Chapter 63 : Failed Games
(A/N: Sorry this whole CNE birthday thing keeps dragging on but there's just so much to do and I wanna make sure I get it all in. This is also a really long chapter)
•Same Day, 4 p.m.; CNE grounds•
~Maddie's POV~
"Anyone else feel like they were gonna fall forward off of Pharaoh's Fury?" Lachlan asked as we walked away from the ship shaped ride.
"For sure, I think I squeezed the life out of Vikk's arm every time we went up" Ally laughed, poking Vikk's arm.
"Thanks for that" Vikk thanked sarcastically as he rubbed his bicep.
"Do you guys wanna go on one more ride then take a break?" I asked.
"That's a good idea. I could go for a cold drink after all that screaming" Lachlan agreed.
I scanned the area for any possible last minute rides before falling on a closed in UFO themed ride untitled "Starship".
"How about that one?" I announced, pointing towards it.
"That looks pretty cool" Ally admitted, nodding her head in approval.
"I just want to get a snack after this so anything is fine with me" Vikk shrugged.
"Let's go" Ally cried, walking fiercely over to the short line.
It didn't take that long to get in but once we did, I had second thoughts.
There was no seats but long pads lining the walls with no seat belts; just a small step at the bottom to place your feet.
Unlike all the other rides we been on, the operator booth was in the middle behind steel bars.
"What the fuck did I just sign up for?" I exclaimed, starring in horror at the pads.
"Too late to go back out now" Ally reminded, pushing past me.
Letting out a collective sigh, I walked over to one of the pads and lied on the rough, scratchy material.
Lachlan lied down beside me, a look of confusion and worry on his face.
I touched his hand gently causing him to look over at me.
I gave him a reassuring smile, trying both to reassure him and myself that this isn't a death trap.
It can't be an amusement park ride if it put someone's life in danger. Right?
The male ride operator walked into the space ship, closing the door behind him before heading over to his post.
"Good luck" he smirked as he clicked a button that caused the ride to start.
What does he mean good luck?!
I closed my eyes as the room felt like it was spinning, even though we weren't spinning in circles.
This ride is actually freaking me out.
To my surprise, the pad moved up causing me to open my eyes instantly.
A slight throb started on the top of my head.
What the fuck?
The room tiled to the left before the pad harshly went back down to ground level.
I tried to lift my head to look at the conductor in the middle but a strong force made it hard to do so.
I tried to move my hands but it was like my body was a magnet and the pad was a m fridge or something.
Okay, now I see why they don't have any seat belts....
I couldn't move anything at all. It was a interesting yet really scary and strange.
The room was filled with loud high pitched screaming at this point. I really wanted to look at Lachlan's face right now.
It felt like I was being chocked and I found it slightly hard to breath.
I closed my eyes again as the pad moved up and down, each time hitting my head.
Finally, the room stopped spinning and the pad moved down to ground level.
The ride stopped and I could finally catch my breath and move my limbs.
The front door opened; the sunlight shining in my eyes.
"Thanks for riding with me!" the ride operator yelled before leaving his post and heading outside.
That little shit.
I moved off of the pad, my head spinning. I stumbled as I got down, Lachlan quickly grabbing my arm.
"You okay?" he asked as we started walking out of the room.
"Yeah, I just feel a little light headed after all that spinning" I explained.
"We should get you something to drink then. I'll get you something right away" Lachlan promised, giving me a small kiss on my temple.
"That ride was fucked up. Thanks a lot Maddie" Ally complained as we approached Vikk and her.
"Hey, I suffered just as much as you did. Everything's still spinning for me" I countered.
"The room wasn't even spinning though. It just felt like we were spinning" Vikk pointed out.
"Still made me dizzy" Lachlan defended.
"Same, and the room felt like it was titling but it can't because then it would hit the sign" Ally affirmed, turning back and pointing at the brightly lit sign arching over the space ship.
"So true!" I cried in shock.
Lachlan stared at it with his mouth formed in an O shape.
"Can we all promise to never go on that ride again?" Vikk asked.
We all nodded silently before turning our backs on the alien-like contraption.
"Slushies!" I cried excitedly, pointing towards the Hawaii themed booth.
There was one main booth was a female employee sold colourful cups while there were two boys on either sides of the booth near the slushie machines helping out people full their cups.
"You want one Mads?" Lachlan asked, pulling out his wallet.
