Chapter 50 : Lazy Vacation
( A/N : Maddie's outfit for this chapter )
• Next Morning ; Lachlan's Bedroom •
~ Maddie's POV ~
I rubbed my eyes as the sunshine streaming from the slightly open curtains shone in my face .
I let a small yawn before proceeding to try and sit up but my movement was stopped by the grip of Lachlan's arm around my waist pulling me back down .
" Stay " he mumbled , his voice hoarse and his eyes still closed .
" Lachlan , I need to go get ready " I stated .
" You don't need to do anything now . Just stay and cuddle with me " Lachlan protested , nuzzling his face into my neck .
" Lachlan " I groaned .
" Your feet are cold " Lachlan complained , completely ignoring me .
" Like yours are any warmer " I snapped , turning to face him .
" Why don't I make your whole body warm ? " Lachlan flirted , leaning in for a kiss .
I placed my finger on his lips . " Brush your teeth first . Then we can kiss ".
He let out a groan before getting up from the bed and stretching .
I pulled the covers away from my body and sat up on the pillows , taking the opportunity to examine Lachlan's bare chest .
" You love what you see ? " Lachlan winked , catching my stare .
" I could hardly tell you go to the gym " I smirked .
" I thought you would know I go to the gym considering that you always comment on my guns " he countered , flexing his arm .
" Put away your nonexistent guns and go brush your teeth " I giggled , throwing a pillow in his direction .
Lachlan let out a small laugh as he walked into his bedroom bathroom .
• A Few Minutes Later •
" We have the house to ourselves today " Lachlan announced , sliding a plate of eggs and bacon in my direction .
I took the plate gratefully and started eating .
" Where did everyone go ? " I asked , swallowing the food in my mouth .
Lachlan had a seat on the island across from me .
" My parents went to work and Mitchell went to uni " Lachlan explained between mouth fills of eggs .
" So what's the game plan ? ".
" I was thinking about just the two of us , on a two person kayak , in the backyard lake " Lachlan explained .
" Wait , you guys have a backyard lake ? How big is your backyard !? " I cried , looking through the glass doors that lead to the backyard area .
" About a whole field . Our neighbors asked to use some of our land for their horse stable so it's cut down a bit " Lachlan shrugged .
Were all Australians rich or something ? A backyard lake ? And a horse stable ? Damn , the closest I got to a big body of water in Montreal was the Saint Lawrence River !
" I love how you say that like it's nothing . Yeah , we got a freaking lake in our backyard and our neighbors have ponies " I mocked in a Australian accent .
" You sound more German than Australian " Lachlan laughed .
" You sound more American than Australian " I countered .
" That's because I'm always in the US and I'm around you all the time ".
" Lachlan , I'm Canadian . If anything you should have a Canadian accent " I pointed out as I dug my fork into my bacon .
" That's what I told my family and friends when they asked about you " he said , his eyes widening as he realized his mistake .
I gasped . " You told everyone I was an American instead of a Canadian ? ".
" Kinda ".
" You're not my boyfriend anymore " I joked , not making eye contact with Lachlan as he let out a laugh .
• Few Hours Later , 10 p.m. ; On The Lake •
" Oh my god ! What's that ! " I cried , jumping away from the water .
" What ? " Lachlan asked as he picked up the kayak from across the lake .
" That " I said , pointing to the long black figure swimming throughout the lake .
Lachlan took a closer look setting the kayak down .
" It's a eel " he stated , coming over to my side .
" Like an electric eel ? " I asked nervously , crossing my arms .
" No , they can't shock you Mads . But you wouldn't want to fall in the lake " Lachlan reassured .
" Well , there goes our kayaking adventure " I sighed .
" Who said the adventure has to end ? " Lachlan chimed in , a small smirk forming on his lips .
" No way . I am not kayaking on a lake filled with eels " I protested , starting to walk away .
Lachlan grabbed my wrist firmly . " I thought you said you wanted an adventure ".
" Yeah , an adventure . Not a possible death trap " I countered .
" Please ? I promise I'll make sure you'll be fine " he pleaded , his blue eyes glistening with hope .
How can I say no to Lachlan's eyes ? There's something about them that I can't say no to .
" Fine . But we better not fall in " I caved in .
" Yes ! " he cheered , racing over to the kayaks ; me following after him .
Lachlan picked up one of the kayak and pushed it into the water .
He climbed in , and picked up the paddles .
" You sure they can't hurt us ? " I hesitated .
" They could but only if we into the water " Lachlan shrugged .
Taking a deep sigh , I climbed in .
The kayak rocked back and forth as I climbed in causing me to grip the sides like my life depended on it .
" I got you . You're fine " Lachlan reassured sweetly .
We both had a seat in the kayak . Lachlan pushed the mini two-seater boat into the water .
He picked up the paddles and moving the boat towards the middle ; where I saw the eel ...
" You okay Mads ? " Lachlan asked in mid paddle .
" Are you sure this is safe ? " I questioned .
" Maddie , relax . Everything is fine " he said as he stopped paddling .
" Okay , nothing's going to happen " I reassured myself .
" Yeah . You know , I never got that kiss you promised after I got ready " Lachlan smirked , leaning closer to my face ; pressing his lips firmly against mine .
I kissed back passionately , making up for all the times we could have kissed while he was gone .
The kiss started off soft and gentle but as it continued on for longer than usual , it got deeper and intense .
As I leaned in closer towards Lachlan he leaned back too much , causing the boat to tip over and the both of us to land into the brown muddy lake water .
Then it hit me , the eel was in the water with us .
I bobbed up to the surface of the lake and let out a high pinched scream ; flinging my arms and legs in different directions .
" Maddie ! Calm down ! You are going to attract the eel towards us if you keep on doing that " Lachlan yelled over my racket .
I calmed down but quickly made my way towards the shore ; Lachlan following after me .
" You told me it would be okay ! " I yelled at him , completely in raged that we could have gotten hurt by a eel .
" The boat tipped over cause you leaned on my side of the boat . You can't put to much weight on one side then the other . But look on the bright side , wasn't that the greatest adventure you been on yet ? " Lachlan reasoned , running his fingers through his wet , stringy hair .
Without answering his cheeky question , I turned my back on him ; storming towards the house .
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