Chapter 5 : Phone Numbers
• Last Day Of PAX •
~ Maddie's POV ~
" Come on Mitchy , we have to live this day to the fullest ! " I cried , tugging on his arm as we walked throughout PAX .
Today was the last day of PAX and we were all leaving later this afternoon .
" Yeah , totally . I'm going to miss you so much . I'll hardly get to see you since Jerome and I are moving to Florida " he sighed .
" I'm visiting dad this weekend , but I rather be here with you and The Pack ".
Our parents are divorced and I get to see my dad every other weekend .
I absolutely hate the fact that they are divorced , its so stupid . Why marry someone to just divorce them later ? I thought being married was forever but clearly not to them it is .
" Did mom protest about not letting you go ? " Mitch asked .
" Like always , she is always says , I don't know why you like going to your dad's so much . He's not fun . I bet you two just sit around and do nothing , that's all he ever did here " I said in a high pinched voice .
Mitch laughed but joined in . " I don't think you guys should go . I think he has a cold or something . I don't want you to get a cold . Don't you have something cool going on tomorrow , don't wanna get sick ! ".
We both burst into laughter .
It was always funny making fun of our parents divorce , it's good to have a good laugh about something so frustrating .
And this is way Mitch is my favorite brother ....
( A/N : Sorry for not doing much stuff at PAX it's just that I really have no idea what it's like so it's hard to describe it )
• At The Airport •
" I'm going to miss you guys so much " Jerome said as he pulled us all into a group hug .
" Come on buddy , don't make us all cry now " Preston said , making a sad face .
" Too late " Rob said , tearing up .
"Nah boys , can we freakin not ? " Lachlan stepped in .
" JagBattleDuty much ? " Vikk snapped .
" At least I'm not a MoleStar123 " Lachlan snapped .
" Get rekt ! " Mitch added in .
Gosh , this group of people have so many terms for almost everything ...
" Can we please have a simple goodbye ? " Jerome asked stepping in .
We all agreed , hugging each other tightly before we all parted towards our flights .
" Bye Maddie , get home safe " Jerome and Mitch said , kissing me on the forehead before heading off .
I grabbed my suitcase and was headed to my flight alone ( Mitch and Jerome were headed to Florida right away to check out their new house and stuff ) when I heard someone call my name .
I turned around and to my surprise , saw Lachlan waving at me .
I dragged my suitcase over to him and smiled .
" Hey , what's up ? " I greeted .
" Well , my flight takes off in half a hour , I was wondering if we just hang out for a bit ? " he subjected and my heart just raced .
Just us alone ? Together ? Well , this is weird ...
" Yeah , sure . My flight doesn't leave till a while either " I said casually .
We had a seat on the airport chairs and it was quiet .
" So , what are you doing when you get home ? " he asked , trying to start up the conversation .
" I'm visiting my dad . My parents are divorced " I replied .
" I'm sorry " he said quickly .
" No , it's fine . I'm fine talking about it and all ".
" Oh , how long have they been divorced ? " he asked concerned .
" A while now , when I was 14 " I sighed .
" Oh , I'm sorry for your divorce " he said , looking down .
I laughed . " You make it sound like someone died ".
He let out a chuckle . " Have you ever been to a funeral ? ".
" Twice , my grandparents . Have you ever felt bad cause you never really knew the person and they died and you don't really feel sorry ? " I asked , making eye contact with him .
We stared at each other for a moment before he answered my question .
" Not really , never been to a funeral and hopefully never will . But what do you mean you never knew your grandparents ? " he asked confused .
" I was 2 , all I really remember was dressing up in a cute little black dress . Everyone was crying and I couldn't tell why , now I know " I said .
He smiled before falling back into silents , just staring at me , his eyes with a dreamy glace in them .
" Lachlan ? " I called out and he snapped back into reality .
" Sorry , um , Maddie , I was wondering again since we are probably not really going to see each other much , why don't we exchange numbers ? You know , to keep in touch ? " he subjected nervously .
