Chapter 61 : CNE
( A/N : In the media is a picture of the CNE which is like a amusement park here in Toronto . It's only open in the summer and I'd been going there every summer with my family and friends since I was 5 . Love this place to death and I walked in that section in the picture so many times it isn't funny . Btw , my favourite place to get food is the corn dog and lemonade stand . It's not in this picture but if you search up pictures of the CNE , you will see it )
• Same Day , 2 p.m. ; Downtown Toronto •
~ Maddie's POV ~
"Welcome to the CNE also known as the Exhibition Place" Rob introduced as we walked over a large white arch on a steel bridge.
After a few hours of driving through traffic to downtown Toronto and finding a parking space in the crowded parking lot; we finally made it.
The CNE seemed pretty amazing from the way Rob had described it on the whole drive here.
As we approached the front gate, I gasped at how many people were waiting in line to buy tickets to get inside .
"Fuck" Lachlan swore under his breath.
" Rob, I love how you described everything about the CNE besides the fact that the line to get in is ridiculously long" Preston said sarcastically .
"Disclaimer, the line lengths change every year," Rob protested, "this year we just got unlucky."
Everyone let out a frustrated groan as we all piled into the line that was out of the gates.
Great, now we have to stand in the hot sun, in a long line and by the time we get inside all of the ride lines will be long and then we can't go on every ride and Lachlan and I have a concert to go at 9 and it's 2.
Everyone pulled out their phones and went off into their own world moving slightly every minute as the line moved up.
"Hey Maddie? " Mitch called , causing me to look up from my phone.
"Yeah ? " I replied .
Mitch grabbed my arm and pulled me to a side ; away from the rest of the squad .
" I wanted to ask how you feeling about mom and Kevin " Mitch asked , his face expression full of concern .
I let out a sigh . " Do we always need to bring this up Mitch ? ".
" I just want to make sure you're okay . I know it may be annoying to always bring it up but you're the one in the family that's most affected by it " Mitch stated .
" I talked to dad this morning " I told .
" And ? " Mitch pressed , raising an eyebrow .
" And nothing . He told me not to think about it too much since it's my birthday and I was on a roll here before you brought it up " I snapped .
" Sorry , " he apologized , " do you plan on visiting mom soon ? ".
" I don't know . Haven't called her yet " I shrugged .
" I'm going to visit her in a couple of weeks . You should come with me " Mitch suggested .
I'm not sure I can go ... I don't think I'm ready to face this problem head on yet .
" I don't know . But I'll think about it " .
" Okay , but it would be good for you . Marley and Kyleigh said they are coming too . It could be a family reunion ".
" Is dad coming ? " I asked curiously .
" No " he replied .
" Then it isn't a family reunion " I spat stubbornly .
" Whatever ".
I haven't seen my sisters in so long . I talk to them all the time but after I left Montreal I haven't seen them at all . That's a really long time .
" I can see the ticket booth now ! " Ally cried excitedly from the front of the line .
Without another word , Mitch and I went back to the rest of the guys .
New task at hand , make it to the booths before 3 .
• Few Minutes Later •
" Mission accomplished . We made it inside " Vikk breathed .
Half an hour later , we finally managed to get to a ticket booth and pay $18 dollars each to get in .
" So , what's first ? " Preston asked .
" FOOD ! " Mitch cried , throwing his fist up in the air .
" And where's the food court ? " Lachlan asked .
" Well Lachy , if you didn't reject the map that the person at the entrance so kindly offered ; you would know " Rob countered , pulling out his own map .
" And since when do you have a job ? " Lachlan snapped , rolling his eyes .
" Can we just get to the food building ? " I stepped in .
" Fine , it's to the right of us as the sign over there says " Rob stated , pointing to a tall bright blue sign that wrote " food building " and pointed to the right .
We all started making our way in that direction ; Lachlan gripping my hand tightly .
The CNE grounds were really crowded , mostly populated with little kids and their parents who looked like they didn't really want to be here but only went cause their kids wanted to go .
There was a lot going on . From the loud yells of people on rides nearby to the smell of foreign foods , I could tell the very limited time spent here was going to be pretty fun .
Looking up , my eyes caught on the people above us on little carts .
" Lachlan " I called as I poked his arm .
He turned his face towards mine before I pointed upwards towards the carts .
" Wow , " he looked back down at me , " wanna go on one later ? ".
Should I say yes ? I'm terrified of heights . This to me is like being on Mount Everest .
But at the same time , Lachlan seems to really want to go .
" Yeah , we can go for sure " I lied , trying to hide any emotion .
" Maddie , why are you lying to me ? " Lachlan addressed , stopping abruptly .
I stopped walking and looked him in the eyes . " I'm not ".
" Mads , you're lying to me again ".
" Okay , you're right " I admitted .
" Why ? " Lachlan asked , a mixture of confusion and anger on his face .
" I don't know Lachlan . Let's just enjoy our birthday while it lasts " I burst out .
Lachlan stood there in silence , looking at me with a blank expression .
" Okay , I'm sorry . Your right , let's just enjoy our birthday " he concluded , giving me a small smile .
I gave him a smile back in return , before grabbing his hand again and trying to catch up with the rest of the group .
• Few Minutes Later ; Food Building •
" Lachlan , this is going to take forever ! The lines are ridiculously long ! Just think of somewhere else to eat ! " I complained as I watched Lachlan scan all the possible food restaurants he could eat from .
Lachlan continued to scan his finger along the big board . " Mads , there has to be a Chipotle here ".
I simply rolled my eyes at him . " Lachlan , we are right next to Pizza Nova . Let's just get pizza . Everyone is waiting for us ! ".
" Found it ! " Lachlan cheered .
Letting out a sigh of relief , I leaned over his shoulder to check out where the Chipotle was .
" Lachlan , it's on the other side of the building " I frowned .
" It wouldn't take too long . I promise " Lachlan reassured , looking at me with hopeful eyes .
I shook my head . " Lachlan , Chipotle lines are usually really long and then we won't have time for rides or any of the cool stuff here ".
" Maddie " he groaned , extending the e .
" Lachlan, please ? " I begged .
" It won't take long . I'll find a way to make it go faster ".
" Do I have to come ? " I asked .
" Please ? " he begged , cupping his hands together in prayer position .
I stared into his bright blue eyes and felt myself slowly giving in .
" Fine " I breathed .
" Let's go " Lachlan smiled , giving me a quick kiss before grabbing my hand .
" It's those blue eyes of yours . Always screwing people over " I admitted .
" What can I say ? It's my secret weapon " he winked , causing me to simply roll my eyes at him .
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