Chapter 57 : Park Bants
( A/N : Outfit in Media is Maddie's outfit for this outfit )
• Same Day , 4 p.m. ; Park •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Lachlan ! Could you come push me ? " I yelled , struggling to swing back and forth on the swing set .
I remember my parents would always take the whole family to the park during hot summer days and we would eat popsicles and have mini picnics .
My legs were too short to touch the ground so my dad would always push me .
But that was when my parents weren't divorced .
Lachlan looked up from his phone on the bench about 3 meters in front of me ; giving me an annoyed stare in response .
" I thought you said you wanted to go to the park , not be on your phone this whole time . Let your child side loose ! " I cried , pushing myself forward .
Lachlan rolled his eyes at me before getting up from his seat and making his way toward me .
" What child side ? " Lachlan snapped , giving me a hard shove ; causing me to launch forward .
" I thought you would unleash the only side you have " I smirked , moving my legs in sync with Lachlan's pushes .
" Whatever Madeline " Lachlan grumbled .
I dragged my legs on the wood chip ground causing the swing to stop abruptly . I looked at Lachlan who had a blank expression on his face .
" Madeline ? Since when do you call me Madeline ? " I asked , crossing my arms over my chest .
" That's your name , isn't it ? " Lachlan countered .
I thought he called me Mads or Maddie . Madeline at this point seems like a name only strangers call me ; not so much my boyfriend .
" Looks like someone's on full tilt " I quipped .
" I'm on the fullest of tilts " Lachlan added grumpy .
I let out a laugh . " Then what's the problem ? ".
He let a sigh before taking a seat on the swing beside me .
" I recorded this great H2M video but when I was done , I realized that I clicked preview instead of record ! The video never existed ! No one will ever see it ! And even if I record it again , it will never be as good ! " he cried .
I reached out and gave him a pat on the head . " There there Little Lachy ".
" I'm sorry I took out my anger on you " he apologized .
" Don't worry about it " I reassured , giving him a warm smile , " Why don't you make it up by pushing me on this swing ? ".
Lachlan rolled his eyes before getting up from his swing .
• 2 Hours Later •
After playing on the playground like little kids for two hours , Lachlan and I found ourselves lying on the green grass ; away from the park and any huge human population .
I rested my head on his torso , listening to the faint sound of his heart beating as Lachlan's arm wrapped around my waist .
" I'm exhausted " I breathed , breaking the silence that had ghosted over us the last few minutes .
" Me too . And I have to pack everything tonight so we can leave for Toronto tomorrow morning " Lachlan sighed , picking a dandelion out of a the ground .
He held it to his face , the both of us examining it's full fluffy white texture .
" Make a wish " I told .
" I don't need wishes , I have you " Lachlan smiled .
I blushed as he blew the seeds out of their stems ; some of them traveling upwards while others got caught in the wind and flew back into our faces .
I closed my eyes as Lachlan started coughing .
" And this is why I hate dandelions " Lachlan stated , picking out a seed from his mouth .
I let out a laugh as he stuck out his tongue .
" So , I guess meeting your parents is out of the question ? " Lachlan brought up , taking a strand of my hair and twirling it around his fingers .
" Lachlan , I appreciate your eagerness to meeting my parents but I'm not sure when that will happen " I admitted .
I felt bad . Lachlan seems really excited to meet my parents . He's met my dad but it was a quick thing . I want all of us to sit down at a dinner and just connect and talk and give Lachlan the proper and well deserved welcome to the family .
Marley's fiancé had a proper welcome and so did Kyleigh's boyfriend but that was before my parents got divorced and things got complicated.
Plus , I want Lachlan to meet my dad , not the guy who my mom's marrying but I don't know shit about .
" I'm sorry . It's just that there's so much drama to get everyone together for a proper welcome to the family dinner . I just want the best for you and you deserve the best welcome to the family ever " I added .
" Mads , I understand . Don't worry . Things happen and its out of your control " Lachlan sighed , getting up from the grass .
I felt really guilty , even though he said it was fine .