Was Lachlan asking for my number ? This was a first . Usually I'm the one asking for the guys number and in the end we never really talk at all ...
" Um , yeah . Sure " I said casually , quite surprised .
We exchanged numbers just before the intercom came on .
" Could the flight to Montreal please make your way to your gate ? The flight will be leaving very soon " the female voice declared .
Why you do this intercom ?!
" Well , that's my flight . I have to go " I said , getting up quickly .
" Oh , well , have a great flight Maddie . Hopefully we can talk really soon " he said , getting up as well .
He pulled me into a hug and as usual , me being the socially awkward person I am , I hugged back , nervously patting his back .
We pulled away and I waved goodbye to him as I headed to board my flight .
• Back In Montreal •
When I got off the plane , I felt so light headed .
All the way home I was staring at Lachlan's contact on the phone .
Does he like me ? Does he want to get to know me ? When should I call ? I don't want to seem weird if I call too early . Should I wait like 2 days before I call ? Is 2 days too long or way too early ?
" Maddie ! Sweetie ! " my dad said , breaking my train of thought as he embraced me in a hug .
" Hey dad " I greeted , returning the hug .
He pulled away and kissed me on the cheek .
" So , how was your trip ? " he asked , taking my bags as we started heading towards the exit .
" Great , Mitch's friends are really nice ".
" That's good to hear . It's always nice to hear that my daughter is having a good time enjoying life " he smiled and I returned the smile .
I find things weird with my parents . Both of them . Maybe cause its just that they are my parents but like whenever I am with them , we always have weird talks .
" Come on , let's go . Are you hungry or anything ? " he asked as we walked outside towards the parking lot .
" Kinda " I replied simply .
" Let's order take out or something . And maybe we can watch a movie on Netflix or something " he subjected and I agreed quietly as we approached the car .
• At Dad's House , 3am In The Morning •
I shifted from side to side as I tried to fall back asleep .
I had woke up at 1 and have been trying to fall back asleep ever since .
I just can't stop thinking about him . And as in ' him ' , I mean Lachlan .
It's just something about him that gives me this damn tingly feeling and I haven't had such a feeling for anyone before .
I checked my phone for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight and decided to text Mitch , knowing him, he will most likely be up .
Maddie - 3:28
hey , u awake mitchy ?
Benja Kanda - 3:29
yea , why r u ? its 3 where u r
Maddie - 3:31
how do u know its 3 ?
Benja Kanda - 3:32
world clock on iphone duh
Maddie - 3:34
o , well I cant sleep
Benja Kanda - 3:35
then why dont u count sheep or something ? ;)
Maddie - 3:37
haha very funny . but seriously , can we just talk ?
Benja Kanda - 3:37
okay , but i have to sleep soon cuz unlike some1 i have a sleep schedule
Maddie - 3:39
okay , what ya doin ?
Benja Kanda - 3:40
editing for a video im posting this afternoon
Maddie - 3:41
what time is it in florida ?
Benja Kanda - 3:42
same time as u , we have no time difference between us
Maddie - 3:43
so ur stating up la8 2 ! and u make me feel bad 4 not sleeping !
Benja Kanda - 3:44
at least i am doing something useful . go 2 sleep , i am not talking to u anymore . the lil benja needs her sleep
Maddie - 3:44
plz ? i cant sleep . i feel lonely
Benja Kanda - 3:45
last text of the nite
Benja Kanda - 3:45
Benja Kanda -3:45
Benja Kanda -3:46
Maddie - 3:48
mitch ?
Maddie - 3:49
mitchhhh !
Maddie - 3:51
fine , nite :(
(A/N ):
Hey guys ! Just to clear something up for the true BajanCanadian fans out there who are reading , yes , I know , Mitch's parents are not divorced but in this Fanfiction , I am saying they are okay ? Okay . End of story . Goodbye :3
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