Chapter 53 : Mom
• Same Day , 5 p.m. ; At Australian Restaurant •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Ladies first " Lachlan offered politely , holding the door open for me .
" Thank you kind sir " I teased , waking through the door before he stepped inside .
We had just arrived to the restaurant where Lachlan's friends were to meet us .
I shifted uncomfortably as Lachlan scanned the area for his ' mates '.
" There they are " Lachlan smiled , pointing over to a table in the far back .
I looked over in the direction of which he was pointing to two guys sitting in a booth near the large glass front window .
Lachlan grabbed my hand as he lead me through the busy waiters and waitresses towards the booth .
" Oi ! Look at me mate being such a ladies man for once in his life ! " the blond one greeted us as we approached the table .
" Could you shut the fuck up Taylor ? Can't you not be such a ass for a day ? " the dark haired one snapped .
" Guys " Lachlan interrupted .
The two of them stopped talking and directed their attention towards us .
" This is my girlfriend Madeline " Lachlan introduced .
" Hello " I smiled .
Both of their accents were as thick as Lachlan's was ... before he visited and lived in America for months .
" I'm Taylor , you're just as pretty as I imagined you " the blond flirted , looking me up from head to toe .
" Taylor " Lachlan warned , catching his friends glance .
" Sorry about my friends behavior . I'm Jay and its very nice to meet you " the dark haired stepped in , giving me a warm smile .
I can now see what Lachlan meant when he told me on the way here that his friends were complete opposites .
Taylor seemed like a party animal judging from the half naked lady t-shirt he was wearing to the bottle of beer sitting in front of him .
Taylor was pretty tall yet lanky . His white blond hair was stringy and covered his blue eyes .
Unlike Taylor , Jay seemed calm and collected .
Jay was about my height and buff . He obviously worked out and it shows from his muscular arms .
Jay looked like a average young adult with his dark straight brown hair and brown eyes .
" So , shall we order ? " Lachlan suggested , slipping into the seat beside Taylor and picking up a menu .
• After Ordering Food ; Once Food Arrived •
" So how long have you two been dating ? " Taylor asked , shoving fries into his mouth .
" 7 months " I announced .
" And out of those 7 months , I stayed in Florida . Where you live after you moved out of your mothers house in Montreal " Lachlan added , directing the statement towards me then the boys .
I raised an eyebrow at him as I chewed on the meat in my mouth .
Where was he going with this ?
" So does that make you american canadian ? " Taylor asked , ignoring Lachlan's small remark .
" I was born in Montreal but I live with my brother in Florida . I'm canadian but I guess I picked up some american traits " I explained .
" Is you're mom canadian Maddie ? " Lachlan asked .
Why can't Lachlan just drop the subject ? I told him I'll figure out later .
" Yes she is Lachy . Born and raised " I snapped , giving him a warning glance .
He simply sent me a cheeky smile .
I know what's he's doing and it's not going to work . I won't let it .
" So how did you guys meet ? " Jay cut in , obvious to the tensions between Lachlan and I .
" Well , we met at Pax Dev because Madeline's mom let her go along with her brother " Lachlan explained , his eyes never leaving mine .
" From the moment I saw her , I was madly in love " he continued , grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze .
" Aw , you two are so cute " Taylor gushed .
I sent a smile in Taylor's direction before nibbling on a fry .
" Do you guys have girlfriends ? " I asked Jay and Taylor .
Jay almost chocked on his water causing Lachlan to burst into laughter .
Once Jay had calmed down , he spoke up . " I'm looking for the right person ".
" Oh , I see " I nodded .
" Unlike Jay , I have a girlfriend . Of 2 years to be exact " Taylor bragged , a wide smile spread across his face .
" Wow , that's a very long time . Any promise rings ? " I asked , my eyes wide at his answer .
Out of the two , I would never in a million years think Taylor would have a girlfriend over Jay .