"Yeah, but I'll pay" I protested, placing my hand on Lachlan's.
"You two can't pay! It's your birthday! Let me" Vikk stepped in.
"Thank you Vikk" Lachlan and I said in unison.
"Your welcome" Vikk laughed.
We approached the employee at the front desk where Vikk bought everyone tall cups with straps for around our necks.
I walked over to the boy on the left, Lachlan following behind me while Vikk and Ally went to the right.
"What would a beautiful lady like you want for your slushie?" the young boy flirted.
He looked about my age and had brown eyes and longish wavy brown hair.
I let out a small laugh, playing along. "Is it possible to get all the flavours?".
"Yes, it would" he replied, taking my cup.
I turned back at Lachlan who shot me an annoyed look, his jaw clenched.
I gave him a innocent smile before turning back to the guy.
"Here you go" he said, handing me back my slushie with a straw.
"Thank you" I said, giving him a small wink.
I could feel Lachlan's eyes on the back of my neck as I pushed past the guy, waiting patiently for Lachlan at one side of the booth.
I watched in amusement as Lachlan didn't make eye contact and gave the guy secret dirty looks.
Once he was done, he walked over to me; grumpily sipping his rainbow coloured slushie.
"What's wrong Lachy?" I asked innocently.
"It's not funny Mads" Lachlan snapped.
"It was just a joke. You know I only have eyes for you" I reassured, giving him a kiss.
"I still don't like that guy" Lachlan spat, looking over at the guy who was now helping out a little girl.
I let out a small laugh, hitting him on the arm playfully.
"Come on sour puss. Let's go find Vikk and Ally" I teased, tugging on his hand.
"Hey! You're very tall, why don't you come and play this basketball game to win these amazing prizes for your girlfriend!" a dark skinned male employee called excitedly.
Lachlan stopped in his tracks. "Sure , I guess I could win this game real quick" he bragged, walking over to the booth; I following with him.
After everyone had finished up with their drinks, Vikk and Ally decided to go back on the rides while Lachlan and I decided to have a look at the games going on.
The objective of the game was to simply get the ball into the hoop. Pretty simple.
"What prize do you want me to aim for?" Lachlan whispered in my ear.
I looked at my options.
For the smaller prizes there was brown bear, a mini SpongeBob SquarePants and a small light blue dolphin.
For the medium prizes, there was a reggae banana along with deadlocks and a Jamaican beanie, a black and white penguin and a large multi coloured water gun.
And lastly, for the larger prizes, there were only two. A large black and white panda and a red ukulele.
"The panda bear looks pretty nice" I spoke up.
"Oh, the panda is a hard one. You have to get 5 shots in a row in order to get any of the larger prizes. 3 in a row for the medium prizes and 2 in a row for the small ones" the boy explained.
"I can to do that" Lachlan brushed off.
"Okay then. So I'm guessing you want to do the 5 shots for $5?".
"Yes" Lachlan responded, handing over his $5.
I took a glance at the boy's name tag. Troy. Troy from High School Musical!
Troy handed Lachlan his first basketball.
"You got this" I encouraged as he bounced the orange ball on the cement.
Without hesitation, Lachlan took his first shot; the ball going through the hoop perfectly.
"Aye!" I cheered, clapping my hands together excitedly.
"That's one down, 4 to go" Troy reminded him as he handed Lachlan his second ball.
Lachlan immediately took the shot, the ball once again going through the hoop.
Troy and I cheered and clapped as Lachlan shook his arms around as if to shake off all the pressure.
"Third shot" Lachlan breathed, rubbing his hands together before picking up the ball.
I could see the determination on Lachlan's face as he shot the third shot. This time it missed the hoop by a few centimetres.
Lachlan banged his fist on the red counter in front of the booth. "Fuck".
"It's okay, most people don't get it on the first time" Troy admitted.
"Let's go again" Lachlan demanded, slamming a 5 dollar bill on the red countertop.
"Okay than, another 5 shots for the panda" Troy repeated, slipping the bill into the bag around his waist before handing Lachlan another basketball.
Lachlan let out a collective sigh before shooting the ball. It missed once again.
Lachlan buried his face in his hands and let out a fake sob.
"It's okay Lachlan. You haven't played basketball in a while" I reassured, rubbing his back as I held back my laugh.
Lachlan lifted his head up from his hands and looked at me. "Mads, I play basketball all the time".
