everything. I confided in him and now, it was all for nothing. Our relationship is just one big clusterfuck" I sobbed as I burst into tears for what seemed like the hundredth time this morning.
"Aw Maddie" Kyleigh cooed, pulling me into a comforting hug.
"I don't know what to do anymore" I sniffed.
"I have an idea."
"What?" I asked, looking up at her.
"Don't address the topic. Everyone is waiting for you to say something about the video. Especially Lachlan. Don't give him that satisfactory. If you had to toss and turn at night, let him do the same" Kyleigh explained.
"Then what do I do in the meantime?"
"Be independent. And the first step to doing that is to change your old ways."
"What? You want me to increase my video uploads by twice a week?" I laughed, pulling away from her chest to wipe my damp cheeks.
"Well, I don't suggest deleting all your social media considering you're a YouTuber," Kyleigh rubbed her chin thoughtfully before her face lit up, "we could dye your hair! If we can't change your habits then we can change your physical appearance. Kevin told me he has some leftover blue hair dye from Halloween."
"Who said I want my hair to be blue?" I inquired with sass.
"It's either you're dying your hair blue or I'll give it a trim" Kyleigh stated firmly.
"Blue dye it is" I surrendered without a doubt.
"Good, I'll be right back with the dye. Operation independent woman in action!" Kyleigh cheered, flashing me a bright smile before skipping out of the room.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. What would I do without Kyleigh?
•A Hour Later; Upstairs Bathroom•
"You can open your eyes now" Kyleigh informed as she dyed out my hair with a white towel.
Opening my eyes, I came face to face with my reflection; a pale skinned, blue and green eyed 19 year old; my hair wrapped in a towel and a few water droplets running down my face.
"You ready to see your new hair?" Kyleigh asked, looking at me through the mirror.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
"Three," Kyleigh counted down, "two, one!"
On the count of one, Kyleigh unwrapped the towel from my head, letting my slightly wet hair fall into my shoulders.
I looked at the blue tips of my hair in the mirror and smiled.
"It looks really great Kyleigh. Thank you" I complimented.
Kyleigh flipped her hair over her shoulder dramatically. "What can I say? I'm a professional."
I let out a laugh as I ran my fingers through my stringily light brown hair.
"Maddie" a voice interrupted causing Kyleigh and I to snap our heads towards the doorway.
Mitch stood there, his eyes full of worry as he looked at me.
"I can't believe Lachlan would-"
"Mitch, get out" Kyleigh ordered, holding her hand up to silence him.
"Mitch, we are in the middle of operation here and you interrupting is really ruining the happy vibe here."
"Is this another one of your after- reading book quests?" Mitch inquired, crossing his arms over his chest.
"No" Kyleigh lied sheepishly.
"That's totally what it is!" I gasped, turning around to face her.
Whenever Kyleigh reads any book whether it's romance, mystery or her favorite, science fiction; she always makes up her own little quest to, in her words "end off the book with a bang."
When she read all the Harry Potter novels, her quest was to learn all the spells throughout the books and movies.
When she read all of the Hunger Game novels, her quest was to learn how shoot a bow and arrow. Mom brought her a bow, arrows and a target to practice on and she spent the whole summer learning how to shoot. She was a pro by the end of the summer and even joined a club.
And now I'm assuming she read a book about becoming an independent woman and her big quest is to make me feel like an independent woman.
"Maybe it is but we all know that I can't let go of a book until I complete the quest!" Kyleigh protested.
"Shame on you Kyleigh. Using our little sister's crisis to satisfy your own needs" Mitch scolded, shaking his head in disapproval.
"Thank you for helping me with my hair Kyleigh. It looks great but I think I should start recording. Love you" I thanked quickly; getting up from the stool we had placed in front of the bathroom sink and planting a kiss on Kyleigh's forehead.
"Your welcome. Love you too Mads."
Walking past Kyleigh and our "salon", I pasted Mitch who stood in the doorway.
His eyes were filled with concern and it really warmed me up to see how worried he was about my well being.
"I'm fine Mitch" I reassured before heading off down the hall to my bedroom.
•Later That Day, 12 p.m.; Maddie's Bedroom•
"How's my heartbreak girl doing?" Ally greeted, her smile wide and cheerful.
I am currently Skyping Ally on my MacBook after editing a few videos.
"I'm okay. And thank you for that 5 Seconds Of Summer reference" I thanked, flashing her a thin smile.
"Your welcome. I tried. I love your hair right now" Ally complimented.
"Thank you, my sister helped me" I clarified, looking down the tips of my hair.
"Maybe I should get your sister to do something to my hair" Ally suggested.
"For sure. Maybe instead of the tips, she should do your whole head. Embrace your inner Michael Clifford" I joked.
Ally let out a giggle. "I'm surprised your taking this so well."
"Trust me, I was a mess this morning" I confessed.
"I can't believe that he would do that to you."
"Me neither. I'm just as sho-"
I stopped mid-sentence as my eye caught Lachlan's username popping up at the corner of my screen; requesting to Skype.
"Speaking of the devil, um, Lachlan's calling " I announced nervously, stilling staring at the notification.
"Well, answer!" Ally cried.
"And say what? I'm not mentally or physically ready for this!" I panicked.
"Neither am I! Answer before the call ends" Ally ordered.
Without another hesitation, I accepted the request; Ally leaving the call.
Lachlan's face appeared on the screen, his headphones around his neck. He probably just recorded a video.
See? That's Lachlan, my handsome, thoughtful and loving boyfriend, not a cheater. Right?
"Maddie, I'm sooo sorry" Lachlan apologized sincerely.
"Why would you be sorry? You didn't cheat on me, right babe?" I asked innocently; begging, praying that he would laugh and tell me it was all a joke.
That it was a Lachlan look alike and he would never do that. That he loves me. That he isn't a cheater.
"Mads, I wish I could tell you I didn't," tears welled up in his eyes, "but I did."
Tears fell effortlessly down my cheeks as my mind processed what was going on. He cheated on me.
"Maddie, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking straight. I never wanted to hurt you. I love you" Lachlan pleaded.
I buried my face in my hands, bursting into tears.
"Mads, please don't cry. I'm sorry."
"I can't do this anymore Lachlan" I chocked out, looking up at him.
He froze; his blue eyes watery.
"Mads, you don't mean that" Lachlan insisted.
"Yes, I do! How can I ever trust you again after you made out with some other girl while I'm all the way on the other side of the world?" I exclaimed, wiping away my tears.
I can't believe how stupid I am. Lachlan is my first official boyfriend and I was so much of a hopeless romantic that I didn't even think of the possibility that Lachlan might cheat on me.
"I'll never do it again. I am such a dick. I'm sorry. We can make this work. Please, I can't lose you" Lachlan urged desperately.
"You already lost me" I corrected.
"Mads. Please."
"I'm sorry Lachlan," I apologized, "we are over."
A/N: Damn, that was a very long chapter. It was originally two separate chapters but I wanted to get rid of a full chapter in the book so it only made sense to add all this together since it all happened on the same day. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and I hope I didn't cause too many of you guys to die inside.
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