I mean , Taylor is so ... wild and Jay is such a gentlemen . Australian girls have a interesting sense of taste when it comes to boys .
" Sadly no , I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of commitment " Taylor sighed , leaning on his elbow .
" A promise ring is a huge thing . It's not marriage , it's saying that you love her so much that you want to get married in the future . But it's all up to you " I advised .
" Lachlan , you sure your girlfriend isn't Dr . Oz or something cause she sure knows how to give advise " Jay grinned .
" She sure does . If only she would take others advise often " Lachlan pressed , looking back at me .
I got up abruptly from the table , causing everyone to look at me .
" Excuse me . I have to go use the bathroom " I announced , flashing a fake smile .
Lachlan gave me a victorious smile , knowing he had gotten his point across .
I slide out of the booth and raced to the single ladies room , locking the door behind me .
I pulled out my phone , unlocked it and dialed mom's phone .
I started to bite on my lip as I waited impatiently for her to answer .
What if you doesn't answer cause she's mad that I hung up ? What did Mitch mean that there's more to the story ?
My thoughts were interrupted when the ringing stopped and static could be heard from the other side of the phone .
" Mom ? " I called out .
" Madeline ? " her soft voice answered .
" Hey " I greeted awkwardly .
What is one to say after hanging up the phone on their own mother ?
" I'm surprised you bothered to call after hanging up on me a few minutes ago " mom addressed .
A wave of guilt washed over me .
" Mom , " I started before letting out a heavy sigh . " I am just upset that you didn't think about me when making this huge decision ".
God , I sound so fucking selfish .
" Maddie , of course I thought of you "
" Mom , it's not that . You're marrying some guy I don't even know ! He's going to be my stepdad and , " I paused , my eyes getting teary . " I don't even know his last name ! ".
" And I'm sorry about that Madeline . I really am . That's why I want you to come and visit us in Pennsylvania " she burst out .
I froze . Pennsylvania ?
" You guys are living in Pennsylvania ? " I asked .
" Not yet . Connor and I are leaving in a month or so to live with Kevin . His job
relocated him there " mom explained .
I was speechless . My mother is leaving the house where everyone grew up for a stupid man ?
" See , this is what I'm talking about . You never think about anyone but yourself and what's best for you ! Did you ever think for a second about how big of a deal that is ! You are abandoning the house where you had 5 kids ! And what about Connor ! He has to leave all his friends to go and live with you and Kevin . How could you mom ? " I spat in disgust .
" Maddie , I'm sorry but I need to be happy again and moving away from Montreal is making me happy . Sure Connor will be losing his friends but I need this to happen . I'd been miserable for 4 years of my life as a single mother " she admitted .
I let out a deep sigh . " I'm sorry . I just need some time to adjust . I'll call you about visiting later but right now I have to get back to Lachlan ".
" Okay sweetie . I love you " mom said .
" I love you too mom " I replied before ending the call .
Letting out a frustrated sigh , I rubbed my temples ; trying to wrap my head around everything .
This will just be something I have to get used to . Maybe having a stepdad isn't a bad thing .
I slipped my phone back into my pocket , took a collective breath before opening the door to the bathroom and heading back towards the table .
" Is everything okay ? " Lachlan asked , referring to the phone call .
" Bittersweet " I responded as I slipped into the booth .
I could tell Jay and Taylor were confused but they didn't bother to ask .
"What are we doing after this ? " Taylor asked , stretching his long arms over his head .
" Clubbing ? " Jay suggested .
" Um , Maddie doesn't like - ".
I placed my hand on top of Lachlan's to stop him .
I gave him a soft look telling him it was fine .
He raised an eyebrow as if saying " why ? ".
I shrugged .
I love how we can simply read each others expression and know what we are saying .
" So everyone up for clubbing ? " Jay repeated .
" Yeah " I spoke up .
" Let's get the bill " Taylor stated , looking around for a waiter .
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