Chapter 7 : The Invites
• The Next Evening •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" So , I have some exciting news " my mom said , setting down her fork as we all were at the dinner table , eating dinner .
Connor and I just stared at her , waiting for the news .
" Well I have great news for me and great news for you " she repeated .
" Mom , can you just tell us the news already ? " I groaned .
" Okay , okay . I have a date tomorrow " she smiled .
" Ew ! " Connor said , making a face as I squealed .
" That's great mom . Who is he ? Where did you guys met ? I am so happy for you " I said , smiling widely .
As much as I hate that Mom's moving on from dad but at the same time , I want a man in the house . The house just feels lonely with just Connor , mom and I . With another person , it will be better for all of us .
" Well , he's a doctor and we met just a few weeks ago when I had to get my blood test and we fell in love ever since , we are going on our official date tomorrow night " she smiled .
" Okay , anyways , what's the great news for us ? " Connor said , rolling his eyes at the both of us .
" Well , I asked Mitch if he could fly in and he agreed so Mitch staying here for the weekend " she announced .
" Yes ! " Connor and I said in unison as we high fived each other .
" I have to go a clean my room if Mitch is coming ! " Connor said excitedly , forgetting all about dinner and racing upstairs .
" Yeah , I have to go set up the computer monitors in the basement so Mitch can record while he's here " I said , getting up and heading towards the basement steps , leaving mom alone for dinner .
• Later That Night •
Maddie - 9:34
mom told connor and i @ dinner that u r coming 2 montreal
Benja Kanda - 9:34
ya , i am , u excited ?
Maddie - 9:35
totally ! sooo , hows life living with the bacca ?
Benja Kanda - 9:36
Maddie - 9:36
Benja Kanda - 9:37
heard mom has a new guy friend
Maddie - 9:37
yea , they r going on the date 2morrow nite . i think she wants u 2 baby sit
Benja Kanda - 9:38
just great ...
Maddie - 9:39
u mad ? u know , bout mom moving on ?
Benja Kanda - 9:40
no , u ?
Maddie - 9:41
idk . im glad connor can have a father figure around , i worry 4 him sometimes
Benja Kanda - 9:41
yea , me 2
Maddie - 9:42
i think i should go , should go skype amanda be4 its 2 late
Benja Kanda - 9:43
yea , go do that ... i have 2 edit vids . talk 2 u later ;)
Maddie - 9:44
kk bai :3
I shut off my phone , getting up from my bed and heading towards my desktop to start the call .
I'm so happy that Mitch is coming . I have something to ask him ...
~ Lachlan's POV ~
I paused the video and just stared at her face carefully .
She's so beautiful ....
I had decided to watch one of Maddie's videos on YouTube and man , she's amazing .
No , Lachlan , what the fudge are you thinking ? You can't like her ! She's Mitch's sister !
But I like her . She's funny , charming , beautiful . My dream girl .
I can't get my mind off her .
I sighed , turning back to my bedroom which was stripped of most of my values since I was leaving for my flight on Monday .
I am going to visit Mitch and Jerome in their new house in St . Pete , Florida and I am pretty excited .
Maybe hanging out with the boys will keep my mind off Maddie ...
• The Next Night •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Okay , Connor fell asleep but should be up and hungry in a few hours so just order pizza or something . Important phone numbers on the fridge and money on the kitchen counter for any takeout " mom explained quickly to Mitch and I as she ran around the house getting ready for her date .
" Okay mom , you act like I haven't lived here basically my whole life " Mitch smirked , rolling his eyes .
Mitch had got in Montreal just a few hours ago and Connor had fallen asleep waiting for him .
He was in for quite a surprise when he woke up ...
The doorbell rang and mom's eyes widen as she slipped on some high heels .
" I'll get it " I offered , getting up from the living room couch and heading towards the front door .
I opened the door to see a middle aged man in a suit and tie holding a rose .
Damn , this guy got class ...
" Good evening , is Blare here ? " the man greeted , smiling widely .
" Yes , I'm here and ready " my mom said , coming up behind me .
" Okay , Maddie we are leaving . Good night " she smiled , kissing me on the cheek before grabbing the man's hand as he lead her to his car .
" Bye ! Have fun ! But not too much ! " I yelled , before closing the front door and locking it .
I walked back into the living room and fell back onto the couch to see Mitch on his phone .
" So big bro , what have you planned for the night ? " I asked .
He shrugged . " I don't know , what you have in mind ? ".
" Netflix and popcorn ? " I subjected .
" Yeah , I'm up " he smiled .
• A Few Hours Later •
After a whole hour of arguing about what movie to watch we finally decided to watch one of my favorite movies of all time , Home Alone 2 : Lost In New York .
" Hey Mitch ? " I asked , pausing the movie for a second .
" Yeah Mads ? " he replied , his eyes landing on me .
" I was wondering , since mom will have a man in the house , can I live in St. Pete with you and Jerome ? " I asked shyly .
I was really tried of living with mom and Connor . I mean , don't get me wrong , I love them more than anyone in the world but I just feel like I need to be around people that understand me and my career .
If I lived with Mitch and Jerome then it would be a dream come true . If I ever needed help with recording I could ask them . Unlike here where I have to figure everything out for myself .
There's a part of me that doesn't want to leave the house I have been living in my whole life but I honestly think it's time I move out of the house and live my life .
" Did you talk to mom about this ? " Mitch asked , a serious look on his face .
" No " I trailed off .
" Maddie , I would love you to live with us but ... mom and Connor need you " he frowned .
" Mitch , I know but I'm 18 , don't you think I should move on ? Mom and Connor will be fine . Plus , if anything happens Marley just lives a half a hour away from here " I begged .
" Maddie " he groaned . " Okay , if mom says sure than you can move in with Jerome and I but if she needs you then no ".
I sighed but agreed .
What will mom say ? What if she says she's not ready for me to move ?
I guess I will just have to figure something out ...
Writers Note :
Sorry if this chapter just really sucks but do remember that in every story there has to be a boring part so the story could get to the good parts . Trust me , the next few chapters may be boring to you and to me but I promise you that after every bad chapter there a better one coming up soon . So please bare with me ...
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