"Then maybe you just suck" I laughed.
He poked my side causing me to both squirm under his touch and laugh.
"You two are so cute" Troy commented.
"Thank you. How about I try this time?" I suggested, setting a 5 dollar bill on the counter.
"5 shots for the girlfriend" Troy announced, handing me a basketball.
What the hell was I thinking! I'd never played basketball in my life. Okay, I'm over reacting; I have played basketball before but I suck at it.
I can't aim shit into anything. Thank god I'm not a guy, otherwise I would always pee on the toilet seat or worst, on the floor.
Taking a deep breath, I slowly got ready to shot; aiming the ball before throwing it.
To my surprise, it went in!
"Aye!" Troy and Lachlan cheered, Lachlan and I exchanging a high five.
"Girlfriend going in!" Troy cried.
"4 more shots Mads" Lachlan reminded, leaning back on the counter.
Feeling a little more confident this time, I grabbed the ball from Troy and positioned my aim.
I threw the ball in, the ball going through the hoop perfectly again.
Troy and Lachlan cheered once again, handing me another a basketball.
"Flawless" I said dramatically, flipping my hair over my shoulder.
Maybe I'm not so bad at basketball after all...
The third shot was once again a success, Lachlan now watching in disbelief.
The fourth was a winner as well.
"I could be on the woman's NBA team!" I cried, bouncing the basketball on the cement.
"If you get this shot I'll have to
marry you" Lachlan cried.
"Better start planning the wedding cause I doubt she will miss this" Troy stepped in.
"Hey! Don't jinx it!" I cried.
The pressure was on now. My heart beat loudly in my chest. Is this how Lebron James felt whenever he had to make a really important shot?
Kissing the ball, I made the last shot; the ball rolling around the rim of the hoop.
I felt a cold sweat break out as it continued to roll around the stupid hoop until finally, it when in.
"Aye!" Troy and Lachlan cried, all of us slapping our hands together in high fives.
"Wow, well; congrats . First winner today! Here is your panda. You deserve this" Troy congratulated, handing me over my panda bear.
"Thank you. I didn't even think I could even get one in yet alone 5!" I admitted, still in shock.
"And since you are the first winner for today; you can get another big prize" Troy announced.
"Thank you!" I repeated, giving him a hug.
"No problem. So what is your next big prize?" Troy asked, reaching up towards the bigger prizes.
"The ukulele" I answered.
Troy grabbed the mini guitar from its high place on the top shelf and handed it to me.
"Here you go Lachlan" I smiled, handing the prize to him.
"Aw, thank you Mads" Lachlan gushed, taking the prize from me gratefully.
"Well, thank you guys so much for playing with me" Troy beamed.
"No, thank you Troy. This was so much fun" I thanked.
"Anytime. Bye guys!" Troy called as Lachlan and I started to walk away from the booth.
"Bye!" Lachlan and I called back.
"So, about that wedding" I brought up awkwardly.
"You really want to get married?" Lachlan asked seriously, stopping abruptly.
I stopped with him. "Do you?".
He shrugged simply. "Maybe ".
"Are you kidding me? I don't want to get married!" I cried, letting out a laugh.
"So it's a no?" Lachlan fake pouted.
"Were you asking me?" I smirked.
"Kinda" Lachlan replied, a smirk on his face as well.
"Lachlan" I groaned, squeezing his hand.
"I'm not joking. Do you want to get married!" Lachlan asked seriously; grabbing both of my hands and giving them a squeeze.
"Wait, you really want to get married?" I questioned.
"Fuck no. Do you really think I would make such a important life decision at an amusement park?" Lachlan chuckled.
"So no little Lachlan's anytime soon?" I teased, cracking a wide smile.
He stared at me, his bright blue eyes wide in bewilderment. "Woah, let's slow down!".
I let out a laugh. "I'm just joking Lachlan. I don't want to get married or have kids yet".
"Hey, that doesn't mean I don't want to get married with you ever. Just not anytime soon" Lachlan clarified, staring into my eyes seriously.
I blushed and gave him a wide smile.
"How about we go look for Vikk and Ally?".
"Sure, fiancée" Lachlan mocked, a mischievous smile spread on his lips.
"Don't call me that" I warned.
"Okay okay, let's just go find Vikk and Ally" Lachlan suggested quickly, pulling me towards the Midway Rides.
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