" Anyways , we should probably start going . You know , to start packing for the trip " Lachlan suggested , holding out his hand for me .
" Yeah " I mumbled , grabbing his hand and pulling myself up .
• Later That Day , Midnight ; Lachlan's Bedroom •
" Vlogging camera , chargers , passport , phone cases , " I listed , holding up a finger for each item . " I feel like I'm missing something ".
I was currently packing everything for Toronto even though I didn't need to pack much since everything was already in my suitcases . But still , I had to gather all my stuff .
Lachlan was just outside the bedroom in the mini office setup he has going on ; re-recording that H2M episode .
" Knock knock ".
I turned my attention to the doorway where Mrs. Power stood ; a tray of tea in hand .
" Hello Susan " I greeted .
" I thought that you might want to take a break since you been packing for almost 6 hours " Mrs. Power clarified .
" Thank you so much . I could use a break " I thanked , quickly throwing stuff into a suitcase and pushing it to a side .
We both had a seat on Lachlan's bed . Mrs. Power handed me a cup of hot tea which I took gratefully .
" I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay in your house for these past few days and for accepting me " I thanked sincerely .
" Anytime Madeline . I am just so happy that Lachlan found such a beautiful and polite girl like you " Mrs. Power replied , giving me a warm smile .
" Thank you ".
I blew on my tea before taking a sip ; burning my tongue like always .
I can never drink tea without burning my tongue . It's a horrible curse cast upon me by the tea goddesses .
" So , have you and Lachlan ever talked about promise rings or anything ? " Mrs. Power asked curiously .
" No , never mentioned it . Is that a bad thing ? " I asked , concern washing over me .
To be honest , Lachlan and I have never talked about taking our relationship to the next level . The only serious thing we want to do is meet each other's parents .
I'm not ready to get married or have kids . I'm only 18 , I have my whole life ahead of me to think about that .
" Oh , not at all . Mr. Power and I didn't even think about marriage until after 4 years of dating . It's good to take a relationship slowly . Especially since you two are so young " Mrs. Power explained .
Mrs. Power and I continued to engage in conversation , having a good laugh here and there and talking like mother and daughter .
There's something about Lachlan's mom that makes you just want to tell her your doubts and worries without thinking about her judging you . I like that .
" Um , hey mom ; Maddie " Lachlan interrupted .
" Oh hey sweetie . I was just having a heart to heart conversation with Madeline " Susan announced .
Lachlan looked really tried , probably from all the work he's been doing .
" Aw , look at my two favourite ladies getting along ! " Lachlan smiled , stepping into the room .
" Your mom is so much fun to talk to . You are so lucky to have her " I gushed .
" I can say the same about you Madeline " Mrs. Power agreed .
" That's great that you're getting along . I'm going to head to sleep " Lachlan announced before heading into the bathroom .
" I think so too . Plus , I need to continue packing . It was really nice talking to you Susan " I stated .
" You too . Night lovebirds . Don't stay up to long " Mrs. Power told , gathering up the tea cups before heading out of the bedroom ; closing the door behind her .
Lachlan walked out of the bathroom only wearing sweatpants .
" Someone feels a little confident " I smirked , referring to his shirtless state .
" What ? You like me shirtless ? " he asked , a mischievous smile spreading across his face .
" Maybe , maybe not " I teased .
Lachlan wasn't lanky but he also wasn't really buff . He was in between and beautiful .
Lachlan starched his arms over his head . " I'm going to sleep ".
" Okay , I still need to pack " I announced , pulling out my suitcase .
" No , you are going to bed " Lachlan ordered , picking me up bridal style and throwing me on the bed ; my head colliding with the pillows .
" But Lachlan I still have things to pack ! We leave tomorrow ! " I protested .
He completely ignored me , pulling the blankets up to my neck and climbing in beside me .
Lachlan nuzzled his head into my collarbone and draped his arm over my waist . " Sometimes , all you need is sleep ".
Not in the mood to put up a fight I caved in ; closing my eyes before falling into a deep sleep .
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