Chapter 55 : Toronto
• Next Afternoon , 12 p.m. ; Lachlan's Bedroom •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I stared back at my grey blue eyes as I tried my apply mascara to my lashes carefully .
Mr and Mrs . Power we're currently hosting this huge barbecue downstairs where almost every member of Lachlan's family is .
My hands were literally shaking at the thought of having to face so many members of Lachlan's family all at once .
What if I say something wrong ? What if they don't like me ? Which family members are downstairs anyways ? What if his grandparents and down there ? Oh god .
I could feel butterflies bubbling up in my stomach , causing me to feel very uncomfortable .
" Hey " Lachlan greeted causing me to squeal in fright and make an uneven line of mascara near my eye .
" God Lachlan ! " I cried in frustration .
" Sorry " Lachlan apologized , coming to stand behind me .
I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned . The line looked like a failed attempt at a wing .
I shot him a dirty look before grabbing a nearby makeup wipe and cleaned up the mess .
" Why are you so uptight ? " Lachlan complained , massaging my shoulders .
" I'm not uptight , " I protested , " I'm just nervous ".
" Why ? My family already loves you . Even thought they haven't even met you " he smiled .
" They are probably just trying to be nice . Their opinions will change as soon as they meet me " I sighed , trying to fix up my makeup .
" Quit doubting yourself . They are gonna love you " Lachlan reassured .
I let out a collective sigh while looking back at myself in my mirror .
Yeah , I'm going to be fine .
" I'm done " I announced , gathering up my makeup materials .
Lachlan removed his hands from my shoulders as I walked back into the room .
Once I had repacked my stuff , Lachlan took my hand and lead me downstairs.
Anxiety started to build up inside of me as I felt everyone's eyes fall on me .
" Little bro ! " a female voice yelled over the faint music and loud chatter .
Lachlan smiled before gripping my hand tightly and pulling me after him towards a lady with black hair pulled up into a tight bun .
" You must be Madeline ! " the girl greeted as we approached her ; her blue eyes identical to Lachlan's .
I swallowed a lump in my throat before speaking up . " Hello ".
That's all I can say ? Really Maddie ?
" I'm Jacqui , Lachlan's oldest sister . I have heard so much about you and I'm so excited to meet you . Welcome to the family sweetie ! " the girl cried , pulling me into a unexpected hug .
I hugged back gratefully before we both pulled away .
" Thank you very much . Your family is so sweet " I gushed , giving her a warm smile .
" Aw , your so kind Madeline . I swear , if Lachlan and you break up ; I will cry " Jacqui laughed .
" Jacqui " Lachlan warned , giving her a firm stare .
" Okay okay . I can tell that Lachlan wants to have you all to himself so I'll definitely talk to you later " Jacqui said , sending Lachlan a wink causing him to blush .
" It was nice meeting you " I said politely .
" Same to you " Jacqui responded .
" Lachlan ! Bring your girlfriend over here ! " a male voice called and Lachlan replied with nod ; holding up his finger to silence him .
" Bye ! " Jacqui said before heading towards the opposite side of the room .
• Few Hours Later •
" Your cousins are so cute ! " I gushed .
Lachlan had pulled me away from playing Minecraft with his 7 - 10 year old cousins on Mitchell's Xbox .
Personally , if all parties had 7 - 10 year olds who love Minecraft ; I would go to every party .
We walked out on the back porch of his house where Mr. Power was once grilling but decided to take a break .
" That's nice Mads , but I want time for you and I " Lachlan winked , biting his lip seductively .
" What the fuck are you doing ? "
I laughed .
He gave me a disappointed pout . " I was trying to sexy ".
" You know what I think that you do that makes you irresistible ? " I asked .
" What ? " he responded , interested in the topic .
" When you like do that face where you run your fingers through your hair and then scrunch your nose and give a half smile thingy with a failed wink " I tried describing . (A/N : I don't even know how to describe that face so it's in media )
" Really ? I didn't know I made a face like that " Lachlan stated innocently , running his fingers through his hair and doing the face on purpose .
I let out a laugh . " You're doing the face right now ! ".
" Do you find me irresistible ? " he asked leaning in closer .
" Not really " I teased .
He was so close now that our foreheads were almost touching , the both of us staring intensely into each other's eyes .
" Well , I find you irresistible " Lachlan flirted .
" Lachlan , did you bring me out here to kiss me ? " I smirked .
" Kinda " he shrugged .
" Well sorry to crush your dreams but maybe later . Not in the kissing mood " I smirked , leaning back a little .
Lachlan's lips formed into a pout . " You are such a tease ".
" I guess I am Lachlan " I sighed , walking over to a mini table with two chairs in the shade and had a seat .
Lachlan followed me to the table and took a seat across from me .
" Well , besides taking you here to have alone time ; I wanted to ask you something " Lachlan announced .
" And what's that ? ".
" Rob invited me to visit Toronto on our birthday and I want you come with me " Lachlan addressed .
I haven't thought much about my birthday and it's August 21st . 4 more days till my 19th bday .
" I don't know Lachy . That's #Roblan time " I protested .
" Oh stop being such a buzzkill ! Plus , your birthday gift is in Toronto " Lachlan burst out .
" Really ? " I asked , raising an eyebrow ; in where the conversation was going .
" Yes , which is why you need to come " Lachlan convinced .
I hadn't thought much about my birthday even though I really should .
When I was living with my mom she did everything . She would have planned out who's coming to the party , where it was going to be held , what to cook and so much more . She was the queen at planning any special event .
I think Mitch would probably want to celebrate with me but knowing Mitch , it would be this big party with all of his friends instead of mine . Not like they could come anyways . They all live in other places in the world .
" You know what , I'll tag along. As long as I have Rob's word " I agreed .
" Already asked Rob and he's excited . We leave on the 23nd " Lachlan smiled .
" Then it's settled . We are going to Toronto , I'll start looking for my ticket " I stated .
" I already brought your ticket " Lachlan announced proudly .
I leaned over the table and gave Lachlan a peak on the lips " You are honestly the best ".
" I know I am " Lachlan bragged shamelessly .
" I will never find anyone as thoughtful as you . Which is why I know that this is going to be the best birthday ever " I stated .
" It already is cause I'm with you " he smiled .
" I think you'll like the presents I got you " I bragged confidently .
I had already bought Lachlan's present and I think he will like it . Hopefully .
" Could you give me a hint as to my gift is ? " Lachlan pleaded .
I shook my head . " It's a surprise ".
" But I gave you a hint ! " Lachlan complained .
" And what was that ? " I countered .
" That it was in Toronto " Lachlan pointed out .
" OMG , I have it all figured out ! I know exactly what you got me ! " I cried sarcastically .
" Please ? " Lachlan pressed .
" Fine , " I thought for a second , " it has something to do with one of your favourite video games ".
" Black Ops ? " he asked .
" I can't give out anymore hints . You'll just have to wait " I smirked .
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